Present: Cllr. K Bull – Chairman, Cllr. M Butler, Cllr. R. Butler, Cllr. N Brown

Cllr. E. Archer, Cllr. T. Morley (District Councillor)

1.  Apologies: Cllr. P Collyer

2.  Parish Council Vacancy

Following the Parish Elections in May there was one vacancy available on the Parish Council. Mrs. E Archer had expressed a wish to serve on the Council and it was unanimously agreed to co-opt her onto the Council. Cllr. Bull welcomed her onto the Parish Council and wished her success in her new role.

3.  Minutes of the last meeting held on 29th July 2015

Proposed by Cllr. M Butler and seconded by Cllr. N Brown all agreed as a true record and were signed as such by Cllr. K Bull.

4.  Declaration of Interests

Cllr. N Brown expressed an interest in Item 6

5.  Planning Application 15/00590/FUL – Swimming Pool Extension at

Waldley House, Waldley Lane, Waldley – Applicant Mr. Christopher Grant.

Proposed by Cllr. K Bull and seconded by Cllr. E Archer it was

unanimously agreed to support this application.

6.  Planning Application 15/00604/REM – Erection of Bungalow (Reserved

Matters) at Almar. Somersal Lane, Marston Montgomery – Applicant Mr. A Buckley.

Proposed by Cllr. R Butler and seconded by Cllr. K Bull it was agreed to support this application. (Cllr. N Brown having expressed an interest in this application did not vote )

7.  DALC – An Important Question

The Clerk had received an email from DALC asking for the Councils view on the service they are delivering and asking if there is more they could do in the future. It was agreed that the information DALC supply plus the support given if needed is very good.

8.  Dog Fouling on Play Area and around the Village

Cllr. M Butler had been asked to bring to the Councils attention the problem of Dog Fouling particularly on the childrens play area despite notices being displayed around the area and around the Village Hall.

It was agreed to put a notice in the Village Newsletter appealing to all dog owners to pick up and dispose of their dog faeces in the appropriate manner. Bins are sited on the play area and on the Village Hall Car Park which can be used for this purpose.

9.  Restoration of Phone Box, Dawn’s Seat and Harry’s Seat

Cllr. M Butler had been asked to bring to the attention of the Council concerns regarding the need for all three of these to be re-furbished.

Cllr. E Archer said that plans were made a while ago to paint the phone box but it had not materialised. Cllr. Archer also stated that she had painted the seats in the past and was willing to get a working party together in an effort to address the situation. Cllr. K Bull said that any cost would be re-imbursed by the Council. Action Cllr. E Archer

10.  Re-filling of Grit Bins.

The Clerk had received an email from Derbyshire County Council regarding the cost of re-filling grit bins around the village. The County Council will do an initial fill of all the bins free of charge but if they need to be re-filled over the winter months then the Parish Council would have to pay for this.

11.  Public Participation (to discuss items below) there were no members of the public present.


12.  Village Hall

Cllr. M Butler reported that they were still waiting for the painting to be completed. Also a new heater had been fitted in the Kitchen. Two fund raising events are planned namely the Chinese Auction on the 9th October and the Christmas Fayre in December both of which he hoped would be fully supported.

13.  Play Area – Weston Bank

The Clerk reported she had received the Stock Valuation from the Play Inspection Company who had carried out the safety inspection in July. She had also received an acknowledgement for next years inspection. Cllr. M Butler said there was still small issues to be addressed following the inspection including cutting back the hedge.

14.  Potholes

The Clerk has reported the state of the road on Marston Common and has asked for the potholes to be filled in as a matter of urgency.

15.  Increased Traffic on Weston Bank

Following a request to Dales Housing regarding the numbering of their houses new signage has now been erected with the numbers clearly displayed. It is hoped that this will help to alleviate delivery vehicles travelling further along Weston Bank.


16. Payments - J Beresford Half Yearly Salary £400.00

HMRC – Tax due on Clerks Salary £100.00

Coronation Hall Hire £ 8.00

These payments were proposed by Cllr. N Brown and seconded by Cllr. E

Archer and unanimously agreed.

17.  Annual Audit

The Clerk reported the Annual Return had been received back from Grant Thornton (External Auditors) satisfactorily completed.


18.  Consultation on Public Rights of Way – your views can be made on

www.derbyshire.gov.uk/rowreview by 20th September.

19.  Consultation on 20mph Speed Limit on Residential Streets – your

Views can be made on www.derbyshire.gov.uk/speedresidential by 30th

September. Cllr E Archer agreed to complete on behalf of the Council

20.  Parish Council Election Charges – Letter received outlining the charges

Expected for the May Election. Invoice to follow.

21. County Council Winter Service Scheme – asking for volunteers to work

with the County Council in extreme weather conditions. Details on notice


22. Transparency Fund – This is available for Parish Councils to enable them

set up a website to publish Council Details.

23.  District Council Area Community Forums – the next one will be held on

Tuesday 20th October in Hulland Ward Millenium Village Hall

24.  Request for 40mph Barway/Marston Bank – an email has been received

which is virtually a copy of the one received in July stating that it is not

possible to implement this.

The meeting closed at 9 p.m.
