There is no perfect format for lesson planning. Each discipline has unique needs as does each teacher. Below is one example of a lesson plan, but the goal is not to limit or constrain your planning—rather the hope is to help guide the planning. The attached rubric provides key components that are needed for complete lessons.

SUBJECT / Biology
TOPIC / BioChemistry; Understanding Bohr Models
GRADE / 10/11
SAFETY / Students will not be doing much for this activity. There will be time for them to get up and move to the back of the room so that they may work with a partner, so hopefully they have enough common sense to not injure themselves walking back there.
OBJECTIVES / Students Will Be Able To:
· Identify the names, charges, and relative sizes of the fundamental particles that constitute an atom
· Draw the Bohr model representing the arrangement of these particles in an atom
· Realize that each atom is identified by some symbol in the periodic table
National ELL Standards / ELL1-E: English Language Literacy - Demonstrate individual communication.
E1.Use new common vocabulary when speaking.
E2.Paraphrase information delivered orally.
IN Academic (K-12) Standard(s) / SCI.B.1.1 2010
Describe the structure of the major categories of organic compounds that make up living organisms in terms of their building blocks and the small number of chemical elements (i.e., carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous and sulfur) from which they are composed.
SCI.B.1.2 2010
Understand that the shape of a molecule determines its role in the many different types of cellular processes (e.g., metabolism, homeostasis, growth and development, and heredity) and understand that the majority of these processes involve proteins that act as enzymes.
SCI.B.1.3 2010
Explain and give examples of how the function and differentiation of cells is influenced by their external environment (e.g., temperature, acidity and the concentration of certain molecules) and changes in these conditions may affect how a cell functions.


5 / Engage/Anticipatory Set
Focus, motivation, set the stage for the lesson
-Draw circles on board, Lable H, He, Li
-Demonstrate with Hydrogen what you want students to do. Lable H for Hydrogen, Give Atomic Number, And Average Atomic Weight, and Show Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons but limit the vocabulary and use that for exploration. I just want students getting the basic structures down now. / - Students will draw their own circles on their paper and try to do the same for He and Li.
-Have students show Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
5 / Objective and purpose
Tell the students the objectives and why they need to learn the material / Listening attentively, thinking about what it is they should know for the lesson, thinking back to previous classes that have dealt with this stuff i.e. ICP
15 / Exploration/ Instructional strategies
Instructional input; procedure and student activities
Begin asking students to identify what the numbers are that are in each box. For Hydrogen the (1) should represent the Atomic Number, it tells us how many Protons and in turn How many Electrons, How many Neutrons. Explain Electron clouds and how many are allowed for each cloud. 2-8-8-18 rule. / -Actively participating in class discussion, taking notes on new information and asking questions when they are uncertain of something
5 / Checking for understanding (Formative evaluation)
Explanation / Back of Notes page… Worksheet with all 18 squares for the first 18 elements. Have them fill out the squares and correctly identify everything
10 / Elaboration/Guided practice
Go through student’s answers. Explain what rows and columns have in common (valence electrons/ energy levels) / Being called up to show the rest of the students how they got the answer they did.
5 / Closure (Lesson summation and learner participation ) / Evaluation (Assignments, homework, etc. How does this relate to the objectives of the lesson? Of the unit?) / Homework: Asking final questions and assign homework; Draw Bohr model for any element in the next row. Due tomorrow

Rationale: This is important to teach as students need to know how to draw the structures of elements and how its structure relates to its role later on. This is effective for ELL students because it allows for group time. Using groups to do this lesson would help everyone understand.

Student work to be collected: Bohr Model

Lesson Planning-1