Interactive Read Aloud

2nd Nine Weeks - 1st Row

5-1.1 Analyze literary texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.

5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.


5-3.1 Explain how the Industrial Revolution was furthered by new inventions and technologies, including new methods of mass production and transportation and the invention of the light bulb, the telegraph, and the telephone.

5-3.2 Identify prominent inventors and scientists of the period and summarize their inventions or discoveries, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, the Wright Brothers, and Albert Einstein.

Book: Thomas Edison by: Michael Dooling

Book Introduction: The biography that we will read today will help us learn about the early life of America’s most famous inventors Thomas Edison.

Day 1 Questions:

Interactive Read Aloud Questions / Correlation to Standard / Testing as a Genre Item
As I read the first four pages think about Edison’s strengths and challenges. Will any of these help him in his career as an inventor?
Read “Thomas Alva Edison…” to the end of “From then on Al’s mother…”
(Ex. He has a curious mind.) / 5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences. / Edison experiences technical difficulties with several of his inventions, a likely reason for this is______?
a.  Sound devices were new and not fully developed.
b.  The electricity went off often and damaged the machines.
c.  Machines were often not purchased by the public.
d.  Thomas got tires of the inventions and didn’t finish them.
Test Strategy: Select the answer that is most accurate. The choice may involve choosing necessary details.
5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.
Al was close to your age when he got his first job.
Listen to the next four pages to determine if you would have enjoyed this life.
Read “At age twelve…” to the end of “Al usually carried a book…” Turn and talk / 5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.
We know Al wants to be a successful inventor.
Listen as I read the next four pages to see what you would encourage him to keep doing and what you would give him advice about changing to assist him in becoming successful.
Read page “After the Civil War…” to the end of “One of Al’s duties…”
Turn and Talk / 5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.
Read “For the next five years…” to the end of “In 1876 Thomas moved…”
In this section we learned how, what we thought to be a big challenge, being deaf, turned out to be very helpful to Thomas. Turn and talk about what this says to us as we meet challenges in our life. / 5-2.1 Summarize the central idea and supporting evidence of a given informational text.
Read the last two pages containing the diagrams and explanations of Edison’s inventions.
Do you think this was a good way for us to learn about Edison’s inventions? What made this effective or non-effective for you?
Turn and Talk
Can you think of a time in our own writing life to use this technique?
Discuss / 5-2.6 Use graphic features (including illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers) as sources of information.
Teacher rereads first page and rereads the last sentence on the page a second time.
Can we now tell why the writer used these examples in the last sentence?
Turn and Talk / 5-1.5 Interpret the effect of the author’s craft o the meaning of texts.