PRESENT: H. Hurley, G. Stetson, A. Kinahan and J. Noyes
ABSENT: H. Anderson
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
1. 131 West Street:
The Board reviewed the special permit that was prepared for John & Tanya Reynolds for the above site and signed it. The permit will be filed with the Town Clerk tomorrow to begin the twenty (20) day appeal period.
2. Bresciani Estates: Barry McNeill was present.
Mr. McNeill stated that he was here to discuss the road bond for the above subdivision. He noted that the base coat of paving was done last week. He stated that the as-built plan is being prepared and he wanted to know how to proceed to the next step. Mr. McNeill stated that the drainage is in and he is ready to begin construction of the single family homes at the property located at Wall Street on the Bridgewater and West Bridgewater line.
Mr. Hurley questioned whether the water and hydrants are installed. Mr. McNeill stated that they were and that the water had already been chlorinated. Mr. Hurley asked about the utilities. Mr. McNeill stated that he had paid the fees but was waiting for the installation of the poles and wires. He noted that he had been waiting for some time for them to begin.
Mr. Hurley noted that the next step would be to set up a surety account with the Treasurer/Collector before any lots would be released. Mr. McNeill presented the Board with a list of the remaining items to be completed on this project which includes:
Top coat of road $22,000
Sidewalks 6,500
Granite Curbing 16,800
Electricity 14,000
Loam/Rake/Seed 3,500
Misc. clean up 4,000
Total: $66,800
Mr. Hurley stated that the Board no longer uses bonds. He noted that Mr. McNeill would have to set up a pass book savings account with the Treasurer and as the work gets completed, he would be allowed to “draw down” the amount. He also suggested that the Board add $10,000 to the estimate to cover the as-built plan and bounds.
Mr. McNeill stated that he wanted a partial release of the lots and questioned whether the Board would consider holding some of the lots as surety, rather than the savings account.
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Mr. Stetson reminded the Board that they have held lots as surety for other subdivisions in the past. Mr. McNeill stated that he would much rather have it done this way, if the Board agrees. Mr. Hurley noted that the Board has to ensure that, if proponents don’t finish it for some reason, then the Board can use the lots to raise the funds to finish up the subdivision. Mr. Hurley noted that they just want to ensure that Mr. McNeill gets it done in a timely manner. He also noted that, as completion nears the end, the lot surety would need to be converted to a savings bank passbook account. Mr. McNeill stated that he was hoping to get four (4) lots released so that he can begin construction. Mr. Hurley suggested that, once the utilities are in and the as-built completed, that Mr. McNeill file a Form J Lot Release so that he would be able to get building permits. Mr. Stetson noted that the Board is very flexible, so that if a lot being held by the Board were to become under agreement, they would be willing to “swap it out” for another lot.
A brief discussion was held regarding any covenant held by the previous owners. Mr. McNeill stated that he couldn’t find one that had been recorded. Board members thought that there must be one, or at least an implied one, but if not, the Form J Release will cover the requirements.
Mr. McNeill stated that he hopes to return to the next meeting on December 18th if possible. Mr. Hurley noted that the Board would not be meeting again until January 15, 2014 and suggested that Mr. McNeill see if he can get everything together by the next meeting so that he won’t have to wait until next year.
3. Lincoln Street: Charles Woodward of Professional Land Survey Associates was present.
A Form A and Plans for Lincoln Street were submitted for review. The intent of the plan is to re-divide plots 7 & 8 on Assessor’s Map 51, into Lots 7a, 7b and 8b.
Mr. Hurley reminded the Board that they had returned these plans that were submitted at the last meeting to Mr. Woodward, without prejudice, because there was no One hundred (100’) foot squares on the plan pursuant the Section 5.2.2 (e), and Section 5.2.2 (f). There was also no Mylar print submitted at that time.
Mr. Woodward apologized to the Board and stated that the Mylar print was not submitted at the last meeting because he expected to be notified when the Board was going to review it and then he would bring the Mylar in at that time. As to the missing “squares” he noted that he had not been aware of this new requirement. Mr. Hurley stated that he could thank “his friend down the road” for the bylaw change and noted that they now refer to it as the “Silva Square.”
