Supplemental movie 1 Kif1Acc-YFP accumulates at the ends of all neurites during developmental stage 3.

This neuron was electroporated at the time of plating and imaging began 48 hours later. Phase and fluorescence images were acquired every 10 minutes. The movie shows 2 frames every second.

Supplemental movie 2 Kif1Acc-YFP accumulates at the ends of all neurites during developmental stage 2.

This neuron was electroporated at time of plating and imaging began 24 hours later. Phase and fluorescence images were acquired every 15 minutes. The movie shows 2 frames every second. A shows the fluorescence images alone. B shows the fluorescence images overlaid onto the corresponding phase contrast images to illustrate cell morphology.

Supplemental movies 3 Kif5C560-YFP selectively translocates into different neurites during developmental stage 2.

This neuron was electroporated at the time of plating and imaging began 24 hours later. Phase and fluorescence images were acquired every 15 minutes. The movie shows 2 frames every second. A shows the fluorescence images alone. B shows the fluorescence images overlaid onto the corresponding phase contrast images to illustrate cell morphology. In this cell, the accumulation of Kif5C560-YFP appears to move back toward the cell body as a bolus. This behavior was the exception rather than the rule. In most cases (120 out of 149), the fluorescence simply disappeared from the neurite tip and became evenly distributed throughout the cell (see suppl. movies 4 and 5).

Supplemental movies 4 & 5 The stable accumulation of Kif5C560-YFP in one neurite coincides with its specification as the axon.

These neurons were electroporated at the time of plating and imaging began 24 hours later. Phase and fluorescence images were acquired every 15 minutes. The movies shows 2 frames every second. A corresponds to the cell shown in Fig. 4A. B corresponds to the cell shown in Fig. 4B.