Del Val Meeting Minutes – Submitted by Keith Inglin

Old Business

School Use Fees

Background: The programs are suffering financial meltdown due to skyrocketing school use fees. Discussion on approaching board to see if there is any type of resolution.

Discussion about the method of approach and if the earlier conversation had been acted upon. Decided to table this issue for future consideration

JV Tournament

Tournament was a complete success and coaches were given many compliments when they returned from the days events. Much praise for the help that was from unusual sources do to the nature of three Del Val events on the same day. Karina and Terri to discuss the few cases of water left over for the day.

Alumni Event

Discussion about holding an outdoor alumni event during the week of the summer clinic, possibly including a pig roast. Multiple locations discussed in the area, but many were centered around local pavilions in municipal or other nearby parks

Foundation Raffle

Rob Smith behind in procuring needed paperwork, but contact made and he is going to work through in a time-frame that will not delay the event. Group suggested that a 3-4 week would be needed to sell all of the tickets. Karina to contact Milford fire to make sure that there is still availability. Date should be either weekend before Easter or the one following, but not on Easter weekend

The Lions club donated the raffle turnstile and Keith Inglin volunteer to fix and redo the wheel. Discussion on the state of the economy and if the ticket price would be more saleable if changed. Agreed that $25.00 per ticket would remain, but be investigated in the future.

Terrier Center

Preliminary presentation on what operational cost would be, the size of the building, and some of the larger details of its configuration.

The building would have an occupancy of one to three thousand people. Due to costs some items like shower would need to be scaled back. Water needs are a large factor in building use and size.

General estimate for construction of the structure would be 1M.

Cost estimates - monthly

Heat $700 (No AC Spec’d)

Insurance (between) $350.-$425

Alarm System $110.

To finance the project two homes would be raffled off on the internet. There would need to be 20,000 tickets offered at $100.00 each. There are similar sold out raffles on the internet.

After much discussion group decided that the project is so big in scope that it should be tabled for a special meeting.

Treasurers Report

Treasurers Report

read and accepted. Current balance $6,394 with some anticipation of checks being sent for teams that had participated in the JV tournament at the last minute (believe from memory that it was 2 teams)

New Business

Piano played at DV Senior Night

Coach Fitz brought up that Korey Inglin was going to introduce the wrestlers to the match by playing the keyboard (Del Vals Entry Song – Right Now by Van Halen) matside before the match. Sent information to the Hunterdon County Democrat so they could include it in the correspondence about the match

JV Match Entry Fee – Raritan, NJ

Andy requested $250.00 for entry fee to Raritan JV tournament. Motion passed

American Flag Light in Gym

Keith Inglin brought up that he has been in discussion with the Athletic Director (Sue Hammerstone) about lighting the American Flag during the matches that are held at night with the ‘mat lights’ on. The school agreed that it was important that a light be installed, but added that there isn’t a budget for the expense. School returned with a quote for $1,100. Looking at simplifying what was submitted to lower the cost. After reviewing the estimate, Keith responded hoping that the existing circuit can be extended at a lower cost instead of installing a new circuit. Sue sent on request to school engineer for consideration.

Meeting Adjourned