Name: ______Period: ______

Asia Travel Guide Rubric

Possible Points / Points Earned / Teacher Notes
Ø  Flag
Ø  Map of country within region
Ø  Capital / Largest Cities
Ø  Population/Pop. Density
Ø  Bordering countries and water -Relative location / Section has all pictures (2+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
Background Info-
Ø  History 2 paragraphs
Ø  Type of government
Ø  Leaders
Ø  Health Care System
Ø  Birth rate /Death rate/ Life Expectancy
Ø  Laws- Voting / Suffrage
Ø  Dangers/Warnings for travel / Section has all pictures (2+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
Ø  Currency /money
Ø  Economic system
Ø  GDP and Per Capita
Ø  HDI ranking (1-185)
Ø  Types of products or jobs / Section has all pictures (2+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
Ø  Climate
Ø  Land and land forms
Ø  Water and water forms
Ø  Natural resources / Section has all pictures (2+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
Ø  Language(s)
Ø  Religion(s)
Ø  Ethnic Groups(s)
Ø  Recreation activities
Ø  Holidays/Festivals (w/dates and purpose)
Ø  Typical Foods
Ø  Arts and Literature
Ø  Education / Literacy / Section has all pictures (2+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
5 day Itinerary
Ø  At least 1 site per day (w/pic)
Ø  At least 3 cities within country
Ø  Hotels and restaurants in each city
Ø  Map of route within country
Ø  Pictures for each day (hotels, restaurants, sites) / Section has all pictures (10+) and text for each required subheading and is visually appealing.
Oral Presentation- / Presentation is practiced, and student is comfortable with material. Student is not reading from the visual presentation, but may refer to note cards occasionally.
Bibliography- Printed separate Word doc. / All sources are included and MLA format is followed accurately. Use of online citation maker is allowed.
Extra Credit / Deductions / Prezi, Publisher, Website, Multimedia (Authentic--video, music, food or artifacts from country)
up to +20
Final Total / 200 (220 w/x.c.)