AJEV Article Template

Use the following for text and heading formatting. Use double line spacing, Times New Roman font, and number lines and pages continuously as shown.

Full Title

Use Title Case, not all caps; limit 120 characters

List name(s) of Author(s)

List both first names and last names, include middle initial if desired.

Author affiliation(s)

With complete addresses; link by superscript numbers (1, 2, 3) to author names above.

Previous address(es)

If research was conducted at a different affiliation than listed above; link by superscript number.

*Corresponding author (email address, telephone, fax; link to author listed above by asterisk (*).

Acknowledgments/Author disclosures

List source(s) of financial or material support. Also include disclosures (any potential conflict of interest) if applicable or if required by the funding institution. List/thank names of significant contributors (not authors).

Short version of title (under 40 characters)

Abstract: State what was done, how it was done, major results, and conclusions in 275 words or less (200 word limit for research notes). Avoid excessive abbreviations; do not cite references.

Key words: Include approximately six key words for indexing.

In approximately two or three paragraphs/two pages (double spaced), include a background review of your study, state the measurement techniques, review key pertinent work, cite key references. Conclude with the hypothesis involved and/or purpose of the investigation and how it will address deficiencies in existing enology/viticulture knowledge.

Materials and Methods

Provide sufficient detail so work can be repeated. State/label treatments clearly and consistently use those labels throughout. Report replications. See especially the sections in the AJEV Guide to Authors on Reporting Information, Reporting Winemaking, Reporting Sensory Evaluation, and Reporting Molecular Marker Data. Use short subheads for clarity. Define abbreviations and acronyms on first mention.


Present results concisely, referring to figures and tables as needed (do not include the same information in both figures and tables). If specific results are given in tables/figures, then do not repeat those in the text (e.g., measurements, significance values).


Interpret the results in relation to previous literature, propose explanations for the results observed, indicate what new information is contributed, discuss possible applications. Avoid speculation unsupported by data. (In short articles, results and discussion can be combined.)


Briefly specify conclusions concerning the original hypothesis and the information given in the article. Do not simply summarize, do not introduce new topics, and do not include literature citations.

Literature Cited

Limit literature to 35 of the most salient peer-reviewed articles. List all references cited in the text. See the AJEV Guide to Authors for required format of literature and see published AJEV articles for examples. Check all literature against original publications.


Place each table on a separate page, number each one (1, 2, 3, etc.), and include a descriptive caption at the top of each one. Construct using table formatting—do not embed tables as images from other programs. Identify footnotes with lowercase superscript letters, from a to z.

Figures (graphs, charts, line drawings, photographs)

See the AJEV Guide to Authors for sizing and format. Place each figure on a separate page, number each one (1, 2, 3, etc.), and include descriptive captions for all figures after the Literature Cited.

Supplemental Data

If you have supplemental material that is ancillary to your article, then it may be published in the online version. Submit supplemental data as separate table or figure files after the main tables and figures and label as such (Supplemental Table 1, Supplemental Figure 1). All supplemental data must be peer-reviewed with the manuscript. There may be an extra fee for supplemental data, based on file size and editing needs.

Additional Author Resources:

AJEV Guide to Authors

Free sample AJEV issue