
The CC in Latin America program offers students a unique multidisciplinary experience abroad. It will provide immersion into the Cuban cultures through CC courses taught entirely in Spanish, in the block plan, by CC and Cuban faculty from different academic disciplines. Students will have the opportunity to experience some of the changes that Cuba is undergoing as the US begins to normalize diplomatic relations with this island nation with which it has maintained “ties of singular intimacy,” as noted by historian Louis Pérez. CC offers an academic program that focuses on Cuban history, cultural manifestations, and contemporary politics, and is support by the reputable Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA-Butler) in their newest student service platform in Latin America.


Block 5: SP304: Cultural Context and Oral Practice: Intro a Cuba, prerequisite SP201, José Ballón

Block 6: SP312: Oral Practice and Composition: Cuba y las artes, prerequisite SP201, Clara Lomas

Block 7: SP307: Hispanic Culture, prerequisite SP305, Naomi Wood

Block 8: PS336: La revolucíon cubana, Juan Lindau


Students will receive 4 CC units of credit for the semester in Cuba. The three 300-level Spanish courses will be accepted towards a major or minor in Spanish or Romance Languages. Students can also fulfill the foreign language requirement with their participation in this semester abroad. Two of the courses may also count toward the 5-unit Latin American Studies minor. The political science course will count toward the major in Political Science.

Program costs


Students pay the normal Colorado College tuition for the spring semester. Financial aid transfers.

Room and Board:

Students will be housed with host families in groups of 2-4. Due to the limited amount of families who have the space and resources to host, students can expect to live in double rooms and to be served three meals per day. Most host families live within a radius of an approximate 30-minute walk to the classroom at the Centro de Estudios Martianos in Vedado.

Additional Costs:

Personal expenses and books approx. $950

Non-refundable program fee due: September 15, 2016.

Program dates: January 18-May 18, 2017

Tentative itinerary (excursions and visits not confirmed)

January 18 Arrival in La Habana

Jan 18-22: Orientation

Jan 23: Beginning of Block 5 – SP 304: Cultural Context and Oral Practice: Introducción a Cuba

Feb : Visit to Finca Vigía, the home of Ernest Heingway

Feb 15: End of Block 5

Feb 20: Beginning of Block 6 – SP 312: Cultural Practice and Written Expression: Cuba y las artes

Feb-Mar: Cultural activities (concerts, ballet, theatre, etc.)

Mar 2-5: Excursion to Santiago de Cuba

Mar 15: End of Block 6

Mar 16-26: Spring break: trips to Viñales (a city in Western Cuba –Visit tabacco and coffee plantations, Cueva del Indio, a prehistoric park) or to Trinidad, a World Heritage site where large sugar haciendas have traditionally flourished)

Mar 27: Beginning of Block 7 – SP 307: Hispanic Culture

Mar-Apr: Cultural activities (concerts, ballet, theatre, etc.)

Apr 19: End of Block 7

Apr 24: Beginning of Block 8 – PS336: La revolución cubana

May 17: End of Block 8

May 18: Departure

Volunteer work Students may have the opportunity to become further involved in the hosting communities through volunteer work.

Application Deadlines & Process:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. There are three options for participation in the program:

1)  Semester option: blocks 5-8

2)  Two-block option A: blocks 5-6

3)  Two-block option B: blocks 7-8

Note: individual blocks are not an option. Students must take all courses of either the semester option or the 2-block options to receive credit. In the selection process, preference will be given to students who commit to the entire semester.

Please direct your questions to Professor Clara Lomas, .

Complete the application on SUMMIT under International Programs/CC Semester in Latin America. Department will contact students to set up an interview.
