Wednesday November 27, 2013



Chair: Helen Huang


John Allan / Vesna Bajic / Joanne Bedasie
Kurt Binnie / Elizabeth Broccoli / Jun Cheng
Christine Davidson / Penny Deligiannis / Bessie Giannikos
Dominic Goveas / Joanne Lawson / Pierre Lee
Nelly Leizerovich / Wendy Mauzeroll / Suzanne Micallef
Stephanie Michelle / Debbie Mparoutoglou / Wing Ng
Zamiha Premji / Morgan Selvanathan / Ann Trakosas
Maggie Xu / Harris Ziko

Note taker: Elaine Taguchi

1) CAO Updates – Helen Huang

Helen welcomed Stephanie Michelle to the meeting and noted that Zahra Bhanji has started as Director of Research, International and Knowledge Mobilization.

Webpage “Rethink” Project: Interviews for vendors are scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2013 for the re-design of OISE’s webpages. Community engagement and focus groups for website feedback will be critical the success of the project. The vendor will be expected to provide templates to all departments. The vendor will produce more than just a visual product but stress an information architecture for world class user friendly functions, including how to find information quickly and a website that will work on mobile devices. Helen stressed that feedback from everyone is very important for this project to succeed. OISE is looking to have a brand new webpage by next July.

Staffing: The search for Director of Advancement is in its final stages with reference checks being conducted. An announcement will be made when the final decision is made.

OISE received 123 applications for the Director of Strategic Communications position. Interviews will commence shortly.

United Way: The pancake breakfast will be on Monday December 2, 2013 from 8:00am to 10:00am. Posters will be circulated and posted shortly. An email has been sent to everyone from the Dean. Departments are asked to send the information to students and instructors to encourage everyone to come and enjoy pancakes served by Senior Management Staff in aprons.

Staff Awards: Congratulations to Morgan Selvanathan for his Innovation Award. The awards ceremony is on December 11th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Nexus Lounge.

There will also be an acknowledgement of long service of 30 years to 2 faculty members.

Helen thanked all staff for their contribution.

2) OISE Operation Update – Elizabeth Broccoli

Elizabeth advised that the heating system should be back to normal now. Any problems should be reported to her.

After Hours Departmental Access: Access to departments is normally restricted after 5:00pm. Some floors such as the 7th floor (Peace Lounge) and 9th floor (classrooms) cannot be locked after hours. Elizabeth suggested that wireless bells/buzzers could be installed so that doors could be locked and access would be by a bell/buzzer and someone coming to open the door. Departments interested in this type of after-hours access should contact Elizabeth.

Security is a major problem after hours as the building is open 24/7. The doors are locked at 12 midnight and request for entry is through the security guard and sign in procedures. Elizabeth would like to determine the need for this and to see if it is possible to limit the hours the building is open. Concerns and suggestions should be directed to her.

3) Information Technology Update – Kurt Binnie

The update in the wireless communications for the building will be completed by the end of December. Problems should be directed to Kurt for continuing upgrade discussions with central services.

A visual count of printers in the building is being conducted by Education Commons.

5) Finance Update – Wing Ng

Ancillary Fees: The deadline for submission is this Friday, December . Departments should review the amount of their fees so that the full costs are being recovered by the fee charged. Fees can be increased from year to year but procedures should be followed closely as per audit recommendations.

6) Social Committee Update – Pierre Lee

Holiday Party: The holiday WT party is December 13, 2013. For those participating in the toy exchange, names will be drawn at the end of the meeting.

7) Wellness Committee Update – Pierre Lee

Events: Prof. Jack Miller’s meditation session was a great success. Prof Miller has volunteered to continue holding sessions every Tuesday starting in January. Interested individuals should contact Pierre.

The notice for the fitness classes offered by the Department of Physical Education will be resent by Pierre. Interested individuals should indicate which of the 4 classes they would like to participate in.

Helen thanked the Social Committee and Wellness Committee for their time and efforts.

8) Professional Development

Intellectual Properties presentation by Jennifer Fraser and Grettell Atahue.

November 27, 2013 Page 1