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Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held at St Mark’s Church Room, Northiam Road, Staplecross, on

Thursday 12 March 2015

PRESENT Councillors Brigitte Fifield (Chairman), Jacqui Hyett, Robin Redsull, Anne Reed, Maggie Whitaker, David Young (Vice Chairman)

IN ATTENDANCE Richard Farhall – Parish Clerk; District Councillor Tony Ganly; 8 members of the public


The meeting commenced at 7pm.



Apologies for absence – and the reason as lodged with the Clerk – were accepted from Cllr Simmons.

It was noted that Cllr Angharad Davies was unable to attend.


Cllr Hyett item 14.157 EPAA Committee Member

Cllr Young item 14.150b(i) PCC Treasurer

item 14.150b(iii) Bowls Club Auditor


The Chairman adjourned the meeting for the PCSO Report, the County Council and District Council Reports, and Public Question Time. (See Appendix.)

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.


RESOLVED To adopt the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2015, as a correct record of the proceedings.


Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 February 2015

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14.137 Forge Lane & Forge Close (seeking guidance from Highways on ownership and SSALC on potential liability) Outstanding.

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13.69 Code of Conduct (incorporation of revised Nolan Principles) Outstanding.

13.158a) Verge opposite Solomon’s Garden (provision of draft scheme/s) 28.1.15 - Cllr Davies had emailed to say she would chase Michael Higgs (who has still to make contact).

14.60d) Adjournment: Public Question Time, para 3 (approaching Northiam for information about the restoration of its fingerposts) Outstanding. The Chairman offered to provide the Clerk with contact details for Northiam Conservation Society.


14.87 Defibrillators, Resolution (purchasing 3 PADs) Cabinets, signs, plaques and mini key safes to be installed by 6.3.15.

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14.134 Annual Parish Assembly 2015, para 2 (leaflets for Post Office) Outstanding.

Allan Fisher had now donated two A boards – and there was a brief discussion on where these might be positioned.

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14.139 Publicity: Council newsletter and Parish News (providing PN with bullet points of what was discussed at Council meetings) Outstanding. Cllr Young suggested sending draft Minutes to the Editor and allowing her to extract points of interest. The Chairman offered to draft notes of this meeting and then email them to the Clerk (before they were submitted to PN). Chairman

14.143 Local Action Plan (adjusting future agendas) Actioned.

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14.129d) Staplecross Pavilion (determining timetable for kitchen redecoration) Awaiting response from volunteers.

14.129d) Bowls Club (ascertaining if planning consent is required for proposed patio shelter) See item 14.151.


a) Current applications

RESOLVED To submit the responses following to the Planning Authority:

RR/2015/340/P Quarry Farm, Bodiam Road, Ewhurst Green

Change of use of part of building to form reception area, shop for provisions and information/education area in relation to camping use.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs N Eastwood, Quarry Farm, Bodiam Road, Ewhurst Green


RR/2015/354/P Wattle Hill Oast, Beacon Lane, Staplecross

Change of use of part of small holding to seasonal camp site for 4 bell tents, together with change of use of pool building and ancillary parts for use by the camp site for leisure, washing and ablutions. Widen access.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Harley, Wattle Hill Oast, Beacon Lane, Staplecross


b) Delegated authority

There were no delegated decisions to note.

c) Community Infrastructure Levy

Members were invited to consider whether to respond to Rother District Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule public consultation (deadline: 27.3.15).

RESOLVED Not to respond.

14.150 FINANCE

(a) Report


To note the receipts and payments following:

Receipts (January 2015)

Co-op – interest £2.78

Unity Trust – interest £1.68

Julian Hodge Bank – interest £21.69


Payments (January 2015)

R Farhall – pay (Dec 2014) £726.30

Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE (Dec 2014) £253.15

East Sussex Pension Fund (Dec 2014) £257.36

R Farhall – expenses (Dec 2014) £66.35

Ewhurst PCC – room hire £108.00


RESOLVED 2 To receive and adopt the bank reconciliation as at 31 January 2015.

RESOLVED 3 To receive and adopt the Budget Monitor as at 31 January 2015.

RESOLVED 4 To receive and adopt the Earmarked Reserves as at 31 January 2015.

RESOLVED 5 To receive and adopt the Cash Flow Statement as at 31 January 2015.

RESOLVED 6 To note the reconciled account balances, to 31 January 2015, as follows:

Co-op current account £5,890.51 Unity Trust account £25,001.68

Julian Hodge Bank Fixed Rate bond £66,010.30


RESOLVED 7 To ratify/approve the payments following:

R Farhall – pay (February 2015) £721.80

Post Office Ltd [HMRC] – PAYE (February 2015) £249.49

East Sussex Pension Fund (February 2015) £240.04

R Farhall – expenses (February 2015) £106.27

B Fifield – Chairman’s and Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £439.00

D Young – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

A Reed – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

J Simmons – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

M Whitaker – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

J Hyett – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

R Redsull – Councillor’s allowance 2014-15 £149.00

InsideOut Property Maintenance – defib cabs etc installation £105.00

Esther Carpenter – Annual Report copying £446.00


(b) Grant applications

Members noted that the total grant funding available was £7,155 – and proceeded to consider the applications following:

(i) Ewhurst PCC £1,500 towards Churchyard maintenance.

Cllr Redsull asked if the PCC had run out of money and, if so, could not its members contribute?

Speaking from the Gallery, John Barnes advised that the churchyard at St James’s was for the benefit of the whole Parish. All parishioners are entitled to be buried – of have their ashes interred – there. The PCC has a forecast deficit of £4,700 as at 31.3.15 – and has not had a grant from EPC since 2013.

