Spiced beef tartlets with chorizo, pea purée, ribbons of carrots and potatoes


50g butter

100g plain flour

20g grated Parmesan cheese

2x 15ml spoon (2tbsp) cold water

½ small onion

1 garlic clove

50g chorizo sausage

6 cherry tomatoes

1 large courgette

1 large carrot

1x 15ml spoon (1tbsp) oil

225g extra lean beef mince

½x 5ml spoon (½tsp) cayenne pepper

125ml hot water

1 beef stock cube

1x 5ml spoon (1tsp) plain flour

Black pepper

1x 5ml spoon (1tsp) tomato purée

2x 15 ml spoon (1tbsp) frozen peas

10g grated Parmesan cheese

6 new potatoes

100g frozen peas

20g butter


Baking tray, 2x 10cm pastry cutters, weighing scales, mixing bowl, measuring spoons, rolling pin, flour dredger, knife, baking tray, fork, baking parchment, baking beans, knife, chopping board, garlic crusher, peeler, frying pan, mixing spoon, measuring jug, oven gloves, 2x saucepans with lids, colander, hand-held blender, 2x serving plates.


1. Grease or line a baking tray and pastry cutters.

2. To make the pastry:

·  rub in the butter into the flour

·  stir in the Parmesan cheese

·  stir in enough water to form a dough.

3. On a lightly floured surface, divide the dough into two and shape into balls.

4. Roll out each ball of dough into a circle approximately 2mm thick.

5. Place 2x 10cm pastry cutters onto the baking tray and line with pastry.

6. Lightly prick the base of the tartlet case with a fork, line each case with some baking parchment and fill the case with baking beans. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, if time allows.

7. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C or Gas mark 6.

8. Prepare the ingredients:

·  peel and chop the onion finely

·  peel and crush the garlic

·  slice the chorizo sausage thinly

·  slice four cherry tomatoes in half

·  thinly slice a quarter of the courgette; using a vegetable peeler make ribbons with the remaining courgette

·  peel and slice the carrot into ribbons.

9. Dry-fry the onion and garlic in a large frying pan for a few minutes until soft.

10. Add the mince and cayenne pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes until the mince is brown.

11. Make up the stock.

12. Add the flour to the mince, stir well and then add the black pepper, stock, tomato purée and 2x 15ml spoons (2tbsp) peas. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

13. Bake the pastry cases for 10 minutes.

14. Remove the baking beans and return to the oven for 2-3 minutes, cool and trim the edges of the pastry.

15. Dry-fry the chorizo and the sliced courgettes for a few minutes until soft.

16. Drain any oil away from the chorizo and courgettes.

17. Spoon the mince mixture into the pastry cases and arrange the chorizo, courgette, and cherry tomato halves on top. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan cheese.

18. Bake the tartlets for 5-10 minutes.

19. Place the potatoes in cold water and bring to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes.

20. Place the peas in a separate saucepan of boiling water to cook for 3-4 minutes.

21. When cooked, drain and purée the peas together with half the butter and a few twists of black pepper.

22. Melt the remaining butter in a pan and add the carrot and courgette ribbons to the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes, until slightly wilted.

23. Drain the potatoes.

24. Place the 2 remaining cherry tomatoes with their stalks in hot water for 1-2 minutes, to remove the bottom half of the skin.

25. Serve the tarts accompanied by the vegetables, potatoes and pea purée. Garnish with the cherry tomatoes.

Top tips

·  Try steaming vegetables ribbons instead of frying.

·  Go for lean beef mince to reduce the fat content.

·  To prevent the pastry drying out, cover the cases with cling film before placing these into the refrigerator.

Did you know?

·  Blind baking is the method by which pastry cases are partially or completely baked before the filling is added. This helps to prevent the bottom of the tart absorbing moisture from the filling.

Nutrition information per 100g/serving: Energy 607/3713kJ, protein 7.0/43.0g, carbohydrate 11.9/72.7g, carbohydrate of which sugars 2.0/12.1g, fat 8.1/49.8g, saturated fat 4.5/27.8g, dietary fibre 1.34/8.23g, salt 0.4/2.7g, iron 0.8/4.8mg

A more comprehensive nutritional analysis is available at meatandeducation.com

© Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board 2013. This resource may be reproduced and used in all educational settings.