Statement of Principles / 2
Part 1: The Discipline Code of Our School / 2 -12
Aim / 2
Outcomes / 2 -3
Rights and Responsibilities / 3
School Rules / 4 -5
Student Behaviour Requirements: / 5
Classroom / 5
Playground / 5
Travelling to and from School / 5
Excursions and Sporting or other Activities. / 6
Strategies for Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour / 6 -7
Homework Policy / 7 -8
Uniform Dress Standards / 8
Roles of Personnel Involved in Discipline / 8 -10
Consequences of Misbehaviour: / 10 -12
General / 10
Playground / 11
School Socials / 11
Mobile Phones and Personal Technology / 11 -12
Classroom / 12
Part 2: Behaviour Management Plan / 13-18
A. Strategies to promote good discipline and effective learning / 13
B.Practices designed to recognise and reinforce student achievement / 13 -14
C.The Level System / 15
Explanation of each Level / 16-18
/ 19-21
1 Terms re Harassment / 19
2 Reasons for Suspension / 20
3 Weapons Prohibited in Schools / 21
Flow Charts
/ 22-24
Placement on Warning Level
/ 22
Placement on Level 2
/ 23
Return from Suspension
/ 24


Above all else South Grafton High School has zero tolerance for any behaviour that is harmful to the wellbeing of others.

Our School Discipline and Welfare Policy comprises:

1The School Discipline Code;

2Strategies and practices to promote positive student behaviour and to maintain a climate of respect.

3Practices designed to recognise and reinforce student achievement;

4Strategies and practices to manage inappropriate behaviour.

The last three points represent our Behaviour Management Plan that supports the Discipline Code of our School.



To develop a school community in which all members accept responsibility for their own behaviour and where actions of all show concern for the rights and feelings of others. The policy is based on the concepts of procedural fairness, cooperation and partnership with parents and the community and the definition of the responsibilities of teachers, students and parents.

The Discipline and Welfare Policy of South Grafton High will reflect the principles and of the NSW Department of Education and Training as set by:

•Student Discipline in Government Schools (12/05/2006).

•Student Welfare Policy (11/06/1996)

•Student Attendance Policy (01/12/06)

•Anti-bullying Plan for Schools (28/01/2005)

•Internet and Email Serviced Usage in Schools (03/06/2006)

•Suspension and Expulsion of School Students (28/01/2005)

•School Uniform Policy (16/08/2004)

•Anti-Racism Policy (05/12/2005)

•Guidelines for Managing Drug Related Incidents in Schools (24/07/2000)

•Occupational Health and Safety Policy (31/08/2006)


As a result of implementing the South Grafton High School Discipline and Welfare Policy students will:

  • Show sustained application to learning and development of self-discipline.
  • Show respect for other individuals and their property.
  • Show courtesy to other students and to community members.
  • Act in a non-violent manner, free of discrimination, harassment, bullying or intimidation.
  • Not bring to or use weapons at school.
  • Abstain from illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Seek peaceful resolution of conflict.
  • Adhere to standards of dress determined by the school community
  • Show to, and receive from teachers and school staff, due respect.

To achieve these outcomes students will need to review and be familiar with the Rights and Responsibilities Statement outlined below


All people within this school community have rights, which students and staff must observe.

All students and staff have the responsibility to respect the rights of all people who work in our school

  • A RIGHT is something which belongs to you and cannot be taken away.
  • A RESPONSIBILITY is something you should do without being told.




1. / I have the right to be treated with understanding, respect and politeness. / I have the responsibility to treat others politely and with understanding and respect, regardless of individual differences.
2. / I have the right to achieve my personal best in all school activities. / I have the responsibility to be prepared to work to the best of my ability and to allow others to do the same.
3. / I have the right to be treated fairly for my behaviour. / I have the responsibility to learn and to practise self-discipline.
4. / I have the right to a pleasant and clean school. / I have the responsibility to help maintain a pleasant and clean school.
5. / I have the right to expect that my person and my property will be safe while at school. / I have the responsibility to respect and protect other people and their property.
6. / I have the right to expect the community and parents to be aware, appreciative and supportive of the school and my achievements. / I have the responsibility to act and communicate in a manner that will encourage the parents and community to recognise and respect school achievements.
7. / I have the right to a positive classroom environment. / I have the responsibility to maintain a positive physical and social environment within which we can all learn.

The School has a responsibility to ensure that the rights of individuals are not infringed. In order for this to occur the following core rules, which apply to all NSW Government Schools, will be strictly followed.

A student at South Grafton High School will:

  • Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.
  • Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform and dress code.
  • Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.
  • Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.
  • Treat others with dignity and respect.
  • Care for property belonging to themselves, other students and the school

Additionally a student at South Grafton High is expected to:

  • Use available learning time effectively – be on task and not to disrupt the learning of others.
  • Care for the environment, including plants and wildlife around the school.
  • Do nothing to damage the positive image and standing of our school in the local and broader communities.

