O/o Addl. General Manager Telecom Projects
Madhav Kunj, Good Wood Estate, Bharari Road, Shimla (HP)– 171001
Tel No: 2807603, Fax: 2802454 /

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(Government of India Enterprise)
Tender for OF Cable Construction Works

No: TP/SML/e-Tender/OFC-Trenching/T-66/2015-16/ Dated at SM the:22.12.2015

  1. Digital Tenders (e-Tenders) under two bid system are invited for and on behalf of BSNL, by the Addl. General Manager, Telecom. Projects, Shimla from the eligible contractors for excavation of trenches, laying, jointing leveling of PLB/RCC/DWC/GI pipes, pulling of OF Cable and other associated OFC works after filling back of trenches for the following Routes in Addl. GM (TP) Shimla area.

  1. Kalka- Baddi Via Charnia Mod OFC Route
No. / Section Name / Approx. Length (Km) / Est. Cost (Rs.) / EMD (Rs.) / Cost of tender document
1 / T/E Kalka to KM 11 / 11.0 Km / Rs.23,87,005/- / Rs.59,676/- / Rs.570/-
2 / KM 11 to T Point Siswan CHD / 11.0 Km / Rs.23,45,880/- / Rs.58,647/- / Rs.570/-
  1. Chamba TE to Balupul OFC
No. / Section Name / Approx. Length (Km) / Est. Cost (Rs.) / EMD (Rs.) / Cost of tender document
1 / T. Joint near Balupul to T. Joint (Sahu Chamba OFC Route) / 2.5 Km / Rs.6,51,785/- / Rs.16,280/- / Rs.570/-
  1. Nand to Swarghat OFC
Sec. No. / Section Name / Approx. Length (Km) / Est. Cost (Rs.) / EMD (Rs.) / Cost of tender document
4 / KM 7/500 to KM 10 / 2.5 Km / Rs.4,77,513/- / Rs.11,940/- / Rs.570/-
  1. Bilaspur to Beri OFC

Sec. No. / Section Name / Approx. Length (Km) / Est. Cost (Rs.) / EMD (Rs.) / Cost of tender document
1 / Tele. Exchange Bilaspur to RD142, / 7.0 Km / Rs.17,30,933/- / Rs. 43,275/- / Rs.570/-
  1. Purchase and Availability of Tender document

The tender document can be obtained by downloading it from the website and/or physical copy of the tender document would not be available for sale. The bidder downloading the tender document are required to submit the cost of bid as mentioned above through DD/BC on or before the scheduled date and time of submission of bid, failing which the tender bid shall be rejected.

The DD/BC shall be drawn from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL, O/o Dy.GM Telecom. Projects, Shimla payable at Shimla.


  1. Any discrepancy found in the downloaded tender document submitted or uploaded by the tenderer compared to uploaded tender document, the tender document uploaded by the BSNL will be treated as valid and any change (found in the tender document submitted by the tenderer) at any stage, will be treated as fraud done to the BSNL, and will be liable to the cancellation of the agreement done (if any) and appropriate action will be taken against the tenderer.
  2. This NIT is part of tender document. If there is any difference in conditions in tender document and NIT, conditions given in NIT will prevail.
  3. Each section in the NIT is individual and to be submitted and dealt separately.
  4. In case of e-tendering process, an amount as applicable shall have to be paid directly to M/s ITI Ltd. Through on-line towards processing fees failing which the tender bid will be rejected. For registration Fee etc. refer clause-4 Section XIII of tender document.
  1. EMD: Required EMD in the form of Crossed DEMAND DRAFT from any nationalized/scheduled bank in favour of AO (Cash),O/O DGM (TP),Shimla Payable at Shimla.

