CSAA Governance

The governance structure of the Alliance is set out in the below diagram.

Project Board membership

Member / Organisation
Richard Evans (Chair) / Allied Health Professions Federation
Suzie Shepherd / Immediate Past Chair, Patient and Carer Network, Royal College of Physicians
Roland Valori / Royal College of Physicians
Sue Hill / Royal College of Surgeons
Elaine Whitby / Royal College of Nursing
David Paynton / Royal College of General Practitioners
Kerry Tinkler / Academy for Healthcare Science
Natalie Beswetherick / Allied Health Professions Federation
Sue Browning / Spinal Injuries Association
Catherine Duggan / Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Cathy Hassell / NHS England
Paul Lelliott/Claire Land / Care Quality Commission
Margaret Goose / Independent lay representative
Caroline Rogers / Royal College of Physicians
Charlie McLaughlan / Royal College of Anaesthetists
Graham Prestwich / Lay CCG Member
Graham Mockler (Alliance Programme Manager) / Royal College of Surgeons

Stakeholder Advisory Group membership

Member / Organisation
Kerry Tinkler / Academy for Healthcare Science
Alastair Henderson / Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Joan Reid / Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Natalie Beswetherick / Allied Health Professions Federation
Adrienne Skelton / Arthritis Research UK
Benjamin Ellis / Arthritis Research UK
Rob Turpin / British Standards Institution
Ruth Bridgeman / Cancer Research UK
Claire Land / Care Quality Commission
Paul Bate / Care Quality Commission
Paul Lelliott / Care Quality Commission
Kirsten Armit / Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Robin Cordell / Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Judith Willetts / Faculty of Occupational Medicine
Miriam Deakin / Foundation Trust Network
Tim Walker / General Osteopathic Council
Keri Thomas / Gold Standards Framework for End of Life Care
Ged Byrne / Health Education England
Cathy Regan / Healthcare management consultant
Jane Ingham / Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Debbie Johnston / Independent accreditation consultant
Disa Young / Independent Healthcare Advisory Services
Margaret Goose / Independent lay representative
Matthew Rogers / Institute of Osteopathy
Graham Prestwich / Leeds North CCG (Patient Rep)
Dennis Skinner / Local Government Association
Cathy Hassell / Medical Directorate, NHS England
Stan Silverman / Monitor
Taj Hassan / Monitor
Toby Lambert / Monitor
Nav Chana / National Association of Primary Care
Deborah O'Callaghan / National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Nick Baillie / National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Jeremy Taylor / National Voices
Helen Birtwhistle / NHS Confederation
Paul Healy / NHS Confederation
Sam Hunt / NHS Confederation
James Kingsland / NHS England
Jane Blower / NHS England
Sue Hill / NHS England
Bee Wee / NHS England – National Clinical Director
Dominic Slowie / NHS England – National Clinical Director
Erika Denton / NHS England – National Clinical Director
Peter Kay / NHS England – National Clinical Director
Suzie Shepherd / Patient representative
Sally Edwards / Quality Surveillance Team, NHS England
Carly Melbourne / Royal College of Anaesthetists
Charlie McLaughlan / Royal College of Anaesthetists
Peter Venn / Royal College of Anaesthetists
David Paynton / Royal College of General Practitioners
Elaine Whitby / Royal College of Nursing
Rose Gallagher / Royal College of Nursing
Lance Sandle / Royal College of Pathologists
Anita Donley / Royal College of Physicians
Caroline Rogers / Royal College of Physicians
Ian Bullock / Royal College of Physicians
Linda Cuthbertson / Royal College of Physicians
Roland Valori / Royal College of Physicians/Clinical Service Accreditation Alliance
Adrian Worrall / Royal College of Psychiatrists
Chris Freeman / Royal College of Psychiatrists
Andrew Hall / Royal College of Radiologists
David Christopher / Royal College of Radiologists
David Whitney / Royal College of Surgeons
Karen Smith / Royal College of Surgeons
Simon Edwards / Royal College of Surgeons
Sue Hill / Royal College of Surgeons
Chris Sanderson / Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Catherine Duggan / Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Ruth Wakeman / Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Richard Evans / Society and College of Radiographers
Lucy Watson / Somerset CCG
Sue Browning / Spinal Injuries Association
Richard Taunt / The Health Foundation
Lorraine Turner / United Kingdom Accreditation Service
Paul Stennett / United Kingdom Accreditation Service
Stephen Mitchell / United Kingdom Accreditation Service
Natasha Phillips / University College London Hospitals
Vicky Dunne / University College London Hospitals
Jane Eminson / West Midlands Quality Review Service
Sarah Broomhead / West Midlands Quality Review Service