NDC Briefing Bulletin
Spring 2007
Featured project of the quarter
Charles Street Residents Take Action
Charles Street Residents Association formed in September of last year, and since then the group has met regularly and worked extremely hard to improve the back alley and surrounding area to the rear of their houses.
The group was successfully awarded a Change Your Space Grant and also Community Chest funding with the help of Kelly Wray, their Community Involvement Worker. The group also received money from Community Safety for new, secure fencing to the rear of their property which will prevent crime on this street.
Before After
The Community Payback Team were contacted through the probation service and did a fantastic clean up of the back alley leaving it ready to be re-surfaced and free from litter. Crime prevention (Salford City Council) have agreed to fund alleygates on this street as part of a crime reduction initiative as there have been several break ins and burglaries in this area.
The group has worked extremely hard is continuing to improve their alleyway making it a safe and pleasant place to spend time.
Building Communities
· NDC currently has 8 places (4 Charlestown and 4 Lower Kersal) on the Partnership Board for Community Representatives, who are elected via the Community Committee. All representatives must live within the New Deal for Communities area.
· As a build up to Refugee Week (18-24 June 2007) the Community Involvement Team has been working with the Horizon Project and Refugee Action to organise a series of welcome events for new members of the community.
· The Young Volunteers and Gemini older people’s group recently enjoyed an intergenerational murder mystery evening at the University of Salford.
Crime & Community Safety
· Cromwell House now up and running as a Hate Crime Reporting Office, contact Keith on 0161 607 8510 for more details.
· Inspector Steve Bailey, who has gained valuable experience working in Salford for the last four and a half years, is the new Neighbourhood Inspector for Salford East which covers the NDC area.
· The whole of NDC area is covered by new powers which will allow police to seize alcohol in trouble hotspots across the city. The alcohol exclusion zones aim to reduce alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour.
Children, Young People and Education
· The first of two events to consult on the proposed Sure Start Children’s Centre was a real success, with over 200 children, young people and parents attending Sports Village to say what they want from the centre whilst having a great family fun day. The second event is on 14 April at the Beacon Centre.
· Voice young people’s group has received a Diana Award, which is a nationwide award to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions made by many young people to their communities.
· Plans are well underway for the 2007 Salford Mini Soccer Festival which is to be held at Salford Sports Village on 9 & 10 June. Visit www.salfordminisoccerfestival.co.uk.
Physical & Environment
· The Masterplanning process will start soon for the Charlestown and Lower Kersal Riverside developments. This will be residents’ chance to influence the future shape of their community.
· Salix Homes, the new regeneration ALMO that replaces New Prospect, will be responsible for the management of 10,600 council homes from the beginning of June 2007.
· Work is gearing up on the development on the site of the old Kersal High School. Miller Homes and Inspired Developments were granted Planning Permission at the end of last year and it is expected they will start building the 230 new homes late spring/early summer.
· The new Riverbank Park on Littleton Road is now nearly completed - play equipment has been installed and it’s lovely to see local children playing there every day. The park is due to be officially opened in summer with a big fun celebration being planned by local residents’ group, The Friends of Riverbank Park.
· The Willow Tree Healthy Living Centre at St Aidan’s in Lower Kersal was officially opened on 12th January and is now up and running.
· Rowlands Pharmacy is now open at Energise Healthy Living Centre at Douglas Green in Charlestown.
· SMART are holding a Family Fun Day the Beacon Centre on Thursday 31st May 11am – 2pm.
Business, Employment & Skills
· This year’s business improvement scheme has closed out with a total of 19 awards to local businesses.
· Handover of the Salford Innovation Forum to the operator is on schedule for 1st June.
· After almost 4 years at 305 Littleton Road in Lower Kersal, Jobshop moving down the road to 5 Littleton Road, making it far easier for the residents of Charlestown to use the services. Meanwhile for Jobshop’s Lower Kersal customers the outreach service will continue from the Willow Tree.