/ Section for Young Psychiatrists of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association
1.4.2005 / Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1
·  Brief History of SYP
·  Introduction of SYP
·  SYP News
·  Sharing Experience
·  Editor’s column
·  Conference and workshops
·  Memberships updates
·  Membership application form
·  Miscellaneous
The Malaysian Psychiatric Association
PO Box: 12712
50786, Kuala Lumpur
E-mail: www.psychiatry-malaysia.org
(PROTEM Committee)
Chairman –
Dr. Parameswaran Ramasamy

Advisor –
Dr. Philip George

Secretary –
Dr. Subash

Finance –
Dr. Reddy

Editor (Newsletter) –
Dr. Bharathi

Liaison attaché –
Dr Sharifah Suziah

Dr Norliza Che`mi

Dairy Square:
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Change of Add:
Please e-mail your new address to SYP liaison attaché
The Malaysian Psychiatric Association
PO Box: 12712
50786, Kuala Lumpur
Visit www.psychiatry-malaysia.org for more information regarding SYL / Massage from the SYP protem Committee Chairman:
The year 2005 will be a new beginning and great opportunity for the young Psychiatrist and trainees in Malaysia. The Section for Young Psychiatrists of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association will be a new avenue to share their experiences and knowledge. Together we can provide support and prepare the transition of young psychiatry trainees to professional practice and to develop mentorship among young psychiatrists.
The Ministry of Health has officially designated all psychiatric units in Malaysia to be named as “The Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health”. The psychiatrists and psychiatric staffs in Malaysia have immensely contributed towards development of Mental Health in Malaysia but the new identity as “The Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health” gives an opportunity to expand further the services of Mental Health and incorporate into the psychiatric services. The Section of Young Psychiatrist Committee members have taken this in to consideration and have planned an interactive session on “What are the changes to Mental Health in Malaysia in the next 5 years and ways to achieve these changes?” I on behalf of SYP, would like to invite all the psychiatrists and trainees to participate in the workshop to be held on the 23rd June, 2005 at Marriot Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Once again we have the opportunity to meet Dr. Chee Ng from Australia, who is a renown speaker in this region; speaker for the Plenary session (The Changes in Mental Health Service in the Region)
Dr Parameswaran
Brief History and Objectives of SYP:
by the founder of SYP, Dr Philip
…..During a discussion at the International Mental Health Leadership Program some of the South Korean psychiatrists described to us how some of the long-term practices in psychiatry changed in their country. As in Japan, South Korea was largely dependent on large institutions and their patient stay was very long. A group of young psychiatrists then got together and through an association, changed the philosophy of psychiatric care to a more community approach. There were numerous hurdles in achieving this but as a team the obstacles were better managed. This motivated some of the participants to look at developing a similar grouping in their own host country.
In 2004, the Section on Young Psychiatrists was developed founded by Assoc. Prof. Stephen Jambunathan and me. The Young Psychiatrists Section is part of the MPA and follows its constitution and is regulated by the MPA committee.
Since its birth, the Section has had an official launch and CME activity and a workshop held in conjunction with the 10th MCPM, 2004. The association is currently headed by Dr. Param and his team and many more activities are planned for the coming term.
Dr. Philip George
Section on Young Psychiatrists
Malaysian Psychiatric Association
INTRO: Section for Young Psychiatrists of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association
Young Psychiatrists have an important role to improve the basic requirements for the development of effective mental health services. Young Psychiatrists need to adapt to the changing demands and landscape of psychiatric practice. Being future generation of specialists and leaders in the field, it is also necessary for them to be skillful in working with politicians, health bureaucrats, patients and their families, community leaders and community organizations, other health professionals and people from non-health sectors.
The Section for Young Psychiatrists (SYP) of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association hopes to develop it’s members in these skills as well as to reduce isolation among psychiatrists, help exchange ideas, interests and information as well as to become part of a network of peers nationally and internationally. It can also be a platform to promote educational and training programs in areas such as clinical psychiatry, social psychiatry, cultural psychiatry and basic research
The Section on Young Psychiatrist (SYP) will exist as a chapter within the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA) and will abide by the general by-laws of the MPA. A board of advisors comprising the senior office bearers of the MPA will oversee the associations functions and activities.
Objectives ( complementary to the activities of the MPA)
·  To link and form a grouping of young psychiatrists in Malaysia.
·  To create and support developments in the provision of psychiatric services in Malaysia
·  To develop skills among the members in the clinical, social psychiatry and in the area of research.
·  To decrease the isolation of young psychiatrists
·  To prepare the transition of young psychiatry trainees to professional practice
·  To develop a culture of mentorship among young psychiatrists
