Adult Test (Grammar)Page 1

Grammar: / A1 / A2 / A3 / B1 / B1+ / B2 / C1 / C2
Speaking: / A1 / A2 / A3 / B1 / B1+ / B2 / C1 / C2


Grammar: / 123

Adult Test (Grammar)Page 1

1. Write the questions and answers. Look at the ID card and fill in the gaps:

For example:

What / fist name?

What's your first name?...... Toni......

  1. What / surname?


  1. Italian?

...... No, I'm......

  1. old?

...... …......

  1. married?

...... Yes.

  1. job?

...... …. I'm......

2. Correct the mistakes in each sentence

For example:

A bottle coke, please. ..A bottle of coke, please.

  1. David no understand Spanish.


  1. These books isn't interesting.


  1. Where are these pizzas from? Their from Pizza in the Park.


  1. Your son like his work?


  1. Do you like burgers? Yes, I like.


  1. It's George car.


  1. Is this you're pen?


  1. Does Tanya can walk?


  1. Mrs Carter not usually read newspapers.


  1. My daughter hates cat.


3. Write a verb in the Present Simple, positive or negative, in each gap.

For example:

I...have...a computer but it ...isn't...very good.

This Month's Weightwatcher

Juan (16) ...... thirty-five years old. He (17) ...... in a house near the centre of Madrid and he (18) ...... for Allomagazine. He's married but he (19) ...... any children. He (20) ...... seven burgers and a lot of chocolate every day. He (21) ...... a lot of football on the television, but he (22) ...... football. "I'm 120 kilos. I want to be 90 kilos," he says.

Adult Test (Grammar)Page 1

4. Complete the gaps with a pronoun or adjective (e.g. I, me, my, he, him, his, etc)

For example:

My son really likes Indian food but I don't like .it..

Dear Grandmother,

How are you? I'm very well. I'm in class 2 now. I have three new teachers. Mr Carey is great.

(23) ...... 's from the USA. I like (24) ...... a lot because (25) ...... lessons are interesting. Miss James and Mrs Brown are from England and I don't like (26) ...... very much.

(27) ...... lessons are awful! Miss James is 26 or 27 and she's (28) ...... French language teacher and Mrs Brown is very old and teaches cooking. I hate (29) ...... and she doesn't like (30) ...... !

Lots of love.


5. Questions

Complete the questions below with the question words in the box.

How much How fast Which How long What kind of What How often How many How old How far

For example:

A: ...How your cat? B. She's three.

  1. A: ...... did you stay in Uruguay?

B: One week.

  1. A: ...... is Budapest from Vienna?
  2. A: ...... do the United States have a new President?

B: Every four years.

  1. ...... TV did British people watch last year?
  2. ...... did you do last weekend?
  3. A: ...... is the Eurostar train between France and Britain?

B: I'm not sure, about 100 km an hour?

  1. ...... do you like best, Thailand or Indonesia?
  2. A: ...... countries have you visited?

B: Let me see...About twelve, I think..

  1. A: ...... food do they have in Poland?

B: They eat a lot of meat.

6. Verbs

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. You can use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

Rob:This (0) ...... is...... (be) Rob Taylor and you (40) ...... (listen) to Music Radio Live. The time is 8 o'clock here in Edinburgh and opposite me in the studio today is the singer Mel Yates! Our first question (41) ...... (be) from Ana in Holland.

Anna:Yes, Mel. My question is: What (42) ...... (wear) today?

Mel:(43) ...... (wear) a long black dress and sunglasses.

Rob:And now a question from Paul in Belgium:

Paul:(44) ...... (have) a boyfriend?

Mel:Yes, his name's Sam and we (45) ...... (meet) a year ago.

Rob:Here's Sonja from Sweden:

Sonja:46) ...... (play) a musical instrument?

Mel:Yes, I (47) ...... (play) the guitar, but not very well.

Rob:Now here are Jess and Vic from Ireland:

Jess:Hi, Mel. My question is: (48) ...... (ever / be) in a film?

Mel:No, but I'd like to make a film one day.

Vic:(49) ...... (ever / have) a bad concert?

Mel:Let me think. Oh yes. In Berlin in 1999. We (50) ...... (be) in an outdoor stadium and it (51) ...... (rain) all evening. After an hour people (52) ...... (start) going home.

Rob:Thanks Mel. This is Rob Taylor and I (53) ...... (sit) here with Mel Yates...

Adult Test (Grammar)Page 1

7. Put the verbs in the right form.

Example: They ...went..... to Florida last year. (go)

  1. The plane ...... ! (just / land)
  2. A lot of Ford cars ...... …...... ……..... in Spain (make)
  3. I don't think there ...... …. another world war (be)
  4. She phoned me when I ...... ….... the dinner. (cook)
  5. I ...... an old friend last night for dinner. (meet)
  6. We'll be late if they ...... …...... soon. (not arrive)
  7. I don't like ...... …...... the kitchen. (clean)
  8. I'd like ...... ….... rich and famous. (be)

8. Write the questions.

Example: …What do you do?… I'm a doctor.

