Name: ______Date: ______Color: ______

Unit 4: Flip, Slide and Turn

Slides in the Coordinate Plane

Directions: Follow the steps below.

Horizontal Slides

1.  Take one full size sheet of grid paper.

2.  Draw a coordinate grid on the full size grid paper.

3.  Plot and label the following points on the coordinate plane:

A (-2, 4) B (-3, -1) C (2, -2)

4.  Now connect all three points so that they form a triangle.

5.  From each vertices of your triangle count three units to the right (3, 0) of ∆ABC.

6.  Mark each of the new vertices on your grid paper, connect the points, in a different color, and label its vertices A’, B’, and C’.

7.  Write the coordinates of each vertex. A’ (___ , ___) B’ (___ , ___) C’(____ , ____)

8.  Fill in the table find below finding the difference between the new coordinates and the original coordinates.

x-coordinate / x-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
A’ / A
B’ / B
C’ / C
y-coordinate / y-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
A’ / A
B’ / B
C’ / C

9.  What do you notice?


10.  From the original ∆ABC. Count two units to the left (-2, 0) from each of the vertices and mark the new vertices, in a different color, to form ∆A’’B’’C’’.

11.  Write the coordinates of each vertex. A’’ (___ , ___) B’’ (___ , ___) C’’(____ , ____)

12.  Fill in the table find below finding the difference between the new coordinates and the original coordinates.

x-coordinate / x-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
A’’ / A
B’’ / B
C’’ / C
y-coordinate / y-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
A’’ / A
B’’ / B
C’’ / C

13.  What do you notice?


14.  How do the coordinates of a point change as the point moves to the right? To the left?


Vertical Slides

15.  From the original ∆ABC. Count four units down (0, -4) from each of the vertices and mark the new coordinates, in a different color, to form ∆EFG.

16.  Write the coordinates of each vertex. E(___ , ___) F(___ , ___) G(____ , ____)

17.  Fill in the table find below finding the difference between the new coordinates and the original coordinates.

x-coordinate / x-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
E / A
F / B
G / C
y-coordinate / y-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
E / A
F / B
G / C

18.  What do you notice?


19.  From the original ∆ABC. Count three units up (0, 3) from each of the vertices and mark the new coordinates, in a different color, to form ∆E’F’G’.

20. Write the coordinates of each vertex. E’ (___ , ___) F’ (___ , ___) G’(____ , ____)

21.  Fill in the table find below finding the difference between the new coordinates and the original coordinates.

x-coordinate / x-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
E’ / A
F’ / B
G’ / C
y-coordinate / y-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
E’ / A
F’ / B
G’ / C

22. What do you notice?


23. How do the coordinates of a point change as the point moves up or down?


Horizontal and Vertical Slides

24. On the full size coordinate plane plot and label the following points:

H (6, 4) I (6, -1) J (10, 4) K (10, -1)

25. Now connect all four points so that they form a rectangle.

26. From the original rectangle HIJK. Count four units to the left and two units down (-4, -2) from each of the vertices and mark the new coordinates, in a different color, to form rectangle H’I’J’K’.

27. Write the coordinates of each vertex. H’ (___ , ___) I’ (___ , ___) J’(____ , ____) K’(___, ____)

28. Fill in the table find below finding the difference between the new coordinates and the original coordinates.

x-coordinate / x-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
H’ / H
I’ / I
J’ / J
K’ / K
y-coordinate / y-coordinate / Difference Problem / Solution
H’ / H
I’ / I
J’ / J
K’ / K

29. What do you notice?


30. How do the coordinates of a point change as the point moves up or down?


31.  Write a rule to find the new coordinates after a translation without using the coordinate grid.



Using the rule written in problem #22 solve the following problems. Check you solutions on the coordinate grid.

1.  Polygon J(4,2), K(7,2), L(7,0), M(5,0) translated (-6, 5).

2.  Pogon Q(2, -4), R(4, -3), S(4, -5), T(2, -7), U(1, -6) translated (-5, 2).