Study Abroad

Short-term Program Final Report

This form provides guidance as you evaluate the success of your MU short-term study abroad program. Working with the International Center, you will use the information gathered from your evaluation to make improvements and changes to your program for future years. This form will also help transfer information to the study abroad staff and any other future program directors. Please contact your program coordinator if you have any questions.


Name:Click or tap here to enter text.

Department:Click or tap here to enter text.

Email:Click or tap here to enter text.

Phone: Click or tap here to enter text.


Program dates: Click or tap here to enter text.

Location (city, country):Click or tap here to enter text.

Host university/organization (if applicable): Click or tap here to enter text.

Academic discipline(s) involved in program: Click or tap here to enter text.

Types of activities (tours, lectures, museums visits, etc.) that occurred during the program:

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Did you add any unplanned activities? If yes, please explain:

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What is the history of MU’s involvement with this program (new, existing, etc.)?

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Do other U.S. universities send students to study at this site? If yes, please list:

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On-site staff

Who provided support services on-site (host university, tour provider, local guides, etc.)?

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What was the responsibility of these individuals?

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Where these people readily available to answer student questions? What were their office hours?

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How many students were they responsible for?

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Who did students contact in the event of an emergency outside of office hours?

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Was the academic and personal/intercultural counseling adequate for student needs?

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Did the students feel adequately supported by the on-site staff?

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Do you feel that students were satisfied with the housing options?

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Where you satisfied with your housing?

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Where students housed with host country students or in accommodations reserved for U.S. and other foreign students?

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What was the level of social integration with host country students?

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Describe the security of the housing. (Include type and number of locks, security guards, fire extinguishers, etc.)

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What steps could be taken to help improve the security of the housing?

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If host families were an option, how were they chosen and vetted, and how can students be better prepared to stay with host families in this country?

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Whom did students contact if there was an emergency?

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Do you know how the housing would be arranged for future years?

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What amenities were provided (e.g., running water, temperature control, internet access, etc.)? Did you and the students receive the amenities that were promised?

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How was the housing paid for?

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Was a deposit required? If so, when was the deposit due?

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When was the final payment due?

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Were meals included with the housing? If so, which meals and what types (self-catered, cafeteria/meal plan, provided by host family, restaurants)?

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Would you recommend using the same housing again in the future?

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Any additional recommendations for changes?

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Did the program provide airport pick-up? If not, what was the best way for students to reach the host site or housing from the airport?

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How were students transported in-country?

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How was the safety of the transportation vetted? Was the provided considered safe and reliable by locals?

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What type of licensure did the driver(s) possess?

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What insurance coverage did the provider and driver(s) have?

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What was the average cost of local transportation?

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Would you recommend using the same transportation services again in the future?

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Any additional recommendations for changes?

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Orientation/welcome services

Was an on-site orientation provided? If so, by who (on-site staff, MU faculty, both)?

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What topics did this orientation cover that are unique to the program?

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Health and safety issues

Were there any health or safety concerns in the host country that affected students on the program?

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Were students required to obtain any immunizations before traveling to the host country? If so, which specific immunizations?

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What health care services were available for students?

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Were there reputable clinics or hospitals in the host city(s)? If so, how far away was the nearest vetted clinic?

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Did the program provide information about those services to students?

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Were reliable English-speaking counselors/psychologists available?

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What were the costs of routine medical care?

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How did students pay these costs?

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When was payment due for services?

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Was there a national health care system students could access?

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How were health and safety issues addressed with students?

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How were students instructed about wise and unwise behavior in the host culture?

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How were students informed about potentially dangerous places or situations to avoid?

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What communication methods were available to you and the students on site (cell phones, email, etc.)?

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Where was the closest U.S. embassy/consulate?

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Any recommendations for changes?

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Excursions/field trips

What excursions were offered as part of the program?

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Did you or the host institution offer any extra, unplanned activities?

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What steps could be taken in the future to help ensure students’ safety on excursions?

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Who conducted the excursions (answer for each excursion/field trip)?

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Would you want to offer the same excursions in the future?

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Were you and the students satisfied with the quality of the guides and locations of the excursions?

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Any recommendations for changes?

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Program facilities

Was there appropriate office space?

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Was there appropriate classroom space?

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Was classroom equipment adequate?

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Did students have access to adequate library resources?

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Did students have adequate computer/internet access?

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Where and what were the hours for students to access computers?

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Local facilities and services

Where was the closest place to buy groceries?

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Where was the nearest drug store or pharmacy?

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Where was the closest place to purchase a phone card or cell phone?

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Where and how did the students do their laundry?

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Any other noteworthy amenities/services?

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How were payments made to local vendors (cash advance, wire transfer, credit card, etc.)?

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Could payments be made in advance?

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Was it necessary to open a bank account in the host country to pay program costs?

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How was money exchanged in the host country?

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Were ATMs easily accessed?

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Were credit cards easily used?

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Were any particular credit/debit card companies that were or were not usable in the program location(s)?

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WEB international.missouri.eduRevised 06/16/2017