·  To be a platform for discussion of psychiatric delivery issues.
·  To establish a network of psychiatrists working with psychiatric services in the region and internationally.
·  To lobby for it’s members to be considered for attendance to Regional and International Conferences
Membership (All members have to first be members of the Malaysian Psychiatric Association)
1.  Member – Malaysian psychiatrist that satisfy the criteria of ‘young psychiatrist’
2.  Associate member – other Malaysian mental health workers at or below the age of 42. All psychiatric trainees who are members of the MPA are provided automatic membership as associate members.
3.  Observers – Psychiatrists over the age of 42 or who reside outside Malaysia.
4.  Associate Observers – Other mental health workers over the age of 42 or who reside outside Malaysia.
Criteria for ‘young psychiatrist’
·  Qualified Psychiatrist residing in Malaysia
·  Aged 42 or less
Proposed activities
·  Regular educational workshops for members and observers in issues related to clinical and social psychiatry
·  Regular meetings in research methodology, development and research cooperation.
·  Career advise on practicing in public, academic and private psychiatry by senior members of MPA
·  Pre-conference meetings and discussions
·  Visits by individual members or groups to various psychiatric services in and outside Malaysia.
·  Social gatherings to garner fellowship and support for each other.
·  Regular internet chat-line for peer support, mentoring, advise and collaboration.
·  Lobby for members of SYP members to be sent for Regional and International Conferences.
Prepared by
Dr. Philip George
Sharing Experience:
SriLanka ………. Dr Bharathi
PIP Mission 3 Report
PIP Team : Dr. Azlina Abu Baker
Dr. Bharathi Vengadasalam
Dr. Lynne Yong
It was heartening to note that the first PIP team on Mission 2, Dr. Reddy & Dr. Hariyati, had set out the groundwork and initiated a network of contacts. They were very passionate in their vision for a long term psychosocial intervention program for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Mission 3 PIP shared the principles underlying the pilot project : training local volunteers for wider outreach to displaced communities. This has been in line with the MOH plan of action.
Our objectives were streamlined with such principles in mind. Firstly, we wanted to follow through on the groundwork of the previous team. We also needed to continue assessment of the psychosocial needs of the IDPs in the area in order to familiarize our team with the cultural & community aspects; therein coordinate our provisions with their actual needs. We needed to provide training of indigenous helpers by collaborating with grassroots NGOs. Furthermore, we attempted to liaise with the MOH Kalmunai and INGOs in the area as far as possible. The situation here has proven to be a complex matrix of uncoordinated care in the process of being unraveled & mapped out.
Challenges to be faced are the following:
·  systematic and effective training of local volunteers through reliable and credible grassroots NGOs. There are many enthusiastic volunteers that can be selected as trainers and family support workers.
·  follow-up of IDPs and identification of high risk individuals
a. To develop a manual for structured systematic training of local volunteers in disaster mental health. Suggested topics:
·  Disaster Education (Tsunami)
·  Signs and Symptoms of Extreme Stress Reactions
·  Psychological First Aid
·  Grief
·  Suicide Assessment
·  Skills ( Basic Counseling Skills )
·  Practicals ( Role plays )
b. Continued Training and Follow-Up and Feedback
·  shadowing of selected and trained volunteers in the camps
·  organize follow-up workshops
a.  Children’s activities on camp outreach days ( Normalize- help resume routine)
b.  Referral system for individuals from medical team ( 3 camps/week )
c.  Information Sharing
i.  Tsunami Education
ii.  Grief Talks ( Men’s and Women’s Group )
iii.  Stress Talks (Men’s and Women’s Group )
d.  Process Groups
i.  Only when there is a need
ii.  After identification of a group with shared issue
e.  Livelihood projects
·  Liaise with local NGO
·  Needs Assessment
·  Funding of 3 identified camps i.e. Al- Ghazali in Ninthavur and Oluvil 6th and 7th (upon approval from HQ )
** Please refer to the attached proposal
Editor’s Column:
Conference and workshops
1.  The 2nd Workshop for Young Psychiatrists, 2005
Organised by the Section on Young Psychiatrists of the MPA.
Avenue: 8.30am to 12.30pm, 23rd June, 2005 at Marriot Hotel, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur
Speaker: Dr. Chee Ng
St. Vincent’s Mental Health Service,
Melbourne, Australia
The 19th World Congress of Psychotherapy will be held in Kuala Lumpur from the 22nd to 26th August 2006. This conference will be run concurrently with the 12th MCPM as and the MPA BGM will be held then as well.

To get more info regarding the WPA conference at Cairo this year, go to www..wpa-cairo2005.com
2.  KL mental Health
Memberships updates:
New members:
Appreciation/ congrats!
Membership application form:
of the
P.O. Box 12712, 50786 Kuala Lumpur, Website www.psychiatry-malaysia.org
(only for members of the MPA)
Name of Applicant : ……………………………………………………
0 Home Address : ……………………………………………………
0 Office Address : ……………………………………………………
Date of Birth : …………………… Gender: Male / Female
NIRC / Passport No. : …………………... Citizenship: ………………
Telephone No. 0 (H) : ………………...... 0 (O) : ………………......
0 Handphone: ……………………….
0 Fax No. : …………………...... 0 Email: ………………….
Occupation : ......
Qualification Issuing Authority Year Obtained
1. ……………………………….. ……………………….. ………………
2. ……………………………….. ……………………….. ………………
3. ……………………………….. ……………………….. ……………....
4. ……………………………….. ………………………. ……………..
Areas of interest in Mental Health :
Publication and Presentation:
Dr Param