ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ X ] Unapproved [ ] Approved


Critical Care Special Interest Group


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Attendees: B. Shelton

Place: Congress Meeting – Washington, DC C. Sargent

Washington Convention Center – Room 27, Table 3

Begin Adjourn

5:15 PM (ET) 6:20 PM (ET) Recorder: Brenda Shelton




Approval of 2001 SIG Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved as written.

Strategic Plan Revisions

1.  Suggested by C. Sargent to consider changing our name to Acute and Critical Care SIG to attract more members and also to better fulfill our strategic plan mission statements. We decided to introduce this concept in the summer newsletter or a communiqué.

2.  The logo may be best made after making this decision.

3.  All wording changes are notable in attached revision document.

4.  Important to note that we added an activity under Strategic Goal #3 “Increase networking” that will include development of joint presentations and newsletters with other SIGs and Focus Groups. Specific planned activities are also noted – we hope to immediately implement joint presentation proposals and plan for a joint newsletter in 2003-2004.

Critical Care SIG Fact Sheet Revisions

See attached revisions.

Congress & Institutes of Learning Proposals

1. Talked with Ethics SIG and planned a joint Congress proposal “To Die or Not to Die” that focuses on nuances and ethical issues of no code, partial code and full code. Proposal is being submitted by Ethics SIG. Possible other collaborators may include HIV SIG, Surgical Oncology SIG, NP SIG, CNS SIG or BMT SIG.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ X ] Unapproved [ ] Approved


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Critical Care Special Interest Group




Congress & Institutes of Learning Proposals

2. Discussed ideas and designated responsibility for additional proposals

- PreCongress 2003 – 12 lead ECG (Brenda)

- PreCongress 2003 – Basic Critical Care (Cathy)

- PreCongress/Congress/IOL 2003 – Assessment/Management of Respiratory Disorders (include PFT interpretation) (unassigned)

- Congress 2003 – Acute complications (complications occurring in various patient groups, and unique features in oncology; e.g. pulmonary embolism, increased intracranial pressure) (unassigned)

- Congress 2003 – unusual infections (Brenda)

- IOL 2003 – Infections Track (Brenda)

- IOL 2003 – GI Complications (unassigned)

Logo Ideas

1. B. Shelton suggested a person, ECG, and somehow “microbes” implying sepsis.

2. Discussed something like chest of person and lungs with infiltrate (concerned may be too much like thoracic oncology focus group).

3. Concepts to include: critical care/acute care technology, unique cancer focus (e.g. infection, bleeding).

4. Will defer actual proposals until after discuss potential name change with membership.


1. B. Shelton got no member participation for this spring’s raffle, so none submitted.

2. B. Shelton will find a book donation for IOL raffle.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ X ] Unapproved [ ] Approved


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Critical Care Special Interest Group




SIG Virtual Community Planning

1. Decided to identify Coordinator and Coordinator-Elect as individuals who can add content to website at present time.

2. Discussed pros/cons of adding newsletter to open site where there is no password access. Our opinion is to place the most current newsletter at any given time, and/or and table of contents for previous newsletters, and author contacts.

3. Discussed merit of SIG virtual community to help us fulfill our strategic goal of developing a presentation/author/resource directory.

4. Will include another solicitation for input, support in future newsletter or communiqués.

Recruitment Efforts

1. B. Shelton sent letters to all recently expired members to ask for feedback about their reasons for not renewing. Most said it was because they did not renew ONS National membership.

2. B. Shelton sent letters to all who left information at SIG Connections Board last Congress and IOL.

3. B. Shelton asked members in a newsletter to consider recruiting one of their colleagues.

4. Discussed need to redo poster as marketing effort. Members have been asked to contribute pictures. B. Shelton will try to reinforce with key members and take some of our own. We should include some acute, not critical care pictures. Cynthia may have some from simulation lab at school.

5. We have had three new members over the past couple months, and only one loss. Let’s keep up our efforts.

Critical Care SIG Poster Redo

B. Shelton suggested we make the poster a routine part of the coordinator-Elect position, and will help C. Sargent do it this upcoming year.

ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ X ] Unapproved [ ] Approved


Date: Thursday, April 18, 2002 Critical Care Special Interest Group




Newsletter Editor

1. We need to recruit a new newsletter editor since C. Sargent is Coordinator-Elect.

2. B. Shelton has approached Al Gould and Jane Shivnan as long-time members, has not received commitments. Suggested to have a couple people commit to one feature (e.g. website review), to make the newsletter easier. B. Shelton said Al is considering this idea.

Upcoming Newsletter Ideas

1. The theme newsletter approach did not work well for us this past year, and actually roped us into finding different content than what we had already available to us.

2. B. Shelton has a chest tube competency checklist that we’ll organize for the next newsletter.

3. B. Shelton presented a summary of her Congress 2002 talk for the currently in press newsletter, so we’ll try to get C. Sargent and D. Cope to do the same for future newsletters.

4. Case studies would be a great added feature to the newsletter. Perhaps people would be less overwhelmed to describe a patient than author a paper.

5. Good news! C. Sargent’s and Deb Murphy’s article on nutritional deficits has been solicited for publication in Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.