Some Broad Guidelines on Behaviour Requirements:

  • Safety needs to be observed in and around school and at school activities at all times.
  • Obedience is expected to requests from staff and others in a position of authority.
  • Punctuality to the school timetable is required.
  • The following are prohibited in any way within the school or while students are under our duty of care: illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons and pornography.
  • Positive and respectful relationships are expected between all members of the school community.

The following personnel and programs (over the page) are available to all students who may be experiencing difficulties in the classroom or playground.

  • Classroom Teacher
  • Teacher on playground duty
  • Head Teacher KLA
  • Head Teacher on duty in the playground
  • Year Adviser
  • Head Teacher Welfare
  • School Counsellor
  • Peer Mediation program
  • Support Teacher Learning



  1. All students will have equal opportunity to learn free from disruption.
  2. Students are to enter a classroom, when directed to by their teacher, in an orderly manner; and promptly prepare for the lesson.
  3. Eating, chewing and drinking is not permitted in classrooms.
  4. Students will treat other members of the class, and the teacher, with respect, by not interrupting others and waiting their turn to speak.
  5. Homework will always be completed, unless a note is provided from a parent/carer to cover exceptional circumstances.
  6. When a class leaves a room, the room is to be left clean and tidy.
  7. Students are not to wear hats/headwear in the classroom.
  8. Students should only move around the classroom with permission.
  9. The lesson only ends when the teacher concludes it.


  1. All rubbish is to be placed in garbage bins.
  2. Students are to respect the rights of others to use playground areas.
  3. Students are to respect property of others and facilities provided by the school
  4. All games and activities will be conducted in safe manner.
  5. Students are to respond promptly to the bell.
  6. Students are to follow the directions given by the teachers.


Students are to avoid offensive, dangerous, illegal or threatening behaviour at all times.

Students travelling by bus:

  1. Students are to act safely, courteously and respectfully at all times when either waiting for buses or when travelling on buses.
  2. When catching a school bus after school, students are expected to wait in the allocated marshalling areas at the front of the school.
  3. No student is to move towards or board a bus until directed to do so.
  4. Students are to follow all directions given by teachers and bus drivers.

Students travelling on bikes:

  1. Students are to meet all legal requirements relating to bicycles, including wearing an approved helmet.
  2. Bicycles are to be secured near the Ag farm fence on the western side of the school. For OHS reasons bikes are not to be ridden within school grounds.

Students travelling by car:

  1. Vehicles dropping off or picking up students must do so away from the bus zones at the front of the school.
  2. Students driving themselves to and from school must park their vehicles outside the school grounds.
  3. A student driver must not carry a student passenger without first lodging the following information with the Principal:
  4. Registration and insurance details for the vehicle;
  5. Written permission from the parent/carer of the proposed passenger.
  6. Without the expressed permission of the Principal students are not permitted to use their vehicles during the course of the normal school day.


The care, safety and welfare of our students is of paramount concern. The School Discipline and Welfare Policy applies while students are on excursions.

  • Students are to follow instructions of teachers and other supervising personnel as required.
  • School uniform or appropriate attire is required. Class teachers will inform students of dress requirements when they receive excursion information.
  • Students who are excluded: No student on the Head Teacher Level, the Deputy Principal Level or Probationary Level, will be allowed to participate in any excursion (except those mandated, as part of the assessment program, by the Board of Studies), school socials, to represent the school in competitive, performance or community activities or to participate in audience spectator activities.
  • Any student while not on a current level, who on the basis of his/her behavioural record is considered by the supervising staff as a justified unwarranted risk, may be excluded, in consultation with the Deputy Principal, from participation in such activities.
  • Any student who has outstanding letters of concern in any subject will be considered to ineligible to represent the School in sporting teams or attend excursions, excepting those that are mandatory for student assessment. It is the responsibility of the subject that issued the letter of concern to notify the team coach/excursion organiser (at least one week in advance) of the ineligibility of the student.

NOTE: If a student who is representing the school is responsible for a deliberate and serious transgression of the school rules, then besides being suspended and placed on an appropriate Level etc. the student will not represent the school again for 12 months after the date of the offence school year.



All teachers

  • Warning and statement of expected behaviour.
  • A second warning, if appropriate.
  • Relocation within the room, possibly combined with keeping back after class an interview (with witnesses, if appropriate).
  • Implementation of Teacher Level and parent contact. This may include teacher-student interviews, RISC entries, consultation with HT, YA other support personnel and parents, positive behavioural modification and detentions.
  • Relocation out of class (to Head Teacher), with appropriate entry on the “out of class” slip.

Note Teachers should be supplied with a copy of their HT’s timetable.

Teachers must not leave students unsupervised outside classrooms.

If a student is removed form the classroom a RISC entry must be made

Head Teachers

•An informal HT interview and/or warning.

  • Placement on the Head Teacher Level of Discipline, with associated Conduct Book and lunchtime detentions as considered necessary. Failure to meet commitments of the HT Level will result in a student going to Deputy Principal Level
  • Further parent contact by RISC letter and phone up-dates.
  • Referral of student to the counsellor, HT Welfare

Deputy Principals and Principal

•An informal DP interview and/or warning.

  • Placement on the Deputy Principal Level of Discipline, with associated Conduct Book and lunchtime detentions, clean ups and loss of privileges and school representation. Failure to meet commitments on the Deputy Principal Level will normally (unless there are mitigating circumstances) result in a student being suspended for persistent disobedience

For more serious breaches the DP and Principal may use:

  1. Suspension.
  2. In-school isolation, where students attend no regular classes for a set time prior to, or is special situations an alternative to suspension.
  3. Further notification of parents, including the penalty being applied and the consequences of any further breaches e.g. placement on a more serious Level of Discipline. Parents may be invited to negotiate an effective process to improve situation.
  4. Compulsory counselling.
  5. Referral to the school Learning Support Team.
  6. Referral for placement in the Tutorial Centre
  7. Expulsion for serious repeat offenders against the school rules and the rights of others

If necessary, a case management team will be instigated, to develop specific strategies for students with more persistent and widespread problems.

At all times a student may be fast tracked to a HT or DP for a serious breach of our welfare and discipline code.

Once a student is referred to a higher discipline authority, the management of the student disciplinary process is entirely at the discretion of that person and their decision will be binding on all parties.


Regular homework is an essential part of the school’s educational program. As well as providing for both revision and extension of work done in class, it is intended to develop self-organisation and independent work habits in students.

Homework Responsibilities:

  • Teachers are responsible for establishing homework guidelines for their classes; for setting assignments and specific activities; for marking assignments and checking that activities have been completed satisfactorily.
  • Students are responsible for organising a regular home study program that allows them to complete homework tasks by a due date; for ensuring that set activities are done; and that regular revision of class work is done.
  • Parents are responsible for helping the student organise a quiet workplace and a workable home/study timetable; for checking that set homework activities are completed by the student and; for helping the student to find and use non-school information.

As a guide, students are expected to average the following time on homework/revision/ study each week night:

Years 7 - 8: ½ - 1 hour;

Years 9 - 10:1 - 2 hours;

Years 11 - 12: 2 - 3 hours.


All students at South Grafton High School are expected to wear the school uniform and to adhere to the standards of dress determined by the school community. It is the responsibility of all students attending South Grafton High School to wear the appropriate school uniform in a neat and responsible manner. All staff will encourage the wearing of school uniform and will enforce the school uniform policy. Students out of uniform on a persistent basis, without a valid reason, will be treated as a breach discipline. This will involve:

  1. Report to Head Teacher on duty for uniform to receive Uniform Pass for the day.
  2. For persistent cases a warning of persistent disobedience.
  3. Thongs, sandals and uncovered footwear, for occupational health and safety reasons, cannot be considered as acceptable footwear at school.
  4. Students in unsuitable footwear will be withdrawn form any classes where such footwear would pose an OHS risk.
  5. Students in inappropriate clothing will be withdrawn from all classes pending their parents being contacted to either provide replacement clothing or to take them home.
  6. Support may be available to help the student through the situation by using student assistance.

The decision not to wear school uniform does not rest with the individual student. Any decision not to wear the school uniform will be determined by the parent/carer in consultation with the Principal.



  1. Be prompt to class.
  2. Regularly attend school.
  3. Show respect to teachers, other school staff and other students.
  4. Any student out of class is to have a note.


  1. Be prompt to class.
  2. Responsible for classroom management and discipline.
  1. Provide adequate, relevant learning experiences appropriate to the abilities of students.
  2. Be sensitive to the welfare needs of students.
  1. Leave classrooms the way they were found.
  2. Issue notes to students leaving your class during the period.


  1. Oversee discipline within the KLA by supporting teachers within their KLA.
  1. Encourage classroom teachers to implement fair and consistent discipline within the classroom.
  2. Encourage their KLA staff to understand and follow school welfare and discipline policies.
  3. Support and encourage staff with student discipline problems.
  4. Conduct parent interviews.
  5. Make recommendations to Deputy Principals and Principal - for further appropriate action.
  6. Provide feedback to teacher on any actions taken with their students.


1Monitors attendance of students and provides feedback to parents and teachers

2Consults with the HSLO on the management of persistent school non-attenders

3Is responsible non-subject discipline issues that warrant a Head Teacher Level