Cllr Reed observed that the churchyard has to be maintained regardless of the number of interments.

RESOLVED To award the grant requested - £1,500. Clerk

(ii) Ewhurst & Staplecross Village Hall £1,723.20 for a replacement noticeboard [to match those owned by EPC].

RESOLVED To purchase a matching noticeboard and to donate this – and the cost of installing it – to the Village Hall (total cost ceiling: £2,500). Clerk

(iii) Staplecross Bowls Club £1,658 for patio shelter.

RESOLVED To donate the materials required to construct the shelter. Clerk

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for the PCSO Report (see Appendix).

The meeting reconvened.


RESOLVED To make the application for planning consent on the Club’s behalf (estimated cost: £192.50). Clerk


The Clerk advised that all the speakers were confirmed.


Village Hall Committee Cllr Hyett reported that, disappointingly, just 9 people (including two members of the public) had attended the Village Hall AGM. Hilary Ganly remained the Chairman. Last Saturday’s jumble sale raised £712.

Cllr Redsull reported that the damaged chevrons at the junction of Lordine Lane and the B2165 had still not been repaired/replaced and the lane at Strawberry Hole remains dangerous – and he suggested that road works in the vicinity are not being properly supervised (at the end of the day temporary signs should be laid flat or covered).


RESOLVED To note the date: 21 May 2015, 7pm.



Cllr Fifield introduced the latest version worked up by Black Forge Art (but based on Glenys Griffiths’ original design).

Cllr Whitaker advised that BFA owned the creative copyright – and so the latest design could not be sent to other contractors for the purpose of obtaining quotes. Cllr Redsull recalled that BFA had warned that it would need 3-4 months to create the sign.

Speaking from the Gallery, Larry Hyett suggested that EPC did not appear to be putting as much effort into replacing the Staplecross and Cripps Corner signs. The community at Ewhurst Green seems to be determining the order in which the signs are commissioned. Cllr Whitaker stated that the Ewhurst Green sign is the most faded.

It was agreed that getting quotes to replace all three village signs should be more cost-effective – and that contractors could be allowed up to 12 months to complete all three. Clerk


The Clerk advised that the Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) had now been installed at all three pubs and that a photoshoot had been scheduled for tomorrow morning.


Cllr Hyett advised that the slabs for the shed bases were being delivered this week. These were being laid by volunteers. The community orchard had been measured out but segments need to be numbered so that plot holders know where to plant their tree/s.

At the second EPAA AGM, Larry Hyett was re-appointed Chairman. Cllr Hyett is acting as both Secretary and Treasurer but is being shadowed by two new members.

EPAA had secured a £1,000 grant towards water harvesting equipment from Southern Water (via the Sussex Community Foundation).

There are problems with rabbits getting on to the growing area. In some areas the rabbit netting is of insufficient height and responsibility for this needs to be determined.

Two vacant plots remain.

The meeting ended at 8.33pm.

Date ……………………………… Chairman ………………………………………



(b) District Council Report

Joint Waste & Recycling contract A proposed strike by Kier staff (organized by the GMB) had been called off pending further negotiations. Operatives had been dismissed by Kier for, allegedly, undertaking unauthorized activities whilst on duty. The GMB considered that management’s response should have been to suspend them in the first instance.

East Sussex Boundary Review This will be set up 25 March-7 April – with reports going to OSC on 20 June – and Cabinet on 1 June (followed by full Council). A recommendation would then be made to the Local Government Boundaries Commission.

Independent Remuneration Panel This has recommended a 2% increase in Member allowances; however, Cabinet decided to defer consideration until the outcome of the boundary review was known – as well as the impact of the 1,500 new homes being built in Bexhill.

Community Grants Fund Cabinet had approved the grant to the Staplecross Playing Field charity towards new play equipment.

(c) County Council Report

There was no report to consider.

(d) Public Question Time (1)

RR/2015/354/P It was agreed that the applicants would be given the opportunity to comment once the agenda item had been reached.

(a) PCSO Report

PCSO Georghiou reported that:

·  There had been a ‘head on’ RTA in Junction Road, resulting in minor injuries.

·  He had managed to trace the owner of a vehicle who had been reported as acting suspiciously on a farm. The individual was found have had previous convictions for burglary.

·  There has been an increase in car crime and shed breaks.

·  Following re-organisation, PCSOs will be given more powers and their roles will change.

PCSO Georgiou read a letter sent to him by CI Franklin on dealing with parking issues. It stated that officers should focus on dangerous parking and Blue Badge abuse – but only when resources were available. RDC and Wealden are the only districts in SE England without decriminalized parking schemes.

School Hill PCSO Georghiou had sought guidance from Sergeant Masterson. His view is that the issues identified at the last EPC meeting are for the Highways Authority consider. However, Highways will not act without an accident record – even if there were fatalities School Hill would be placed on a (2-year) waiting list for highway improvements.

Cllr Young suggested that PCSO Georghiou was free to act if parking was clearly dangerous. PCSO Georghiou had been advised not to issue tickets because of the risk of legal challenge – for example, allegations of ‘inconsistent policing’. However, he was happy to place advisory letters on vehicles.

Larry Hyett advised that some drivers are parking on the pavement overnight – forcing those with push chairs into the carriageway.

PCSO Georghiou advised that he was considering the merits of CCTV being installed in villages in order to track known offenders at night.

Ewhurst PC Minutes 12 March 2015