Purdue University Calumet
School of Technology
Course Syllabus

ET 10000/MET 16100 - Introduction to Engineering Technology

Credits and Contact Hours:

Credit 1, Class 0, Lab. 3, Contact Hours 3

Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name:

Gregory Neff, PE

Text Book, Title, Author and Year:

Foundations of Learning & Fundamentals of Problem Solving package, 4th Ed by Redfield and Lawrence, Pacific Crest

Introduction to the Course:

  1. Catalog Description (2010-2011 Academic Catalog):

This course will introduce engineering technology students to resources and skills that will help them to be successful in their careers. This course will help students explore engineering technology by introducing campus, regional and national resources such as professional societies in their chosen fields. It will also help students improve in areas important to becoming better students. These areas may include topics such as planning academic careers, mentoring, improving study skills, goal setting and utilization of library resources. In addition the course will focus on specific introductory concepts important to engineering technology students such as using campus computer resources and the TAC of ABET outcomes.

  1. Prerequisites or co-requisites:


  1. Required course.

Specific Goals to the Course:

a)General Education Objectives:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the critical thinking in identifying campus facilities, services, centers, offices, resources, and staff useful in student life or necessary for student success.
  2. Become familiar with ASME, SME, SME, and others in order to recognize the role of professional societies in campus life & lifelong learning. (2.4, 3.1:h)
  3. Demonstrate the ability to utilize research facilities and tools available on campus. (1.3: a)
  4. Develop a Life Vision Portfolio for values exploration, goal setting, academic planning and life goals identification. Identify individual personal traits and philosophical ideologies to better understand oneself, to consider strategies for physical and mental wellness, and to be able to develop an appreciation for others and their differences or diversity.
  5. Work effectively with others to accomplish set tasks and goals. (2.3, 3.2: g e)
  6. Develop a plan of study that includes both short term and long term perspectives to prepare for life long learning opportunities. (2.2, 2.4: h)

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ET 100/MET 16100 - Introduction to Engineering Technology

  1. Identify professional and student societies associated with various technical fields and the societal and ethical responsibilities they espouse. (2.4: i)
  2. Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively. (3.3: g)
  3. Demonstrate a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal, and global issues. (3.1, 3.2: j)
  4. Identify the various technical disciplines in engineering and science. Learn the relationships and also the distinguishing features of the Engineering Technology (ET) discipline that differentiate it from that of Engineering or Science; including the historical emergence of the field and career opportunities.
  5. Construct tables and graphs of engineering calculation output using spreadsheets. (1.3: a, b, f)
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of quality and continuous improvement. (2.4, 3.1: k)
  7. Explain factors that influence physical and mental wellness.
  8. Explore strategies that enhance wellness for themselves and others.

b)Criteria 3 Student Outcomes:

This course covers items a, b, e, f, g, h, i, j, and k in ABET Criteria 3.

Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply):

X Laboratory X Other (Blackboard Vista contains course materials such as handouts and is used for assessment)

Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply):

X Quizzes X Exams X Papers X Class Participation

X How the final grade is determined:

Quizzes 60%
Attendance & Class Participation 20%
Paper 20%

Brief List of Topics to be Covered:

  1. Campus Orientation.
  2. Academic Success.
  3. Professional and Overall Lifelong Success.
  4. Engineering Technology Fundamentals.
  5. Improving Performance.
  6. Strengthening Identity.
  7. Societal, Ethical, & Global Responsibilities.
  8. Contemporary Professional, Societal, and Global issues.
  9. Lifelong Learning.
  10. Wellness.

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