Senbagam Duraisamy, Senthilkumar Balakrishnan, Murugan Kasi Saleh Al-Sohaibani Syntheses, physicochemical characterization and antibacterial studies on potassium morpholine dithiocarbamate nickel (II) and copper (II) metal complexes Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, ISSN:1319-562X, Yes, IF:1.257 (Under minor revision)

Murugan Kasi, Anandaraj K., Ashraf A. Hatamleh, Fahad Saeed Albaqami, Saleh Al-Sohaibani 2016.Groundnut Oil Biopreservation: Bioactive Components, Nutritional Value and Anti-Aflatoxigenic Effects of Traditional Ginger Seasoning. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, ISSN: 1745-4549; IF:1.159; DOI:10.1111/jfpp.12984.

Kasi Murugan, Krishnasamy Selvanayaki, Saleh Al-Sohaibani. 2016. Urinary catheter indwelling clinical pathogen biofilm formation, exopolysaccharide characterization and their growth influencing parameters. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 23(1), 150–159, 2016. ISSN:1319-562X, Yes, IF:1.257.

Sekar Kuppusamy, Murugan Kasi, Pandiarajan K, Ignacimuthu, Saleh Al-Sohaibani 2016. Anticaries potential of ethnomedicinal plants used by Malayali tribals from Kolli Hills, India Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK), 15(1), 109-115, 2016. (ISSN: 0975-1068.Yes. IF:0.411.


Murugan Kasi, Saleh Al-Sohaibani 2016. Quorum sensing inhibitors as biofilm modulator in soil bacteria. Biofilms in Plant and Soil Health (Iqbal Ahmad & Fohad Mabood Husain Eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK (In Press)



Kasi Murugan, Sangeetha Shanmugasamy, Ranjitha Shanmugasamy, Saleh Al-Sohaibani and Gopal Ramesh Kumar. 2015. TaxKB: A knowledge base for new taxane-related drug discovery. BioData mining, 8:19. DOI 10.1186/s13040-015-0053-5 (ISSN: 1756-0381, IF:2.02)

Senbagam Duraisamy, Murugan Kasi, Senthilkumar Balakrishnan, Saleh Al-Sohaibani, Gurusamy Ramasamy. 2015.Optimization of Lactobacillus brevis NS01 Brevicin Production and Its Application in Apple Juice Biopreservation Using Food-Grade Clarifying Agent Silica as a Carrier. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8(8):1750–1761. DOI 10.1007/s11947-015-1536-6 (ISSN:1935-5130, IF: 2.691)

Kasi Murugan, Shanmugasamy Sangeetha, Shanmugasamy Ranjitha, Antony Dasan Vimala, Saleh Al-Sohaibani and G. Rameshkumar. 2015. HDACiDB: A Database for Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015:9, 2257—2264 (ISSN: 1177-8881; IF 3.028)

Kasi Murugan, K.Kavitha and Saleh Al-Sohaibani (2015) Rifampicin resistance among clinical multiresistant MRSA isolates from Chennai, India and their molecular characterization. Genetics and Molecular Research, 14(1), 2716-2725 (ISSN: 1676-5680;IF:0.775).


Shakthi Velayudam, Kasi Murugan. 2015. Sequential optimization approach for enhanced production of antimicrobial compound from Streptomyces rochei BKM-4. South Indian Journal of Biological Sciences. 1(2); 72-79(ISSN: 2454-4787).



Kasi Murugan, Balakrishnanan Senthilkumar, Duraisamy Senbagam, Saleh Al Sohaibani (2014) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Acacia leucophloea extract and their antibacterial activity. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 9: 2431-2438. (ISSN: 1178-2013; IF 4.1).

Kasi Murugan, K. Anandaraj, Saleh Al-Sohaibani (2014) Evaluation of the effects of Allium spp and Allium seasoning on the toxigenic, nutritional and sensorial profiles of groundnut oil. Journal of Food Science, 79(4); M643-M654. (ISSN: 1750-3841; IF:1.775).

Shahitha Sikkandar, Kasi Murugan, Saleh Al-Sohaibani, Flora Rayappan, Aneesh Nair and Florida Tilton.2014. Halophilic bacteria-A potent source of carotenoids with antioxidant and anticancer potentials Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7(4): 2825-2830, 2013. 2014. (ISSN 0973-7510, IF:0.054)