  1. ………………. ………………. booked the tickets yet? Yes, I've already booked them.
  2. When ………………… the palace ……….……….? It was built in 1876.
  3. ……………. ………...…. …………. you lived here? For two years.
  4. ……………. …………. ever ……………. to China? Yes, I have. I went there in May.
  5. …………………. …………………. the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci.
  6. How …………………. ………………. you go out? It depends. Once or twice a week.
  7. What ………………. you ………………. last night? I went to the theatre.

9. Prepositions

Complete the gaps in the following sentences with a preposition from the box.

on at over about at of into on in

Example: We've got a summer house .on.. the coast.

  1. I used to be quite good ………………… athletics.
  2. Are you interested …………………….. modern art.
  3. Pablo and I were ………………… school together.
  4. You should put a plaster …………………. that cut.
  5. I'll just change ……………………. something more comfortable.
  6. My son Rick is crazy ………………….. American football.
  7. A lot of people are frightened ………...….. snakes.
  8. William fell ……………………….. and hurt himself.

10. Making questions

Look at the answer and write the question in the correct tense from the prompts given.

Example: you /do your homework last night?

…Did you do your homework last night………………?

No, I forgot.

  1. How much / the train to Edinburgh /cost?

...... ?

It depends. Do you want a single or a return?

  1. Where / Sebastian /born?

...... ?

In Uruguay.

  1. How long / you / know / your teacher?

...... ?

Since the beginning of September.

  1. What / you / look for?

...... ?

My dictionary. I think I left it here yesterday.

  1. all your classmates / go / to the party yesterday?

...... ?

Yes, and everyone was late for class today!

  1. anyone / see / Mrs Pearson this morning?

...... ?

No, but she doesn't usually come in until 12:00.

  1. you / use to speak / Japanese when you were young?

...... ?

Yes, but I've forgotten it all now.

  1. it / rain / when you arrived?

...... ?

I don't think so.

  1. How long / Sarah and Eduardo / be / married?

...... ?

Only for a few months before he died.

  1. Paul / work / on anything special at the moment?

...... ?

Yes, he's got an idea for a new book.

11. Tense review

Complete the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Before you moved to Washington, how long ...... (you / be) in Toronto?
  2. "Dear Fernando, I ...... (write) to say thank you for the present you sent me."
  3. Beth ...... (have) her car for over eight years, and she's still very happy with it.
  4. I'm sorry, I ...... (not / agree) with you.
  5. Delgar ...... (spend) his holiday in France when he produced his first great painting.
  6. Kim and I ...... (grow up) in the south of India in the 1950s.
  7. My mother ...... …... (get) much better now -the doctor says she can probably get up next week.
  8. ...... (you / speak) to Liz this week? Jan told me she has decided to look for another job.
  9. My grandfather's feeling very nervous because he ...... (never / fly) before.
  10. I'm so tired. I couldn't sleep last night because my neighbour's baby ...... (cry).

12. Put the verbs in the correct form.

Example: If you .....don't feel..... better in two days, come back and see me. (not feel)

  1. I'm exhausted. I'm not used to ...... so hard! (work).
  2. I wish I ...... my sister. She can't keep a secret. (not tell)
  3. When we arrived they ...... for half an hour. (wait)
  4. This time next week we ...... in the Caribbean. (sunbathe)
  5. If you ...... him now you wouldn't recognize him. (see)
  6. The pickpocket admitted ...... my wallet. (steal)
  7. Haven't you finished that book yet? You ...... it for ages! (read)
  8. I would have gone if I ...... about it. (know)
  9. Carol's really late. I think she ...... about the meeting. (forget)

13. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Example: Peter is younger than I thought.

Peter ...isn't as old as...... I thought.

  1. "I'm sorry I forgot to phone."

Jo apologized ...... to phone.

  1. If you practise, you'll speak better.

The more ......

  1. It was a mistake to change jobs.

I shouldn't ......

  1. Take a map because you might get lost.

Take a map in case ......

  1. We lost although we played well.

We lost despite ......

  1. They say that the prime minister will resign.

It ...... the prime minister will resign.

14. Active or passive?

Put the verb in brackets in the correct active or passive form. Make sure that you use the correct tense.

A.Stonehenge, the famous stone circle in the south-west of England, ...... (112) (build) about 5,000 years ago. Some of the stones ...... (113) (weigh) as much as fifty tonnes. Although visitors ...... (114) (not / allow) to approach the stones themselves since the 1980s, the historic site ...... (115) (visit) by thousands of tourists every year.

B.Director Marty Elmore's latest film The Midnight Road ...... (116) (release) next month. The film ...... (feature) new Hollywood sensation Courtney McCray and ...... (117) (shoot) entirely on location in Mexico.

It ...... (118) (describe) by its director last week as "a romantic comedy with car chases".

15. Modal verbs

Rewrite the underlined part of the following sentences using a suitable modal verb.


Petra was able to walk well before her first birthday.

Petra...could.. walk well before her first birthday.

  1. All the flights to Milan were fully booked, so it was necessary for us to take the train.



  1. I'm absolutely sure Jacqueline didn't phone. She would've left a message.



  1. I was sorry to hear about your accident. I'm sure it was a very bad experience for you.



  1. I'm afraid there are no tickets left now. It would have been a good idea for you to arrive earlier.



  1. Guy isn't usually this late. It's possible that he has forgotten our appointment.

