JUNE16, 2011

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on June 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;DeVore, Gustafson, Moos,Thomas and Truax and Mayor Moser. Attorney Anson was also present. Absent: Trustee Heaton.

Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the May19th meeting. TrusteeThomas moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Moos. Motion carried 5 -0.

Item 3–Greeley Independence Stampede: Trish Sandau & Bill Hall. Bill Hall read a proclamation declaring Sunday, July 3rd as Town of Eaton Day at the Greeley Independence Stampede. Bill and Trish are representatives of the Greeley Stampede Committee. They supplied information regarding the activities coming up and provided each member tickets to one event.

Item 4 –Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (SAVA): Anne Kirkner. AnneKirkner was unable to attend the meeting and sent Bernadette to take her place. Bernadette presented background information regarding the organization and supplied business cards and flyers for the public.

Item 5 –Continue discussion on Pit Bulls. Attorney Anson reviewed the state law concerning whether or not the Town can adopt an ordinance that would be breed-specific, i.e. prohibiting the ownership of a pit-bull-type dog within the Town and have concluded that Eaton would not be able to adopt such an ordinance. The reason for this opinion is that C.R.S. 18-9-204.5 specifically states as follows at sub section (5) (A): “Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a municipality from adopting any rule or law for the control of dangerous dogs; except that any such rule or law shall not regulate dangerous dogs in a manner that is specific to breed.” Chief Jacobson reported an inspection of the residence in question took place today and the dogs are still there, but the owners have until midnight to remove some of the dogs. Another inspection will take place tomorrow morning and if the dogs are still there a citation will be issued for violating the court order. Chief Jacobson stated the existing ordinance on vicious dogs is sufficient to deal with situations that may arise. Trustee Thomas suggested the Hawkstone Homeowners Association has more leeway dealing with this particular situation. Chief Jacobson believes the situation will be resolved because the parties involved are willing to work towards a resolution.

Item 6 –Stop sign request at Third Street and Cherry Avenue. Mayor Moser has been receiving several requests from people for a stop sign at Third Street. Chief Jacobson stated he would have no objection to placing the stop sign at Third Street and Cherry Avenue, on Third Street approaching the intersection. The church in the area produces excess traffic on Sundays and when there are funerals, weddings, etc. Gary said Third Street will eventually become a through street when development takes place to the west. Concluding discussion, Trustee Truax moved to approve the addition of a stop sign placed on Third Street at Cherry Avenue, seconded by Trustee DeVore. Motion carried 5 – 0.

Item 7– Comments/Questions. None.

Item 8 -Reports. Gary submitted copies of the report on the proposed removal of the asbestos at the Sugar Factory Property with a possible start date of July 2011, approximately five months for completionand attempting to keep the cost under two million dollars. Gary also provided an update on economic development prospects coming up. Trustee Thomas provided an update on NFRMPO activities.

Item 9 –Adjourn.Asthere was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk