Name______Period ______

Walker AP World History Ch 32 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 782-791

1. What happened to Salvador Allende? Who took his place? Pg. 782

2. How does Latin America fit the definition of “Third World”? Pg. 783, 786

(Timeline, Pg. 784)

3. When did Brazil join the Allies in WWII? ______

4. When did Peron take power in Argentina? ______

5. When did Castro come to power in Cuba? ______

6. When did the Sandinistas take power in Nicaragua? ______

7. When was the Falkland Islands War? ______

8. When did the USA invade Grenada? ______Panama? ______

9. What was the purpose of the PRI? Pg. 785

10. Where did the Mexican government face a revolt in 1994? What were the demands of the rebels? Pg. 785

11. What was the purpose of NAFTA? Pg. 785

12. Why was it “dangerous” for Post-WWII Latin American leaders to seek reforms/solutions in Marxian socialism? Pg. 788

13. Briefly describe events in Guatemala and US intervention there. Pg. 788

14. Who was the US backed dictator of Cuba in the 1950s? Why did he lose US support? Pg. 788-789

15. Briefly describe how Castro was able to rise to power? Who was his right hand man? Pg. 788-789

16. What kind of government did Castro institute in Cuba? Who became his economic & military ally? Pg. 789

17. What did the Christian Democratic parties seek to do in Chile and Venezuela in the 50s? Pg. 790

18. What is “liberation theology’? Pg. 790

19. How was it applied by various leaders, rebels and reformers in Latin America? Pg.790-791

(Document: The People Speak, Pg. 790-791)

20. Give your reactions to the hardships faced in the first excerpt? (Reading, Pg. 790-791)

21. Based upon your reading of the second excerpt, what are some of the difficulties that would be faced by political and labour reformers in Latin America? (Reading, Pg. 790-791)


Borrowed from Mr. Walker