Application form for 3Rs Stimulus Fund,2017
Submit this formno later than on 1 October2017to the administrative office of the Animal Welfare Body Utrecht ().maximum750words[1]
The aims of the 3V-Stimulerings fund are described as follows:
- Tostimulate small-scale research aimed at refining, reducing or replacing experiments on animals. These 3R methods may involve research or educational models. Preference will be given to methods that are relevant for many research groups and for which no other forms of support apply.
- To stimulate the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience with 3R models within one’s own organisation as well as with outside researchers, animal technicians, Animal Welfare Bodies and/or the Netherlands National Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes (NCad). It is also important that this knowledge be shared at symposia and congresses.
Attention must be paid to the above when answering the questions.
Project titleApplicant / Name, institute, department, postal address, e-mailaddress, tel. number
Duration / (start and end dates; duration no longer than 3 years)
Brief summary
(max 250 words)
Project description / a. problem analysis (proposal must show a clear improvement for laboratory animals compared to the current situation)
- provide a clear description of the problem or the current situation
b. objective and results
- describe the envisaged solution to the problemor the desired new situation
- explain the importance of the proposal for one or more of the 3Rs
- focus on the quality and innovative character of the proposal
c. plan of approach
- activity plan with detailed schedule planning
d. feasibility and risk management
- provide realistic explanation of the feasibility ofthe proposal, and/or
- anyuncertainties about its feasibility
- any risks
- are there go/no-go decision points in the plan?
e. projectorganisation
- the people involved with the proposal
- specify the expertise of the researcher(s)/others involved
f. plan forpublicisingresults (it is expected that the researchers present their results at relevant meetings, and/or publish them)
- describe how the resultswill be publicised
- describethe usability of the resultsoutside the research group
Finances / g. requested budget
- itemizedrealistic budget
- available/awarded funds from another source
- ongoing and/or approved requests for full or partial funding
- if a pilot project, any chanceof funding from other sources
If you have questions please contact the administrative office of IvD Utrecht 030 – 2531569;
[1] Not including the pre-printed text