Grade 6 Ancient Greece Project (T-2)

Myths are traditional stories invented by early people to explain the mysteries of the universe, such as creation, changing seasons, day and night, etc… Often these stories had characters with superhuman qualities, strengths or talents. These characters usually had very human flaws and imperfections as well. This combination often made for interesting challenges and conflicts in their lives. Your task is to research the Greek mythological character you choose, select a typical/ modern problem faced by middle school students today and write a descriptive narrative about how your hero or heroine would handle it.

There are 4 parts to this project; parts I-III should be typed or neatly written and labeled with corresponding Roman Numerals. Please make sure you have correct St. Chris heading at the top of your page.

I. Research your Greek Mythological Character and answer the following 4 questions:

  • Where does the character come from?
  • What are the superhuman qualities, strengths or talents?
  • What are the personality quirks or flaws?
  • What is the area of domain or influence?

II. Read their myth and write a short summary.

III. Rewrite their myth with a modern day twist. Below are a few ideas that you may consider writing about, these are only ideas, you do not have to choose one of these.

  • 1. Missed the bus to school
  • 2. Wants a certain boy or girl to notice them
  • 3. Hard time doing equations in math
  • 4. Hates what is being served for lunch today
  • 5. A bully is picking on him/her
  • 6. Had a run-in with a teacher in the hall
  • 7. Didn't make the basketball team
  • 8. Doesn't have enough money to buy the latest CD
  • 9. Doesn't get along with the leader of the most popular crowd
  • 10. Didn't quite finish the English assignment

Section IV. PRESENTATION- Acting as your mythological character create a presentation. Use parts I & II to tell the class about where you come from, what your special qualities/ strengths or talents are, what your flaws are and what experiences you faced in your life; problems that you over came, people you saved… (summarizing your myth). You may use index cards during your presentation, but you cannot read from your report. You may also dress up as your mythological creature or use props. This will increase your grade.

Remember ALL written sections are due on the 14th.

Students have each been assigned a presentation date between February 19th – 21st.