/ GavilanCollege Academic Senate
Tuesday,May 18, 2010
Mayock House


In Attendance: A. Arid, B. Beede, M. Boylan, M. Denham, S. Dodd, D. Ellis, M. Garcia, L. Halper, D. Klein, S. Kinsella, R. Kreider, B. Lawn, F. Lozano, J. Nari, J. Pruitt, K. Rose, S. Sandler, J. Stewart.

  1. Opening Items
  2. Call to order at 3:00 pm by Debbie Klein.
  3. Welcome and Roll Call
  4. Agenda Adjustments -

MSC during the meeting to approve moving Vision Committee Report- will

follow the President’s report. (A. Arid/J. Stewart) Vote: unanimous.

  1. Approval of Minutes from 5/4/10 - no additions or corrections.

MSC (A. Arid/B. Lawn). Vote: approved, 1 abstaining vote.

  1. Comments from the Public - none.
  2. Information Items

a.Recognition of Faculty of Year nominees - with thanks to Susan Dodd and the Committee for their work. The Full-time nominees: Denise Besson-Silva, Marlene Bumgarner, Erin Crook, Dave Ellis (award winner), Kevin Kramer, Rosa Rivera Sharboneau, Scott Sandler.The Part- timenominees: Mary Denham, Jane Godley, Joseph Polizzotto, Jane Rekedal (award winner), Frank Thompson, Sam White.Congratulations to all nominees. Certificates were awarded to nominees present.

b.Draft Student Success Board Policy & Administrative Procedures - Kathleen has been attending meetings across campus to present these drafts. Our Board of Trustees is highly supportive of our efforts in the area of student success. Please forward any concerns or suggestions to Kathleen before the June Board meeting at which time these will be presented. Additional information on the Learning Council can be found on myGav; minutes from their retreat will be distributed. Senators request that

The Learning Council be added to the list of standing reports beginning in the fall.

  1. Discussion Items

a.Strategic Planning - handout provided by Leah Halper. Changes have been made to some strategies and goals, making them more inclusive. Strategy # 7 is new. The Unit Plan, Program Plan and Budget Request forms are undergoing review and revision to make them more user friendly.

b.Senator topics - none.

  1. Reports
  2. ASB - none.
  3. President - Steve offered his congratulations on a really fantastic year; good progress has been made with Faculty involvement in the Strategic Planning process and The Learning Council. Budget issues remain a concern, with the possibility of the State paying for some growth. We are still 300 FTES over; the class schedule for Spring ’11 may see additional reductions. As one of the few schools offering summer classes, more and more new students are enrolling. Our enrollment patterns of past years are being examined for trends that could help us plan for classes and keep programs intact.Discussion is ongoing regarding the Hollister site and the Gavilan Golf Course properties. Different usage are under review. Stevewas asked forclarification on the repayment to the Foundation. He stated the legal obligation of the college to repay the amount. Nothing illegal was done; and the foundation continued to support scholarships and other college programs. The contractor working for the foundation has complied with all requirements set for him; the Board was fully briefed on his personal background. Steve will send out a summary statement.
  4. Vice President of Instruction - The architects will present 2 designs for the new AdministrativeServicesBuilding at the June Board meeting.
  5. Vice President of Student Services - discussed the planning for Professional Development Day. We are working on more engaging ways to present the necessary information to everyone. Faculty would like to have more time on the required day to meet and work on Unit Plans, have Department meetings, etc. John will carry this

to the next committee gathering. Registration for Summer classes is “off the charts”, up 57% compared to this date last year. Graduation is Friday, May 28th - and faculty are being encouraged to participate. The Keynote speaker is a Gavilan graduate.

  1. GECA (GilroyEarlyCollegeAcademy) - registration is tough for GECA students with the influx of new students. GECA has 5 graduates to date and some will graduate with this year’s Gavilan graduating class on May 28th.
  2. Curriculum Committee - none.
  3. Staff Development Committee - none.
  4. Basic Skills Committee - Fran Lozano reported that they will be meeting during finals week and may be able to offer English tutoring with some of their funding and also some counseling.
  5. Distance Ed - none.
  6. Budget Committee - none.
  7. Tech Committee - slow internet speed has been reported at Hollister and Morgan Hill - Saul is working on this. Banner survey will go out on Wednesday. The Tech Plan - work is ongoing; Jane Maringer is helping. Digital Media Festival is May 29th.

Digital Media Institute - contact Bob for information on participating.

  1. PTCOC (Part-time College of Choice) - none.
  2. Learning Outcomes - none.
  3. Vision Committee - Leah attended a meeting. CoyoteValley property is on the back burner. The Golf Course property might fund development in San BenitoCounty. Environmental issues are being reviewed. Forums will be held in the fall for community input. The Golf Course property could provide several usage options.We need to have a better understanding of economic trends and growth. Senate expressed interested in hearing from a panel of experts in this field. Funds may be available to pay for speakers. Faculty expects to be involved inthe decision-making process regarding any plans for land and buildings. A straw poll was conducted of Senators present; Debbie Klein will draft a letter to Steve requesting that no major decisions be made on the properties over the summer without recommendations from Senate and Faculty. If decisions are required, an emergency sessionof Senate can be arranged. Steve will be asked to keep Senate informed over the summer as needed.
  4. Senate President - Senate Retreat is scheduled for Friday, May 21st, 1:30 - 5:30 pm in Mayock House. Jane Patton will speak. Food and refreshments provided.
  1. Action Items
  2. Closing Items

a.Committee Report Form - no.

b.Items for next agenda - please send to John Lawton-Haehl for July.

c.Next meeting: July 13, 2010.

d.Adjournment at 4:35 pm.

Submitted by Diane Stone