Mr. Woodward explained that this was originally one large lot and owned by John Walsh. He stated that Mr. Walsh was proposing to build a home for himself and then one for his son and daughter-in-law. Mr. Hurley noted that Lot 7b still did not have the hundred foot (100’) square on it. Mr. Woodward stated that he would try to do so, but was not sure if it would fit. He noted that there was an existing foundation on this lot. Mr. Hurley reviewed the bylaw and
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noted that the square placement must begin at the setback line. Mr. Woodward stated that he wasn’t sure that it would fit any other way. Mr. Hurley illustrated where the square needed to be moved to and suggested that with a minor lot line change, it should fit on both lots 7a and 7b. Mr. Woodward noted that the parcel was subdivided in order to meet the frontage and area requirements. Mr. Hurley suggested that he “calc it up” to make sure it meets the regulations and so there is no question that it fits. Mr. Stetson noted that there is a subdivision on Manley Street that was used as a model of the type of subdivision the Board did not want to see; with the gerrymandered lot lines. He noted that once built, all the houses will look out over each other’s property.
A brief discussion was held regarding what is still left to do on this site. Mr. Hurley questioned whether the mobile home was still there. Mr. Woodward stated that he was not sure what is left. He thought that the mobile home might still be there, but the existing house either was taken down, or must be taken down. He noted that he thought it was supposed to be razed last year but the owner “got into some discussions” with the Historical Society. Mr. Woodward noted that, while he agreed that some houses in town should remain historical sites, others like this one should be razed. Mr. Woodward also noted that it had looked abandoned and unoccupied for a very long time. Mr. Woodward stated that they now have to do a perc test and then file with the Conservation Commission in order to be allowed to build on Lot 7B.
Mr. Woodward stated that he would make the required adjustments to the plan and return to the next meeting on December 18th for the Board’s endorsement.
4. Engineering refund:
The Board was informed that the warrant that they signed at the last meeting to refund the remaining engineering funds to Jiffy Mix was not complete. Apparently, the fact that the warrant stated that it was for a refund to Jiffy Mix for engineering funds, and was signed by the Board, was not enough information to satisfy the Accountant’s office. Copies of the original check, payments made to Stantec and a letter explaining why the refund was being made were submitted as “documentation” and the warrant is now being processed for payment.
5. West Meadow Woods:
Mr. Stetson reported that he had visited the above site and that the sidewalks were done this week. He stated that proponents did a good job and the sidewalk would be a great for skateboarding.
6. Meadow Spring Drive:
The Board noted that the deeds and conveyances for the roadway and easements for the above subdivision still have not been submitted, reviewed or approved for this subdivision. The last time the Board met with Mr. Donato he stated that his attorney, Ron Whitney, was preparing the deeds, conveyance documents, and roadway easements and would submit them as soon as
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they were done. Mr. Hurley had noted that once all of the paperwork was in order, the Board would schedule a public hearing to release the surety and then forward the plans to the Board of Selectmen for street acceptance at the next town meeting. Mr. Donato assured the Board that he would make sure that everything was submitted as soon as possible. It was noted for the record that the above documents have not yet been submitted.
7. MAIL:
E. Bridgewater ZBA public hearing 11/18/13, re: appeal, granted.
Easton ZBA public hearing 12/17/13, re: special permit, 147 Center Street.
Easton ZBA public hearing 12/17/13, re: variance, 202R Prospect Street.
OCPC Minutes of 10/30/13 and agenda for 12/4/13.
Woodward and Curran Fall 2013 newsletter.
Expense Control report of 11/26/13.
Expense Ledger report of 11/26/13.
Paid Invoice for Robert’s Way advertising and abutter notification.
Paid Invoice for 131 West Street advertising and abutter notification.
8. A Motion (AK) was made to pay the secretary payroll for the period ending 12/3/13.
Second (JN). Vote: Unanimous of the four (4) members present.
9. The minutes of 11/20/13 were accepted and filed.
10. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Cotter,