Anoka Hockey Girls Booster Club Meeting

January 9th, 2017


Executive Board

Al Blomker, president

Annette Cameron, secretary

Mike McCauley, Treasurer


Gina Digatono

Chris Cameron

Brian Larson

Carson Jockish

Michele Jockish

Kelly Tews

Coleen Mateychuk

Lynn Olson

Janet Bertolas

Matt Anderson

Derek Bertolas

Eric Olson

Meeting called to order: 6:58 p.m.

Approve November Meeting minutes – postponed until next meeting so all members have a chance to review.

Treasurer report

  1. Fundraising (dollars are approx. at this time)
  1. Green Valley, $1200
  2. Cub, $1900
  3. Superfan Shirts, $900
  4. No funds received yet from Buffalo Wild Wings, Cherry Berry or Chipotle
  1. Brian Larson asked about ensuring we are doing a tax return to ensure we follow the rules to stay 5013C.
  1. Lots of discussion on 5013C but finalized with the group feeling it’s important to maintain that status.
  1. Mike McCauley will be resigning as Treasurer. Todd Hinrichs has expressed to Al that he would be willing to help until the end of the year and another treasurer is named.
  2. Mike M. made a motion to nominate Todd Hinrichs for acting Treasurer, seconded by Al, motion was approved.

Presidents Report

  1. Booster executive board has a meeting on Thursday, January 12th with Matt Anderson and a district representative.
  2. Success out of the meeting will be clear roles and responsibilities for each party in regard to the Booster Club—executive board, members (anyone who has paid the Booster fee) and coaches.
  3. Board will let all members know what was decided at the meeting.
  4. Bylaws discussion
  5. lots of discussion on how bylaws are read, what changes may or may not need to be made.
  6. Michele Jockish volunteered to edit bylaws for grammatical and spelling errors. And possibly an attorney (if needed) to review.
  7. Al B. noted that any changes to the bylaws need to be voted on at the annual meeting.

Old Business

  1. Cub Foods for next season
  2. Lyn O. will be asking Sue Brown who to talk to at Cub regarding dates…possibly getting back our Thanksgiving date and another one around the NYE time frame.
  3. Car Wash
  4. Everyone wants to do the car wash again. Michele J. volunteered to look at other locations/dates that may work out better.

New Business

  1. Al B. talked about adding an official fundraising chair. It was decided that we would vote on adding the position of Fundraising to the Executive Board.
  2. Senior night
  3. Money will come out of booster club—additional funds will be used from parent night that was not held this year—everyone agreed that we will not seek out additional funds from parents (aka no passing the hat).
  4. Dinner?
  5. Gift to include candy, blankets, pictures
  6. End of the season Banquet
  7. Board wants to know what Matt A. would like to do for the banquet this year. Matt expressed needing to understand budget including assistant coaches pay before he felt he could answer. Mike M. asked Matt A. to verify if there are any outstanding bills to pay so we can ensure we have final numbers.
  8. Michele J. will call Green Haven to understand costs.
  9. Open Board Spot
  10. Lisa Neumann agreed to take on the open board position.
  11. Jerseys
  12. Brian L. recommended new white jerseys, suggested seniros be allowed to buy their jersey OR we just give them their jersey. This was a topic that everyone liked the idea of seniors always being able to keep their jersey and replacing those each year. – more discussion on costs and logistics needed.
  13. We will be receiving $4000 from school budget to help cover a portion of the cost for jerseys.
  14. Discussed the idea of replacing both jerseys.

Meeting adjourned, motion by Kelly T., 8:35 p.m.