Cllr. Mr. M. Stevenson (Chairman)
Cllr. Mrs. A. Sharman (Vice Chairman)
Cllr. Mrs. E. Bent
Cllr. Mr. P. Duke
Cllr. Mr. W. Scott
Cllr. Mrs. A. Sleath
Cllr. Mrs. S. Swann
Ms A. M. Davies (Clerk)
County & District Cllr. Mr. Simon Galton
Mrs. Sheila Curran,Community Governor for the Primary School
None received.
Mr. Martin Welford, HDC Enforcement Officer for Health & Enforcement Services, was re-scheduled as “Visiting Speaker” for a future PC meeting.
Declarations of interest were to be made when agenda items were being discussed and recorded accordingly.
The Minutes of the Meeting of the 3rd October 2007 were confirmed and signed.
The Chairman read out a report, primarily detailing the progress of issues already debated. The report was for information only. Issue arising out of this report that requires a decision from the Parish Council will be raised as agenda items as necessary (See Appendix 1, Chairman’s Report to the Parish Council).
Accounts to be settled
Clerk’s variable expenses for October £4.08
Clerk’s back pay, National Salary Award 2007/08, backdated to 1st April 2007 £ 83.98
Houghton Village Hall, committee room hire £130.00
D. F. Harris, Churchyard maintenance, relaying of York flag stones £1,500.00
- It was RESOLVED that the invoices presented for the clerk’s variable expenses, Houghton Village Hall committee room hire and Churchyard maintenance be paid in full.
- That, in accordance with the 2007/08 National Salary Award for Local Council Clerks applicable from 1st April 2007, the Clerk’s back pay entitlement of £83.98 be paid in full.
Abstentions:Cllr. Mrs. Ann Sleath, Cllr. Mrs Susan Swann.
- That, in accordance with the 2007/08 National Salary Award for Local Council Clerks applicable from 1st April 2007, the Clerks’ new monthly salary of £411.70 be approved and paid by amended Bank Standing Order for this amount from 31/12/07 and the last working day of each month thereafter until further notice.
Abstentions: Cllr. Mrs. Ann Sleath, Cllr. Mrs Susan Swann.
In accordance with Council’s Standing Orders an amended bank Standing Order Mandate form to this effect was signed by two Councillors.
The chairman welcomed the arrival of CountyCllr. Mr. Simon Galton, who attended the PC Meeting at very short notice.
The Chairman temporarily adjourned the meeting.
County Cllr. Mr. Simon Galton reported that a proposal has been put forward to the Government forthe construction of a large Eco Town on Co-Op land between Houghton, Great Glen, Stoughton and Oadby. Not only new houses, at least 5,000, but all support services are proposed in order that this town can function independently. County Cllr. Mr. Simon Galton will keep the Parish Council updated as more information becomes available. In the meanwhile, a working party of representative Councillors from all the affected parishes will be set up to work together in close liaison on unified opposition to the proposals.County Cllr. Mr. Simon Galton will inform the Clerk of any future action which can be taken by the Council in support of a combined, locally organised campaign to oppose the development.
The Chairman thanked County Cllr. Mr. Simon Galton for his report and the promptness of his attendance to deliver the report.
The Chairman re-opened the formal PC Meeting.
Clerk’s note: Agenda Item for 05/12/07, EcoTown Opposition & approval of two Councillor Representatives.
A draft copy of “Houghton Parish Council Policy on Grants” had been circulated to all Councillors in the Meeting Pack forthis PC Meeting 07/11/07.
After some deliberation and discussion:
- It was RESOLVED that the “Houghton on the Hill Parish Council Policy on Grants”, as finalised after Council deliberation and discussion 07/11/2007, be approved and adopted as of 08/11/2007.
The policy isto be filed with Council’s records.
