PAFA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2015

Present: Rhonda Mahs, Kristianna Foye, Heidi Casey, CatrinGustafsson, Yvonne Yeung, Nina Han, Ellen Ho, Nicole Newcomb, Marga van Tiggelen, RamyaRajagopal. Absent: Carol Clark

Treasurer’s Report:

  • See Attached.
  • Heidi moved to accept as is; seconded by Nikki. All approved.
  • There was discussion on developing the budget for this year, to be continued at the next meeting.

Secretary’s Report:

  • Rhonda motioned to approve prior minutes as previously corrected. Seconded by Heidi. All approved.

School Reports:

  • See below for these.

Events Report:

  • See Treasurer’s Report for the IFF Report.
  • Carpet Auction will be the High School’s charity event, and will be held on January 30th.
  • Winter Market will be held on December 3rd from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

Meeting adjourned to begin the General Meeting in Room A211.


ECE Report:

Representatives are Yvonne Yeung and RamyaRajagopal

  • This quarter, Kindergarten and Grade 1 are using digital portfolios to show students’ work internally. Students will focus on being able to reflectboth on their work and on the work of others. Next year the parents should be able to access as well. This digital portfolio will follow each student along all the grades in SCIS.
  • ECE needs parents to help solicit sponsors for their Silent Auction in the Spring to benefit Heart to Heart.
  • Movie Night will be December 11th.

Lower School Report:

Representatives are Nina Han and Ellen Ho

  1. LS Charity booth on IFF

Student Council was successful in raising almost 1,500 RMB at the IFF! All money raised will be donated to their organization of choice, Animals Asia. The students will be “adopting” three injured bears for one year, paying for their treats and toys at the bear refuge habitat. Most of the bears at the Animals Asia site have been rescued from lifetimes of painful bile extraction. Many thanks for Ms. Sirkel and Mr. Wellmanfor their support and help!

  1. PYP Information Sharing

This meeting was well attended and we had the opportunity to learn more about what our classrooms look like. There will be more opportunities in the future. Many thanks to Janette Haggith for such a great presentation!

  1. Coffee Morning

Ms. Mary Freuen, School Counselor, will be hosting a Coffee Morning at 10:00am ~ 11:00am on the 18th of November. Parents are encouraged to attend and hear school updates and listen to Mary’s presentation about student responsibility.

Middle School Report:

Representatives are CatrinGustafsson and Marga von Tiggelen

  • Middle School PAFA reps have started parent socializing activites:
  • Night Bike tour
  • Chinese Culture and History class--upcoming.
  • MS Coffee Morning last week. We talked about school lunches, test retakes, and the Halloween Dance.
  • Need to add Wechatscan codes to the Newsletter.

High School Report:

Representatives are Heidi Casey and Carol Clark

  • The workshops explaining the MYP program were well attended.
  • The next parent coffee will be on November 19th, and Jessie Koenig will be discussing stress management.
  • The Winter Formal will be on December 5th, and the theme is “Light and Dark.” PAFA donated 1300rmb to help with expenses.


PAFA Treasurer’s Report

November 12, 2015

Beginning Balance:

*SCIS Account 144,983.73

*Cashbox Beginning Balance 21,145.00

TOTAL Beginning Balance: 166,128.73


*October Market Day Vendors 900.00

*October Market Day Beverages 565.00

*RZ Kids (Passport Club) 880.00

*IFF Raffle 6,700.00

*IFF Ticket Sales 162,300.00

*IFF Beverage Sales 17,085.00

Total Income: 188,430.00


*ECE Coffee Morning272.00

*Passport Club Reimbursement (Dan Whitaker) 200.00

*China Trip Photo Contest 4,000.00

*Misc. Expense 44.00

*IFF Beer890.00

*IFF Wine 2,796.00

*IFF Delivery 76.00

*IFF Table Rental 3,180.00

*IFF Keg Beer 3,500.00

*IFF Paper Products 4,358.00

*IFF Paper Products900.00

*IFF Raffle Baskets210.00

*IFF Paper & Ink121.50

*IFF Paper & Ink298.00

*IFF Ayi Lunch 1,376.00

*IFF Ice 1,200.00

*IFF Cups w/ Lids179.00

*IFF Cellophane & Ribbon100.00

*IFF Flags180.00

*IFF Flowers & Baskets265.00

*IFF Beer Keg Delivery900.00

*IFF Beer Cups300.00

*HS Funding Request- Charity Club 1,000.00

*HS Funding Request- DART 1,500.00

*LS Funding Request- IPADS 17,850.00

Total Expenses: 45,695.50

Ending Balance:

*SCIS Account 294,843.73 *Cashbox 14,020.00

Total Ending Balance: 308,863.73

Respectfully Submitted,

Rhonda K. Mahs

PAFA Treasurer