# The bidders (small scale units) who are registered with National Small Scale Industries Corporation under Single Point Registration scheme are exempted from cost of tender form and earnest money subject to the following:-

  • A proof regarding current registration with NSIC valid on the date of opening for the tendered items will have to be attached along with the bid.
  • The enlistment certificate issued by NSIC will not be permanent and should be renewed within two years of its presentation.
  • Affidavit will be given by the contractor in which he will submit the details of tender amount for which he has availed exemption (for participation) inNISC from the date of issue of certificate.
  • The SSI units registered with NSIC for the tendered item may be given exemption from payment of EMD to the extent of their approved 'monitory limit' or Rs.50 (Fifty) lacks whichever is lower. However, in case of purchase of tender document if the value of tender is more than their monitory limit, they are not entitled for free tender document.
  1. Period of Contract: One year and extendable for a period of one year.
  1. Time and Last Date of : Up to 13:00 hrs on dated:12.01.2016

Submission of Bid.

  1. Time of Bid Opening

a)Technical Bid: At 14:00 Hrs on dated12.01.2016 in the office

of DE(TP-II), O/O DGMTP, Shimla through “Public Online Tender Opening Event (POTOE)”

b)Financial Bid : At 14:00 Hrs on dated 14.01.2016in the office

of DE(TP-II), O/o DGM TP, Shimla through “Public Online Tender Opening Event (POTOE)”

BSNL’s Tender Opening Officers as well as authorized representatives can attend the “POTOE” from the comfort of their offices.

  1. Being e-tender:-

A)Tender cost and bid security: This must contain:

Bid cost (i.e. Tender Fee), Bid Security (i.e. EMD) and documents which could not be uploaded electronically (if applicable) – All in original have to be submitted before 13.00 Hrs of the day of e-bid opening. The same may be sent through courier or in person. The scanned copies of the Bank Guarantee and DD have to be attached in the e-portal i.e.

B)Technical Bid:

Scanned copies of the required documents have to be uploaded on the e -tendering website i.e.

This must contain the following documents:-

i.Tender document(s), in original, duly filled in and signed by tenderer or his authorized representative along with seal on each page. All corrections and overwriting must be encircled and initialed with date by the tenderer or his authorized representative.

ii.Bid form, duly filled in, as per section-II of tender document.

iii.Tenderer’s profile duly filled in, as per section-III of tender document.

iv.Authorized signatory certificate if applicable (Authorized signatory signatures should be verified by proprietor in case of proprietorship firm or by all partners in case of partnership firm on Stamp paper)

v.Copy of Sales tax registration/ Service tax registration (whichever is applicable) of the firm which should be valid on date of opening of tender.

vi.Copy of valid EPF registrationon the date of opening of tenderor proof of having applied for EPF Registration.

vii.(a) Copies of the registration of the firm and authenticated copy of partnership deed in case of partnership firm


(b) Copy of Articles of Associations duly registered with Registrar of Company affairs, in case of Limited/Pvt. Limited Company


(c) In case of Proprietary firm, certificate from the Proprietor of the firm that he is thesole Proprietor of the firm. The proprietor should give affidavit on stamp paper that “He is the sole proprietor of the firm”, duly attested by Notary on stamp paper

viii.Photocopy of PAN card.

ix.Experience Certificate: The bidder has to submit experience certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of DGM of BSNL/MTNL/PSU.

In case of Private Telecom. Operators, the experience certificate should be issued by an officer not below the rank of Project Head of the Circle.

The bidder must satisfy the following conditions:-

Should have successfully completed in the last three years (i.e. current year and three previous financial years) at least one similar work of OFC laying for a minimum value of 35% of tendered value.


Should have successfully completed three similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost during last seven years.


Should have successfully completed two similar works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost during last seven years.


Should have successfully completed one similar work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost during last seven years.

For non-BSNL registered contractor i.e. registered with Public Works Organization like CPWD/State PWD(B&R), DOP, MES and Railways, no work experience is required for the works costing upto Rs.5 lacs.

x.The contractor should own atleast one HDD machine in his/her name/in the name of the firm or should have HDD machine on lease. The machine should be at least of minimum 10 tons or above pullback capacity as per the site requirement and should be able to bore up more than 150 Meters in single stretch.

1. For ownership of HDD machine, the contractor should submit documents:

i)Make of HDD machine, its capacity and Serial No.

ii)Bill of landing and Custom clearance receipt.