The clerk was instructed to notify any Village Groups or Bodies,previously in receipt of Parish Council grants, of the Council’s adopted policy on grants and to forward a copy of Houghton on the Hill Parish Council Policy on Grantsto these bodies.The Clerk was also instructed to inform these Village Groups and Bodies that the deadline, 1st October, for the receipt of applications for grants has been waived for applications submitted for the financial year 2008/09, but that this deadline will apply to following years.
1. Email from Mr. D. Kirkwood about the deteriorating condition of two privately owned garages and drives on Hollies Close.
The Council concluded that unless either public health or safety is considered to be an issue, action on this does not fall within the powers of the PC or HDC.If public health or safety is an issue then Council would advise direct notification to HDC.
The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Kirkwood accordingly.
2. Email, from Mrs. G. Barker about the intended trimming of the excessively overgrown Leylandii hedge on her property.
Mrs. G. Baker proposes to reduce the height of the hedge by 20 to 30%. Mrs. Barker estimates that the hedge is currently 10 Metres high and requests that the Council “would confirm, in writing, to me either that they are in agreement with my minimum rough estimate of the ‘action hedge height’ or inform me of their estimate of ‘action hedge height”. Mrs. Barker’s proposal would leave a hedge height of approximately 21 feet.
Council had received two individual letters of complaint from parishioners, Nos. 16 and 18, St. Catharine’s Way, whose back gardens and rear rooms are adversely affected by the excessive height of this hedge. Both complainants propose a hedge height of 15 feet.
The Council concluded that it is not in a position totake direct actionandistherefore withdrawing from the dispute.Council consider that following further discussion between all parishioners concerned this situation may be successfully resolved to mutual satisfaction.Failing this, the Council would advise all concerned parties to seekfurther guidance from Harborough District Council and/or Leicestershire County Council. The Clerk is to write letters to all parties concerned informing them accordingly.
3. Three letters of complaint, re. the erection of enclosing front fencing at No.1, Forsells End and the neighbouring property on St. Catharine’s Way, had been received from parishioners at Nos. 7, 9, & 10 Forsells End, also a phone call from No. 6, Forsells End.
The Clerk reported:
At the request of the Parish Council, an officer of the HDC Planning Enforcement Department has been out on site visits to take photographs and measurements. Mr Clive Howe, LCC District Highways Engineer, has also made a site visit for the same purposes.
HDC Planning Enforcement Department has recently informed the Council that both fences comply with planning enforcement regulations and that restrictive conveyance covenants referred to in Land Registry documents are a legal issue, a matter of civil law, and therefore cannot be considered in planning issues. Consequently, the Planning Enforcement Department cannot take any further action.
Mr. Clive Howe, LCC District Highways Engineer, requested that colleagues at County Hall check the adoption records for St Catharine’s Way. It has been confirmed that the back of the footpath is the highway boundary. Therefore no action can be taken by the Highway Authority regarding the erection of a fence behind this line.
The Council regretfully concluded that it cannot take any further action and would advise that parishioners contact District Councillors in the hope that they may be able to take this matter further.
The Clerk is to write letters to all concerned parishioners informing them accordingly.
Planning Application/sPERMITTED:
1. Planning Application 07/01231/FUL
Proposal: Erection of agricultural building
Location: Frisby Grange Farm, Gaulby Lane, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9HB
Planning Application 07/01231/FUL permitted 3rd October 2007
2. Planning Application 07/01355/FUL
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side and single storey rear extension and creation of new access (revised scheme of 07/00976/FUL)
Location: 5,Ingarsby Lane, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9JJ
Planning Application 07/01231/FUL permitted 31st October 2007
Planning Application/s RECEIVED & CONSIDERED BY PC
1. Planning Application 07/01490/OUT
Applicant: The Hay Partnership
Proposal: Erection of two, two storey detached dwellings
Location: Land at 41A, Uppingham Road, Houghton on the Hill, Leics
Date received by PC: 12/10/07
Date of End of Consultation: 02/11/07 (Council has been granted a time extension)
Council had no general comment to make on this application but seek reassurance that the sole access to the site will remain, as proposed, from Uppingham Road, the A47.
