~~~~~~~~The Current~~~~~~~~

Winter 2013

Friends of the Jersey Flowage, Inc.

P.O. Box 537 / Tomahawk 54487 /

A Message from the President

Now entering our fourth year, our lake association is growing and taking action toward meeting our mission of preserving the beauty of the Jersey. The Friends of the Jersey Flowage now number 62 active members, and we appreciate the support.

I’d like to thank the 40 members and guests who attended our annual meeting on June 30th which was also the official “Kick-off Meeting” related to lake management planning. Our ecologist partners from Onterra indicated they were impressed with the turn-out and the commitment expressed by the membership regarding the objectives of the lake management plan for the Jersey.

The next major step in lake management planning will be distribution of an Anonymous Stakeholder Survey. In late March, you will receive the survey, and your input will be a very important component in development of the plan and objectives. Whether you are a year round resident or a seasonal user,you have knowledge and perspectives about the Jersey Flowage. It is important you share your thoughts with us through the survey process.

Once the surveys are returned, the data will be tabulated by the board, and will be delivered to Onterra for incorporation into the formal lake management plan which will be shared with the membership later in 2013.

Again, thank you for your support.


Marv Krueger, President

2013 Membership Renewal

Due April 1, 2013

Please return the enclosed membership application at your earliest convenience. Our 2013 membership goal is 70, so if you are a current member, we hope you renew. If you are not a member, we hope you will consider joining Friends of the Jersey Flowage.


When you receive the Survey, please take a few minutes to respond and return it anonymously in the postage paid return envelope. You will have three weeks to complete the survey, which was designed by Onterra and is compliance with requirements for WI-DNR grant funding which is a critical component of the success of our lake management plan. You do not need to be a member to respond.

Save the Date: June 29th (9 – 11 a.m.)

Annual Meeting with Picnic & Fundraiser

We will hold our fourth annual meeting on Saturday, June 29th at the Bradley Town Hall starting at 9 a.m. with a picnic and fundraiser with great prizes to follow. The tentative agenda will include:

§  Membership discussion and feedback

§  Lake management planning presentation with survey results and what to expect next

§  Membership and financial review

§  Year 4 goals and discussion

§  Election of officers/directors

§  Other business

§  Picnic, fun & fundraiser

Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!

2012 Lake Management Project Update

Keeping the membership and residents informed on the lake management project is very important. Onterra our lake management planning partner has prepared the enclosed summary which highlights the various activities and findings thus far.

We would like to point out that the summary does not provided the complete picture, as the survey process is completed over several years, and comparatives need to be analyzed year-over-year. Onterra completed its initial survey in 2011, and will again study in 2013 at various times starting in the spring. All of the data will be compiled, and will be included in the complete lake management plan.

Since the study is an important component of the lake management plan, we wanted to share this interim information with the membership and residents.

Complete lake management planning actions and timeframe will be communicated in advance and is not anticipated until late 2013 or early 2014.

Help Wanted: Web Master


Are you a tech savvy person with a creative touch? If the answer is yes, we need your help to better manage our new website. While the site is up and running, we need to enhance the content and links so the site will be more useful to the membership, or anyone looking to learn more about the Jersey City Flowage.

The position would be on a voluntary basis, and will require about one hour per month for updates and maintenance.

Please contact us at www.jerseycityflowage.com by clicking on the Contact Us link or you may call Barb Martin at 715 453 6759.

Help Wanted: Highway U Clean-Up:

Here is the 2013 schedule. If you have two hours on any of these dates, please complete the section of the membership form and let us know if you can assist or call the crew chief.

Date/Time: Crew Chief Phone

5/18 (9-11) Barb Martin 715 453 6759

7/20 (9-11) Marv Krueger 715 675 2043

9/21 (9-11) Don Hipler 608 358 3991

A Special Thanks to our 2012 supporters who have made donations to our annual fund raiser. Please patronize these businesses.

«  Ace Hardware

«  Aquatic Arts

«  Ben Franklin

«  Besse's on Clear Lake

«  Billy Bob's

«  Cerny's Greenhouse

«  Chuck's Sport Shop

«  County Market

«  Duck Point Resort

«  Erv's Sales & Service

«  Gilbass Guide Service

«  Hair by Corrie

«  Heritage Chevrolet

«  Hilgy’s LP Gas

«  Inshalla Golf Course

«  North Bay Pharmacy

«  Redhawk Fab & Assembly

«  Silver Birch

«  Silver Threads

«  Subway

«  T's Smoker Meats

«  Tomahawk Furniture

«  Tomahawk Sports Center

«  Tomahawk Surplus Store

«  Tomahawk Warehouse Liquor

«  Touch of Gold

Questions or Comments?

Please see our website or email us at: