Minutes of the Parochial Church Council of

The Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Claines, Worcester

Wednesday 17th September 2014


Venue: The Church Institute

Present: Rev. Jo Musson (Chairperson), J Brady, J. Cale, R Cramp, Madeline Ajetunmobi, Sandra Ashcroft, G Clifford, L Deeprose,Caroline Causier,Rev. Jennie Hayward, Janet Wilson.(11/18 persons present).

Abbreviations used:- CF=Carried Forward; Pr=Proposer; Sc=Seconder.


1)Meeting began with prayers, followed by a welcome to Janet Wilson to PCC.

2)Apologies: J. Smallwood;G. Sansome;Ann Sansome,P Kear;J Hayden;Paul Fulbrook;I Cramp.

3)Previous minutes from the meeting on 07.07.2014 were accepted as a true record and duly signed. Pr=Jill C Sc=Phil K.

4)Matters Arisingnot covered by this meeting’s agenda – from those minutes

a)Lockable storage in Vicarage (4f Action Rev Jo)

b)Contact Mr Philips re extending churchyard (4i Action Geoff)

c)2 sessions of training have taken place and an booklet has been produced. Thanks were expressed to Lorraine for all her efforts with this. (4k)

d)Churchyard tap needs looking at. (7aii CF Action Geoff)

e)Ian has a copy of the current Hall/Institute Hirers Agreement and will redraft a new one CF [7h ACTION].


a)An email has been received from Philip Jones about “Face at Work”. People are needed who appreciate the stresses and strains of working life and who have the spiritual maturity to help with this project. Members were asked to suggest anyone they think might be suitable to help. Contact secretary for further details.

b)Fernhill Heath Baptist church have contacted us about Fairtrade Village status. A sheet about this was circulated. They need our support to persuade North Claines Parish Council to pass a resolution in favour of Fairtrade village status before the bid can proceed. PCC agreed to support the bid for Fairtrade village status. PR = Gwen Sc = Caroline. If members are interested then refer to the paper circulated or contact the secretary. [ACTION– John to make Mike Rees and Paul Fulbrook aware of this bid since both live in F. H. ]


a)Treasurer Madeline is to step down as treasurer. A huge thank you from all was expressed for all the work that Madeline has done with accounts and budgeting. Revd Jo commented on how much we have progressed during Madeline’s period as treasurer. It was also pleasing to note that although Madeline is stepping down as treasurer she is still willing to remain on PCC.It was proposed that we co-opt Janet Wilson onto PCC. Pr= Sandra; Sc= Rachel – all were in favour.Janet was adopted as our new treasurer. Pr=Jill; Sc= Caroline. All were in favour. Revd Jo thanked Janet for her willingness to take on this responsibility.An announcement about Janet’s appointment to be put in the October magazine. Trustee forms need to be completed and the diocese informed about Janet’s appointment. [ACTION – John]John informed PCC that all documentation required by the Charity Commision had been sent and completed and they had been informed of Janet’s co-option.

b)Mission Resource Officer Rev Jo has contacted two people about this post but bothhave declined the position. PCC has to have such an officer. A job description is still required. It was wondered whether any local churches have such a job description. [Action Rev Jennie]NB Rev Jo has subsequently checked and this role is apparently no longer a requirement

c)Chalice Assistants Jan H., Graham and Lorraine have all received their chalice assistant certificates. It was proposed that Sylvia Duggan become a chalice assistant. Pr=Gwen, Sc=Caroline. All were in favour.


a)Churchwardens Report (report circulated)

  1. Thanks to Jan and Alan for clearing the corner of the car park near the ragbag point.It was wondered if an arrangement could be made with the chap who looks after the allotment to mow around the hall. [ACTION – Phil?]
  2. Tree near the altar end of the church needs urgent work. Other trees that were considered dangerous have been dealt with.After the land covered by the bonfire is cleared it was suggested that prayers be said in that area since there are unmarked graves there. [ACTION – Revd Jo]It was also proposed that we use the wall made available by the bonfire clearance, as an extension of the G. of R. We would place gravel in front of it. This would be for memorials and is very much needed. Pr = Rachel, Sc= Caroline – all were in favour of this proposal.
  3. The Ecclesiastical Insurance Audit has taken place and in general they were happy. However, there were some things listed that need doing. A health and safety audit is required and a policy needs drafting.[ACTION – would Ian do this for us?]A fire risk assessment is needed.[ACTION – Argent or the council suggested. Madeline to find out]An asbestos report is required. Can we find an old one? If asbestos is found then work will need to be done.Storage of floodlighting needs to be reviewed [ACTION – who? ]
  4. See note about rumours on report. [ACTION – possibly refuting rumours via article in magazine. Also suggested that an article about the birds in the south porch be put in the magazine – Revd Jo or Rachel]

b)Rev Jo’s Report – (see reports circulated).

  1. Little Friends Baby and Toddler group is underway. We await the £500 offered by Sue Askins. Plus £200 needs to be transferred from the Millennium fund. More help is needed since it has been a great success.
  2. A good deal of discussion took place about the possibility of only having one door open for entering and leaving the church before and after services. Revd Jo explained her thinking behind this but certain problems were raised. A decision is yet to be made about this and Revd Jo asked that we all reflect and pray about the matter.
  3. Revd Jo outlined the changes to some of the Christmas services and her thinking about why we should adopt these changes. It was pleasing to note that we have got the guides and brownies back onboard to take part in these services. The school and scouts are yet to be contacted [ACTION – Revd Jo]
  4. A special meeting for those not involved with the working group is to be arranged about the children and H.C. proposals.It was noted that the Junior Bishop does not have to have been confirmed.
  5. Phil K is currently looking at the make up and remit of the soon to be formed Properties group. He will look at how buildings are used by different groups and criteria for payment. [ACTION]
  6. When the pews are removed temporarily (14 month trial period)– Paul F will store them. Ian will organise an electrician to sort out the wiring associated with the pews that are going. [ACTION]
  7. Some concern was expressed about clutter, tables, etc at the Institute. Any comments [ACTION]please to Ian C.

c)Finance Report

1. A spreadsheet and report were circulated. Madeline presented her final report.There was discussion about stewardship and giving and its relationship to income and expenditure. It was wondered whether a focus on direct debits and standing orders is needed.Parish share. Janet will email her recommendations to PCC once she has “got her feet under the table”. But it was recognised that we need to be realistic about Parish Share[ACTION- Janet W]

2. Magazine is to contribute £800 to £1,000 to Church funds. The charges made by the magazine are to be discussed by standing committee.[ACTION] But we must not overlook the tremendous outreach potential represented by the magazine and its distributors. It was felt that there is lots to discuss about the magazine. [ACTION- Lorraine to jot down ideas for standing committee to discuss]

d)Events Commitee - refer to report.

Matt and Laura had offered to do an All Age Quiz. Talents or promises auction to be considered. Also an Old Time Music Hall suggested. Many events done by the events committee are high effort and relatively low income (compared to effort put in) events. Can we come up with a low effort and high income event?Thanks as always was expressed to all on events committee who work so hard to raise money for the church and create a tremendous amount of outreach into the community.

e)Deanery Synod

Droitwich team rector – Christine Turpin is moving away. October sees the licensing of Diane Cooksey at St Nicholas and then Julie Anne Watson at St Barnabas.

f)MOG Report - No written report was submitted

Nave altar – design is being re-drawn following discussions, we await the revised design. Kath Shaw legacy is to be used to purchase the altar. £1,000. We need to make the order or submit the faculty then the money will be provided. It is not expected that the cost will increase.

g)HIM Report - refer to report.

  1. It was agreed that a living wage could be paid to Jo the cleaner.Amount agreed?? Ian to instruct Gordon about which DIY he should do and monitor the work that he does.
  2. The costs for decorating, heating and flooring in both the hall and institute were outlined and came to a total of £20,159 leaving a balance of £9,140. Out of this it is anticipated that curtains and blackout will cost approx. £4,000. Details about curtains and blackout are outlined in the report and PCC agreed to allow HIM to proceed with its proposals but not in excess of the amounts outlined. If costs exceed amounts stated then HIM must come back to PCC for approval.Some concern was expressed about the amounts spent and its source. The forces fund was mentioned which was a source of funding previously authorized for use by PCC. It is hoped that donors will come forward and sponsor the provision of curtains or blinds for one window each. No mention was made as to whether any sponsors had yet come forward.Now that both the institute and hall are up to standard it will be important to monitor any breakages or damage that occurs. [ACTION- HIM or newly formed properties committee to take this onboard]
  3. Janet and Anne(HIM treasurer) agreed to report HIM accounts to PCC but Janet would like all accounts reported on.


Training is in place and happening. Issues to do with bellringing and weddings were mentioned and need to be looked at. [ACTION – standing committee and bellringers?]


Drains in the garden are choked with weed and need sorting [ACTION]

10)Closing Prayer. Meeting finished at 22.08

Next scheduled PCC meeting is Monday 17thNovember 2014 – Please could reports & papers be sent to the secretary in advance of this date (please allow time for circulation and reading of the reports)

John Brady. PCC Secretary.

If you would like to raise any matters related to PCC business please contact the Secretary (or Chairperson – Rev Jo) prior to the meeting.

Secretary – John Brady 01905453005