The clerk was instructed to inform HDC Development Control Team accordingly
2. Planning Application 07/01420/FUL
Proposal: Erection of a greenhouse
Location: 31, Main Street, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9GE
Date received by PC: 12/10/07
Date of End of Consultation: 02/11/07 (Council has been granted a time extension)
Having considered the plans the Council instructed the Clerk to inform HDC Development Control Team that the Council has no comment to make on this application.
3. Planning Application 07/01488/TPO
Applicant: Corlett Housing Ltd.
Proposal: Works to trees (LCC 67) (CountyTPO)
Location: Plots 1 & 2, 31, Main Street, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9GE
Date received by PC: 16/10/07
Date of End of Consultation: 05/11/07 (Council has been granted a time extension)
Councilis not opposed to the pruning of the Lime trees and the Ash tree, but the Council is strongly opposed to the proposedfelling of the Blue Cedar tree which has the protection of a TPO.
Council feels that any application for the felling of trees should have preceded construction work and should have been part ofApplication07/00529/FUL, thereby giving the occupiers of neighbouring properties the opportunity to submit comment.
The Blue Cedar may not have any general village amenity value because it not open to general public view but its proposed removal, in terms of the detrimental affectof loss of privacy, on the living conditions of No. 13, Chapel Close, is unacceptable. To these residents the Blue Cedarhas both indispensable andindisputable amenity value.
The clerk was instructed to inform HDC Development Control Team accordingly
4. Planning Application 07/01576/TPO
Proposal: Works and felling of trees (CountyTPO)
Location: 35, Scotland Lane, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9GH
Date received by PC: Imminent. Plans downloaded from HDC planning web site.
Date of End of Consultation: No details
The Council strongly object to what is strangely referred to as the "possible removal" of the Lime tree which is the subject of Application No. 07/01576/TPO. Council were somewhat confused as to whether this is an application for heavy pruning or complete removal.
Council have no objection if the proposal is for pruning only.
Council strongly object if the proposal is for the removal of the Lime tree.
Council are strongly opposed to unnecessary felling of any mature villagetrees, especially those under TPO protection. Council feel that the pruning of theLime treewill more than adequately address the problems currently presented to the applicant. The Lime tree is an integral visual amenity of this particular area of the village andfelling is considered to be unnecessary and unwarranted.
The clerk was instructed to inform HDC Development Control Team accordingly
Council had been expecting the attendance of Mrs. Francesca Wall-Bray, Houghton’s Tree Warden.
Mrs. Francesca Wall-Bray was not in attendance and therefore some Council queries in respect of Phase 2 of the Village Tree Planting Scheme remained unanswered pending consultation with and advice from Mrs. Francesca Wall-Bray at the next PC Meeting.
On Saturday 6th October a working party of six Councillors conducted a village maintenance walk.
The working party’s findings are as follows:
Two additional litter bins are needed, one near the chemist the other at the corner of St Catharine’s Way andLinwal Avenue.
The damaged roof panel on the bus shelter near the Rose and Crown on the A47 needs to be replaced.
Council agreed that no more protective wooden pavement posts should be installed.
Council agreed that a village maintenance walk conducted twice annually would be productive.
- It was RESOLVED that the purchase of two Topsy Jubilee litter bins, jubilee green to match the existing village litter bins, at a cost of £443.12 Gross, be approved and ordered from Glasdon UK Ltd., the suppliers of the existing village litter bins.
The Clerk reported:
There may be an emptying charge because the extra bins would be in addition to the number of bins listed on the current emptying contract. The charge is £1.10 per emptying. For two bins emptied once per week this would be an annual charge of £114.40
The Clerk was instructed to order the two litter bins.
The Clerk reported:
Council is in receipt of an estimate from Abacus Lighting Ltd., who installed the bus shelter in March 2000, for the removal and replacement of the damaged roof panel on the bus shelter near the Rose & Crown.
