
Rock Cycle Chapter Challenge

TASK: Create a comic strip or story book to demonstrate your knowledge of the Rock Cycle.


These items must be included as part of your Chapter Challenge.

·  Planning pages must be hand written by student and turned in with your project.

·  Use key word when explaining each question below. All explanations must be in your own words.

·  Pictures and graphics should be used to support explanations.

·  Turn in a hand-written storybook or comic strip.

Main Questions / Key Words
What are the three types of rocks and the characteristics of each rock? / Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary, Crystals, Texture, Color, Layers, Fossils, Density
How does each rock form? / Magma, Lava, Compaction, Cementation, Heat, Pressure
How does one rock change into another? / Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary, Melting, Cooling, Weathering, Erosion, Sedimentation, Heat, Pressure
How do the three types of rocks relate to the plate tectonic theory? / Subduction Zone, Continental-Continental Collision Zone, Mid-Ocean Ridge


·  Need to include an illustration/picture for each page that supports your information.

·  Needs to be engaging for the reader; for example you can create a comedy, suspense, action, or romance.

·  Need to explain the key words, do not just list them.


Bella Swand-stone was born in sandy Phoenix, Arizona. She is beautiful sandy colored sandstone with layers tinged with browns and reds. Bella was formed from cemented crystals of quartz nearly 10,000 years ago, but she is still just a teenager in rock years. Though Bella loves her home in the desert, she moves to rainy and rocky Washington to live with her father Charlie. She does this so that her mother can travel with her step-father, who is a professional curling stone. Little does she know, but her sedimentary life is about to change forever.

On the first day of school at Stonehill High School, Bella happens to sit next to the dreamy Edward Gneiss. Edward is a tough, hard rock and at first cannot stand Bella. Eventually, he begins to warm up to her. During the next hundred years, their friendship begins to blossom. One day, as Bella is rolling for home after school, she is nearly crushed by a classmate’s avalanche. Somehow, miraculously, Edward is able to shield her from the falling rocks.

Bella becomes determined to find out how Edward saved her life. Bella tricks her family friend, Jim Basalt, to tell her about the 4.5 billion year old rock cycle legends. She learns that rocks like Basalt come from cooling magma, while she was formed from weathered rocks cemented together by pressure. In the end, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are ancient metamorphic rocks with special powers gained from enduring intense heat and pressure. She knows that mysterious rocks are transformed by this earthly magic. When Bella confronts Edward, he reveals his sparkly crystal layers and tells her that he initially avoided her because the sight of her quartz crystals was so desirable to him. Despite their obvious differences and the objections of his family, Bella and Edward fall in love.

Their relationship is put on rocky ground when a rival group of metamorphics surfaces in town. These Serpentine rocks have a darker side, a slimy texture, and were formed when rocks from deep in the ocean floor were pushed up into the rocks of the continent. Now that they are on the surface, they intend to create some havoc. One serpentine, named Jack Jack, makes Bella his target. He wants to hunt her and take her down to the mantle where she is sure to melt. In order to lure her into the subduction zone, Jack rocknaps Bella’s mother and tells her that she must give herself up in order to save her mother. She gives herself up, and Jack Jack attacks. He drags her deep into the mountain, but Edward and his Gneiss family are able to save her before she goes completely through metamorphosis. Fortunately, all this drama is over in time for their big rock show. So the two teenage love-stones, Bella and Edward, go back to school where they sit side by side in the E Hall Science lab rock sample box.

The End