2. Those having HDD machine on lease should enclose a lease deed for minimum one year with above supporting documents which should be valid for at least six months from date of opening of tender

The condition (x) above is required only for Sections having HDD works.

xi) Any contractor/Firm convicted by any court is not eligible to participate in the


Note:-All the documents submitted by the bidder should be self-attested. If any of the document found to be not self-attested, the contractor/bidder will be required to do the same within three working days from the date of opening of bid. If he fails to do so his bid will be rejected.

The contractors/ bidders will be bound to produce the original documents as mentioned above if the same will be required by TEC during evaluation. If the bidder fails to submit the same within 5 working days,his bid will be rejected. Moreover if any of the document submitted by the bidder found to be forged at any stage, his EMD/Performance security will be forfeited and the action will be taken as per tender document.

C)Financial Bid:

Financial e- bid containing the Price schedule in the excel format has to be filled carefully in the FINANCIAL BID e-portal i.e.

Manual submission of bid shall not be considered in case of e-Tender.

In case the date of submission (opening) of bid is declared to be holiday, the date of submission (Opening) of bid will get shifted automatically to next working day at the same schedule time.

Note:-Clause 12 of Section-IV of the tender document should be followed for further action.

1.The tender which is not accompanied by the proper documents and requisite bid security shall be summarily rejected.

  1. Any tender with conditions other than those specified in the tender document or incomplete in any respect is liable to be rejected.
  1. Tender will not be accepted/received after expiry date and time.
  1. The Deputy General Manager Telecom Project, Shimla reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason what so ever.
  1. Before quoting the rate, the contractor is advised to do physical survey of the route to ensure actual strata and probable hindrance and difficulties encountered during execution of the work.
  1. The contractor shall obtain/provide at his own cost all easements, permits, permission and license pertaining to local authorities for execution of the work as per work contract schedule. However for the above easements, permits, permission and license any payment/BG/contract agreement is necessary then the same shall be paid/submitted/executed by the BSNL against the demand note/enforce document of the local authority submitted by the contractor/ directly received through the local authorities to BSNL. No any extra charges will be paid by BSNL to the contractors for pursuance of easements, permits etc. from the different local authorities. It shall be responsibility of the bidder to quote the rates for execution of the work keeping in view such aspects.
  1. The tenderer may participate/quote the rate in the tender bid keeping in notice that tender rates will not be negotiated.
  1. Work order shall be issued as per the requirement of the BSNL.
  1. The person whose tender/Tenders may be accepted shall deposit with the BSNL full performance security deposit within 7 working days which shall be 10% of the approved cost before the agreement. The sum already deposited as EMD (due to conversion of bid security) will be adjusted against the Performance Security Deposit. No work will be awarded without prior signing of the agreement and deposit of 10% Performance Security Deposit. The said Performance Security Deposit may be deposited in the form of Demand Draft from any nationalized/scheduled bank drawn in favour of “AO(Cash), O/o DGM NTP, Shimla payable at Shimla. The firms which are exempted for submission of EMD will also required to submit full Performance Security Deposit.
  1. Since depth is the best protection for cable, hence contractor will be encouraged to achieve more depth than prescribed in the schedule. Accordingly if the depth of trench excavated by the contractor is more than the specified depth in schedule (Max up to 1.65m) then the payment for the higher depth achieved will be made on prorata basis.
  1. Contractors whose work has been rescinded earlier will not be eligible to participate till the time prescribed in tender document by which the work has been rescinded. The rescind period should be over before date of opening of tender.
  1. All other terms and conditions and detail specifications of works/ items shall be as per tender document.
  1. The Government of India if subsequently declares date fixed for opening of bids as holiday the bids will be opened on next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered.
  1. BSNL reserves the right to cancel or modify the scope of work stipulated to be carried out against the work order in the event of change of plan necessitated on account of technical reasons or in the opinion of work order issuing authority or the Dy. G.M. (Projects), the contractor is not executing the work at the required pace. Decision of DGM (TP), Shimla will be final and binding to the contractor.
  1. The contractor shall be bound to follow all the provisions of Labour Laws/Acts including “The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970; Minimum Wages Act 1948 and the provisions of EPF Act 1952.

For any clarification the prospective bidders can contact DE (TP-II) % DGM, TP,

Shimlaon Telephone No.: 0177-2807603 Fax- 0177-2802454.

