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Trustees and Governance Bulletin
We're getting geared up for a busy autumn with a focus on this year's Trustee Conference in October.
Managing change is the big theme and I've included several blogs that look at the developing role of trustees and boards in this bulletin.
Our former Chair Lady Tumim was herself a great instigator of change. I hope you are able to put your organisation forward for the new governance prize that carries her name.
All the best,
Matt Gilfeather
Communications Officer
- Online questions
- Lady Tumim prize
- Trustee Conference 2011
- News, comment and resources
- Trustee Bank
- Publication of the month
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Can you help your colleague out with a question?
Here's a question posed on your online Trustees and Governance forum:
- Have you got any tips on how to induct a new Chair?
Want to ask a question about governance or being a trustee? Simply add you own. I'll also highlight it in the next newsletter.
Lady Winifred Tumim Memorial Prize
Our former Chair the late Lady Tumim left a huge legacy of improvement in charity governance.
Read about her life
We are honouring her memory with a special prize.
Simply tell us how you have used the Code for Good Governance to improve the quality of leadership in your organisation.
First prize is £1,000 and the deadline for entries is 5pm on Friday 15 September
- Find out how to enter
Trustee Conference 2011 - early bird deadline approaching
It's the most important annual learning and networking event for trustees. If you've not been before, here's what you need to know:
When is the conference? Monday 31 October
Where is it?The Brewery, London
What's on the agenda?
When is the deadline for booking the cheapest places? Monday 5 September.
How much will that save me? 10% - on top of the 30% you already get if your organisation is an NCVO member -get the price.
How do I book a place? You can book online or call Sue Beckett on 020 7520 3153
The event is sponsored by: BWB, Russams GMS, Clydesdale Bank, M&G and Governance Magazine.
News, comment and resources
Online training videos for trustees
You may well have heardabout our new partnership with KnowHow NonProfit. Theybring withthemlots of great online learning resources.
Their StudyZone training videos are really popular and only cost £8.99. They come in four parts and you can watch 2 minute sample clips for free by following the links below.
Do your board meetings lack focus and not achieve the results you hope for?:
- Make your board effective - the role of chairs, trustees and CEO's
- The essentials of charity finance
Becoming a trustee - what are you getting into?
Ian Joseph from Trustees Unlimited outlines the factors prospective trustees should weigh up before taking the leap.
Trustees Unlimited - trustee recruitment made easy /
How to be a treasurer
Single parent advice organisation Gingerbread have published an online guide for the treasurers of their network of support groups.
It contains some great advice that you can adapt for your own organisation. /
Why aren't more young people trustees?
Jane Thomas from New Philanthropy Capital examines the reasons why and suggests some ways to encourage more recruits. /
Shaking up the board
Caron Bradshaw believes that we should take a fresh look at how charities are governed.
She believes that we should be more selective in choosing trustees and that boards should be freshened up more regularly. Caron also thinks that issues around personal liability need to be addressed. /
And here's a U.S. perspective on trustee board reform
This Non-Profit Quarterly article, although addressed to an american audience, has resonance for our own sector.
It examines the idea that 'governance' and 'board' are two diverging concepts.
Winding up an organisation: diary entry no. 1
Sydney Thornbury leads a small charity called Webplay which has just made the painful decision to close but she is determined to wind down well.
Sydney is keeping a diary of theprocess - read part one. It would be great to have an trustees perspective so if you have any tips or advice, post them in the comment box at the bottom of the blog. /
Changes to SORP and what you need to do
Trustees' Annual Reports are a key mechanism for guaranteeing accountability.
The Accounting Standards Board is proposing changes to the accounting framework which would take effect from 2013. These changes, if they happen, are likely to affect the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)
The Charity Commission are recommending that you prepare by:
- Tasking a trustee or sub committee with finding out what the planned changes would mean for your charity.
- asking your professional adviser or accountancy firm for advice open the preparations you should be making.
Charity Commission advice on SORP
Trustees Week - send them your story
The organisers are collecting inspiring stories of individual trustees' experiences to help attract new people to becoming trustees.
It's a great chance to raise awareness of your organisation's work.
Find out how to take part and submit your story. /
Did you know...
...the voluntary sector spends £735 million on governance each year.
Fact courtesy of Jenny Clark, our Research Manager and co-author of our Civil Society Almanac.
Connect with Jenny on Twitter. /
Trustee Bank ad of the month
The Trustee Bank is a free noticeboard service if you're looking to recruit or if you're looking for a new trustee position.
Focus Brimingham provides services specifically for those with a visual impairment. They are looking for new trustees to help them develop their services.
Full advert and contact details /
Publication of the month
Your pocket guide to Good Governance
We've produced this summary of Good Governance: A code for the voluntary and community sector which has great tips to help guide board members. It's also useful for staff or advisers supporting governance. Topics covered include:
- board leadership
- board review and renewal
- board delegation
- board and trustee integrity
- board openness
Five copies for £10.00 (NCVO members £7.00)
Ten copies for £15.00 (NCVO members £10.50)
* You can now download a free PDF (203 KB) of the full original publication.
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Charity Registration No: 225922.