The estimate is:
Budget price for Abacus engineers to attend site, Leicester, remove existing damaged roof panel from Abacus 126 series enclosed waiting shelter,supply and fit one new polycarbonate roof panel including fixings @ £929.88 plus VAT.
VAT at standard rate.
Should any further components be required these will be charged extra.
Delivery 2 - 3 weeks from receipt of order.
- It was RESOLVED that the estimate of £929.88 + VAT from Abacus Lighting Ltd. for the removal and replacement of the damaged roof panel on the bus shelter near the Rose & Crown be approved.
- It was RESOLVED that the submission of an insurance claim for £929.88 to Allianz Insurance plc., for the cost ofthe removal and replacement of the damaged roof panel on the bus shelter near the Rose & Crown, be approved.
The Clerk informed the Council that VAT can be reclaimed, but that an insurance excess of £125.00 applies. Therefore, payment to be received from Allianz Insurance Plc.will be £804.88
The Clerk was instructed to place the order with Abacus Lighting Ltd. and to submit the Council’s insurance claim to Allianz Insurance plc.
Cllr. Mrs. A. Sharman reported:
The restoration of the village pump is now complete. The total cost is £1,513.75. However, since the damage to the pump was largely caused by the roots of trees and earth movement on the bank behind and to the side of the pump house, the County Council and the District Council, as the land owners, agreed to meet most of the cost. The Parish Council’s contribution towards the cost is £173.75. All the restoration work was undertaken by local people and the Parish Council would like to put on record their thanks to everyone concerned with the project, especially the local artisans whose skills were indispensable to the success of the project.
- It was RESOLVED that Houghton on the Hill Parish Council’s contribution, £173.75, towards the cost of the restoration of the village pump be paid in full.
The Clerk was instructed to send letters of appreciation to all local artisans concerned with this project.
Cllr. Mr. Peter Duke reported:
Progress is going to plan; the Village Directory will be ready for publication early in the New Year, January 2008.
Councillors had been issued with information booklets from HDC Health & Enforcement Services
about current legislation governing dog fouling, litter, fly tipping/fly posting, abandoned vehicles, graffiti, minor planning irregularities and licensing. Any remaining queries about dog fouling will be addressed to Mr. Martin Welford,HDC Enforcement Officer for Health & Enforcement, at a future PC Meeting .Mr. Martin Welford had been scheduled to address the Council at this meeting but wasre-scheduled as “Visiting Speaker” for a future PC meeting.
Other Parish Plan initiatives are to be considered.
Cllr. Mrs. Ann Sleath is to convene a working party of members to identify possible projects.
Chairman Cllr. Mr. M. Stevenson read out a report on the Informal Meeting of the PC with the Field Association, 16/10/07. This was for the information of Councillors who were not at the meeting. A copy of the report is filed with these Minutes.
The report was followed by Council discussion.
Following this discussion the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Chairman of Houghton Field Association stating:
a] The disappointment of the four Councillors, who had attended the informal meeting 16/10/07, that the Chairman of the HFA was the sole representative of the HFA present at this meeting. Council had been expecting three representatives and had not received any prior notice that these arrangements had been changed.
b] A request that all HFA Committee members have sight of the Report on the Informal Meeting of the PC with the HFA 16/10/07.(A copy of the report is to be enclosed with the letter so that all members may be informed of the Parish Council’s comments and questions.)
c] Clear explanation of how the Council’s adopted Policy on Grants affects the HFA grant. (Copy of the policy is to be enclosed with the letter.)
d] The Council wish to remind the Field Association that the grant is to be spent on maintenance, as stipulated and recorded in the minutes of the PC Meeting 03/03/99. Therefore, the second part of clause two of the Policy on Grants is also applicable.
Council agreed that PC Chairman Cllr. Mr. M. Stevenson, the Council’s representative to the HFA, will circulate copies of the Report on the Informal Meeting of the PC with the HFA, 16/10/07, to all HFA Committee members at the next HFA Meeting, 03/12/07.