REGISTRATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Year: 2012 Membership (June through May)

[ ] New Member [ ] Renew Membership

Title / Last Name / First Name
Department / Institution
Present Position / Highest Degree Attained / Granting Institution
Contact Address
Telephone Number / Fax Number / E-mail

Membership Fee: HK$200.00/year Student Membership Fee: HK$100.00/year

Payment method: Credit Card and Cheque ONLY

[ ] Make cheque payable to: The University of Hong Kong #Cheque No.______

[ ] Credit Card

CREDIT CARD INFORMATION (Please type or print clearly)
I hereby authorize the sum of HK$______to be charged to my credit card.
[ ]VISA [ ] MasterCard
Card Holder Name: ______Card Number:______
Expiry Date: ______(mm/yy) Security code number: ______(3 or 4 digits of the number
printed on the back of the card, usually in the signature strip.)
Cardholder’s signature:______

Return this form with your payment to address or Fax or Email below:

Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology

c/o Department of Biochemistry

3/F Laboratory Block, Faculty of Medicine Building

21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 28199240 Fax: (852) 28551254

Email: Web site:

Areas of Interest (Please check all items that apply)

 Cell Lineage and Differentiation /  Genetics
 Cytoskeleton and Matrix /  Molecular Biology/Biochemistry
 Cell Biology /  Signal Transduction
 Early Development /  Morphogenesis
 Evolution /  Neurobiology
 Reproductive Biology /  Organogenesis
 Gene Regulation /  Environment and Teratogenesis
 Genomics /  Stem Cell Biology
 Skeletal Biology /  Others:

Model Organisms for Research (Please specify)

 Mammals /  Invertebrates
 Fish /  Unicellular
 Reptiles /  Plants
 Amphibians /  Others

What Would Like You to See from HKSDB?

 Research Seminars /  Newsletters /  Career Development
 Journal Club /  Technical Workshop /  Happy Hours
 Other Suggestions: