Aria Technologies Quick Help Guide 23/03/2012

Q511 iPECS SIP Extensions Author: Will Smith

Note: This quick help guide was designed using a Phase 5.5 iPEC50A & x-Lite on local LAN.

For WIT-400 see Q515, not this guide.

Step 1.  Install iPECS50 as per training instructions. Upgrade to the latest software version as per Q523.

Step 2.  Back-up your programming.

Step 3.  Enter the keycodes for SIP extensions. (See keycode page of dealer web if yet to order. Dial Trans 7* for software serial key no. or via Lock Key Install web page. Use Demo keycode if your order has been delayed.)

·  Create passwords in PGM 162. Re-log in via Maintenance mode.

·  Click on System Management > Appliances Control > Lock Key Install. Enter Value into SIP Phone field. Click Save. (Reset.)

·  Log back into programming. Check Appliances Control and to see if Lock Key has installed. Next click PGM 102 and note the current configuration.

Step 4.  Next click Device Login and in PGM 443 add next available station number as per PGM102. E.g. In the ID field add 103 and a password e.g. 4321*0 (Use strong password)

On 5.5 software don’t add sip: plus you will need to add the desired number. E.g. like below. Note that once it has successfully registered the desired number will change to grey.

Step 5.  In PGM 133 set the “Use Outbound Proxy” to off. (VOIM is sequence 1 on iPECS50)

Step 6.  Increase VOIP channels (iPECS50 Only!) In PGM 101 if VOIP gateway says 4 click sequence 1 New Port as 8 & save. Warning can cause problem if VOIP logical order is prior! See Step 2.

Step 7.  In PGM 141 - enter CO Range of VOIM (logical numbers). Enter only the number of channels you wish to assign as SIP channels. CO VOIP Mode set to SIP.

Step 8.  Install x-Lite (free from the web)

Step 9.  PGM 211 Set 407 Authentication to ON. (Systems with 5.5Ed or newer at default will be ON.)

Step 10.  Add the SIP account you just created. Display Name: Fred. Username: 103 Password: 4321*0 Autho user name: 103 Domain: OK

Step 11.  Now Registered. Make a test call. Once active it will show in PGM 102 and 433.

Step 12.  Set appropriate COS dialling restriction levels and test. PGM 116 & 224

Warning: Do not use NAT port forwarding. For remote requirements utilise VPN.

External access to port 5060 is not supported and leaves a system vulnerable to unauthorised use.


Q.1. Can I have SIP extensions on my Aria LDK ipe?

A. No. Solution: PC use Phontage and for physical handsets use iPECS handsets.
Q.2. My third party SIP handset/software asks for a Proxy Port & a RTP Port Base.

A. Try 5060 and 3000 respectively.

Q.3. My “Amstrad 2000 SIP device” (substitute any 3rd party device here) is not registering what do I do?
A. Test with X-Lite. If this does not work review the above programming. If X-Lite works the problem is with third party product. Please contact your supplier. For a service fee we can test your third party set-up. Check the dealer web support pages for more details or contact the engineering manager directly.

Trouble Shooting.

·  Most faults can be resolved by reviewing the above instructions.

·  Your ID must be the next available station number in PGM 102 & it must exist in PGM105. It cannot be a name like: claude.

·  Review ATIB-1036 SIP CO trunks and extensions.

·  Step 1 - Upgrade your iPECS software and third party software/firmware.

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