Credentials for Supreme Convention

Section 322, paragraph CDelegates to Conventions

Delegates and Alternates to the Supreme Convention shall be elected at a regular meeting of the auxiliary held not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Supreme Convention, one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each fifteen (15) members or fraction thereof in good standing in the Auxiliary at the time of the election.

The Auxiliary President does not have a Vote at the Supreme Convention, unless she has been elected a Delegate.

The Auxiliary Secretary shall send a complete list of elected delegates and alternates to the Supreme Treasurer immediately following election, either Emailr by mail Supreme Treasurer Penney Howard, PO Box 34 Flora Vista, NM 87415-0034. We have eliminated Credential Cards so this step is essential even if you don’t think your Delegates are attending Supreme Convention, send their names in.

The number of Delegates per auxiliary will be based on per capita tax that has been received in this office at the time of their election. It is very important that the installation report be correctly filled out and received by the Supreme Treasurer so you are allowed to vote.

Advance Registration is sent to the Supreme Treasurer with the fee of $20.00. Any member may register for the convention and receive a packet. Please make a list of these members; giving their name, address, auxiliary name, number and State. If you do not plan to attend and you want your packet picked up by another auxiliary sister or mailed to you, please specify on your request.

Registration after June 25, 2018 and at the Supreme Convention will be $25.00. To gain admission to the Convention session, you must possess a current official 2018 membership dues card.


Supreme Convention Credentials

Auxiliary to the Military Order of the Cootie

Auxiliary Name ______Auxiliary No.______


This is to Certify that Sister(s):








Have been elected delegates and alternates of this Auxiliary to the Supreme Convention.

In Witness whereof we hereunto affix our signatures.