Divisional Engineer(TP-II)

% Addl. General Manager (TP)




These Special Instructions (for e-Tendering) supplement „Instruction to Bidders‟, as enclosed in Sec 4 Part A of the Tender Documents. Submission of Bids only through online process is mandatory for this Tender.

For conducting electronic tendering, NTP Circle of BSNL is using the portal ( of M/s ITI Ltd, a Government of India Undertaking.

1.0 Tender Bidding Methodology:

Sealed Bid System: Single Stages – Using Two Envelopes. In case of two envelope system Financial & Techno-commercial (Qualifying) bids shall be submitted by the bidder at the same time.

2.0 Broad outline of activities from Bidders prospective:

(i) Procure a Digital Signing Certificate (DSC).

(ii) Register on tenderwizard portal.

(iii) View Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) on tenderwizard portal.

(iv) Download official copy of Tender Documents from tenderwizard portal.

(v) Bid-Submission on tenderwizard portal.

(vi) Attend Public Online Tender Opening Event (TOE) on tenderwizard portal

(vii) Opening of Financial-part (Only for Technical Reverse Responsive Bidders).

For participating in this tender online, the following instructions need to be read carefully. These instructions are supplemented with more detailed guidelines on the relevant screens of the tenderwizard portal.

3.0 Digital Certificates:

It is mandatory for all the bidders to have class-III Digital Signature Certificate (in the name of person who will sign the Bid) from any of the licensed Certifying Agency (Bidders can see the list of licensed CA‟s from the link to participate in e-Tendering of BSNL.

4.0 Registration:

The Bidder has to register (if not registered earlier) with our website with a non-refundable registration fee as applicable. The registration fee is payable once on a yearly basis. For Registered vendors: Renewal is required.

The procedure for the registration is as under:

1) Go to the url:-

2) In the home page, click on Vendor Registration

3) In the Vendor Registration form, vendor has to fill up the applicant details, upload minimum any of three self attested documents (PAN Card, Registration, DVAT, Service Tax Registration, Work Order), digital signature information.

4) After submission of the form, the User-id and Password are generated in the form of Acknowledgement.

5) The Annual registration fee shall be in the form of e-payment.

6) Note: After successful submission of Registration details and Annual Registration Fee (as applicable), please contact ITI Helpdesk (as given below), to get your registration accepted/activated.

1. Helpdesk landline No: 011-49424365

2. Sh. Yog Raj, M/s ITI Ltd: 91-9625033300

3. Sh. Pushpender, , M/s ITI Ltd: 91-8261033300

All the bidders are requested to get themselves registered well in advance and no extra time will be considered for the delay in on-line Vendor Registration, if any. In case bidders wait till the last moment for uploading tenders, and if any technical problem is encountered at that time, the Bid closing time may elapse.

5.0 Bid related Information for this Tender (Sealed Bid)

The entire bid-submission would be online on tenderwizard portal i.e. .

Broad outline of submissions are as follows:

(i) Submission of Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

(ii) Submission of digitally signed copy of Tender Documents/Addendum/addenda.

(iii) Two Envelopes.

(iv) Techno-commercial –Part.

(v) Financial-Part.

6.0 Offline Submissions:

8.1. The bidder is requested to submit the following documents offline to DE (TP-II) O/o Addl.GM TP, Good wood Estate, Bharari Road, Shimla- 171 001 on or before the date & time of submission of bids specified in covering letter of this tender document, in a Sealed Envelope. The envelope shall bear (name of the work), the tender number and the words „DO NOT OPEN BEFORE‟ (due date & time).

1. EMD-Bid Security in Original.

2. DD/ Bankers cheque against payment of tender fee.

7.0 E-Reverse Auction (Optional): To be decided after opening of Financial Bid

8.0 Minimum Requirements at Bidders end:

Computer System with good configuration (Min P IV, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP, Window 7))

• Broadband connectivity.

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or above.

• Digital Certificate(s) for users.

9.0 Vendors Training:

Please contact

1. Sh. Yog Raj, M/s ITI Ltd: 91-9625033300

2. Sh. Pushpender, , M/s ITI Ltd: 91-8261033300