St Catherine’s PE & Sport Premium 2016 / 2017
The DfE will allocate St. Catherine’s (NOR: 418) £9752 in 2016/17to help the school improve the quality of the PE and sport activities offered to pupils. At the time of publication of this report the school had received 7/12 of that amount, £5696.
State funded primary schools receive PE & Sport Primary Premium Grant with the intention see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:
- The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
- The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sport
This report will disclose:
-The amount St. Catherine’s received from the DfE for PE & Premium
-What the 2016/17 PE & Sport Premium has been spent on
-How the funding has made a difference to St. Catherine’s pupils
Key Indicator & Area of Focus / Evidence / Impact / Funding Breakdown1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
Improving the quality of teaching and attainment levels of all pupils. / The evolving PE curriculum, documents and resources to support this.
Pupil assessments
Documents supporting ‘team teaching’. / All pupils receiving 1 hour per week PE that focuses on developing the Fundamental Movement Skills.
Increased skill and knowledge level of teaching staff. / *Contribution toward salary of Specialist PE Teacher & PE & Sports Apprentice.
Covering cost of increasing swimming provision running extra lessons at Franche School Pool. / Registers and assessments of participating pupils. / As of Easter 2017, 90% of Y6 pupils can now confidently swim 25 metres.
76% of Y4 pupils can now confidently swim 25 metres. / £1300
To improve lunchtime provision further by training and using a PE & Sports Apprentice in leading and supporting play activities. / Register of Lunchtime Play Leaders
Records of PE & Sports Apprentice engagement. / Engagement of targeted pupils in healthy physical and social activities. / *PE & Sports Apprentice Salary
To engage some of our less active children in a Change 4 Life after school club. / Photos and club register. / 51 KS2 children participated in the club in the Autumn & Spring Terms.
The club will continue to run in the Summer Term. / £139
Purchase of new equipment / Able to offer increasing range of SEND activities and Boccia. / Increased participation in new sports. / £80
2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school. / A PE / sports specialist was appointed from September 2014 to teach PE and Games across the school. / -Provision for PE and sports is well led and of high quality
-Expertise of teacher is being used to ‘upskill’ all staff, who feel more confident.
-School is able to contribute to local sports partnerships, to expand the provision for competition.
-PE / Sport is high profile within the school and children are experiencing success at all levels. / *Contribution to new PE / sports specialist teacher.
Release time for Specialist PE Teacher to attend afPE Regional & Board meetings / Teacher attending appropriate meetings / -The school able to play a proactive role in leading other schools in local pyramid, main abreast of and influence current national policies. / £600
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
Increasing quality of teaching / coaching in curriculum and extra curricular settings. / 2x staff members FA Youth Module 3 Coaching Course
1 x Child to Champion Conference / -Content and ideas from the courses have been included and adapted in the school’s evolving PE curriculum. / £495
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Increase in opportunities for pupils to participate in, and experience. / Bell Boating
Tri Golf club link
Archery club link / Pupils able to access opportunities outside of the curriculum. / £120
Increasing number of pupils participating in after school sports clubs, (targeting specific pupils).
Covering of costs for outdoor adventure activities. / -Club registers (30 clubs run over course of Autumn and Spring Terms).
Photos from activities. / -More pupils participating in over 2 hours+ of sports / activity based clubs at school.
-Y5 pupils able to access new, diverse water based activities. Able to meet new curriculum requirements of teaching about water safety. / -£480 Zumba Club
-£50 Archery Club
-£150 on Football Club
*Contribution toward salary of Specialist PE Teacher
5. Increased participation in competitive sport
Maintain high numbers of pupils who are participate in competitive sport fixtures for the school / Registers of participation / % of pupils in Y5 & Y6 have participated in at least one competitive fixtures between Sept 2016 – 1st April 2017:
Y6 = 77% Y5 = 83%
Y4 = 67% Y3 = 19% / £380 on travel costs
*Contribution toward salary of Specialist PE Teacher & Sports Apprentice
Increase in number of intra school competitions. / Lesson plans, photos and records of events. / Pupils from all KS2 year groups have participated in intra school competitions throughout the academic year. / *Contribution toward salary of Specialist PE Teacher & Sports Apprentice
Increase in number of SEND and Inclusive inter-school competitions. / New inclusive competitions introduced to pyramid fixture schedule and entry to Inclusive School Games competitions. / Participation in fixtures
Club and tournament registers / £120 in travel costs
Looking forward to the next academic year. The school intends to use the funding to support the salaries of two staff members, one specialist PE teacher and one specialist sports coach. These staff members will be continuing to develop the school’s physical literacy curriculum and support class teachers in their understanding of this. In addition to this they will ensure extra-curricular opportunities remain plentiful and accessible for all pupils, but particularly across KS2.
3rd April 2017