H.S.S.G. [2018]No. 3

Shanghai Municipality Leading Group for Reform of Examination and Approval of Social Investment Projects

Noticeon Printing and Issuing Implementation Measures for Further Optimizing Business Environment and Deepening Reform of Water Supply and Drainage Access (trial implementation)

The people’s governments of various districts, the committees, offices and bureaus under Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, management committees of specific zones, other relevant departments:

According to the requirements of the state and Shanghai Municipality for optimizing the business environment, the reform of water supply and drainage access is an important factor. Therefore, Shanghai MunicipalHousing and Urban-Rural Development Management Committeeand Shanghai Water Authority, together with relevant departments, formulated Implementation Measures for Further Optimizing Business Environment and Deepening Reform of Water Supply and Drainage Access (trial implementation).After obtaining consent from municipal leaders, we hereby print and issue these Measures to you. Please implement them accordingly.

Shanghai Municipality Leading Group for Reform of Examination and Approval of Social Investment Projects

April 20, 2018

Implementation Measures for Further Optimizing Business Environment and Deepening Reform of Water Supply and Drainage Access (trial implementation)

In order to speed up theoptimization of business environment of water supply and drainage access in Shanghai, and further improve the efficiency, reduce the cost and optimize services, we’ve formulated these Measures according to the requirements of the state and Shanghai Municipality for optimizing the business environment and deepening reforms of the administrative examination and approval system, combined with the actual situations of Shanghai.

  1. Guiding Ideology

Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, constantly enhance the attractiveness, creativity and competitiveness of Shanghai in accordance with the requirements of the general secretary Xi Jinping, earnestly carry outImplementation Measures of the General Office of Shanghai Municipality People’s Government for Furthermore Deepening Reform of Examination and Approval of Social Investment Projects in Shanghai (“Implementation Measures”), go all out to promote thereform work of water supply and drainage access, andbuild best ever business environment.By further reducing the time limit, costs andprocedures, simplifying examination and approval, strengthening coordination and defining responsibilities, and improving the efficiency of water supply and drainage access and service level, we will provide strong support for our city to further create a legally governed, internationalized and convenient business environment and improve users’ satisfaction and sense of achievement.

  1. Object of Implementation

These Measures are applicable to the water supply and drainage access of social investment projects in Shanghai which apply for new installation and expansion services.

  1. Work Objectives

When the location of access point is finally determined and no design or construction change would happen any longer, for the purpose of water supply and drainage access projectin Shanghai, the construction project owner shall submit parallel application and carry out parallel construction. The access period shall be not more than 20 working days. The average access period shall be not more than 10 working days.

Where a user applies for tap water access, the user access without external works shall be completed within 5 working days, while the user access with external works and requiring road excavation shall be completed within 20 working days.

Where a user applies for drainage access, the user which does not belong to specific industries shall complete access within 1 working day, while the user which does belong to specific industries shall complete access within 10 working days.

For the purpose of these Opinions, specific industries refer to industry, construction, catering, medical services, livestock breeding, slaughter, hotel services with sterilization and drainage, scientific research with chemical experiment drainage, repair of trains, rail traffic vehicles and automobiles, etc.

IV. Main Tasks

(I) Optimize the process, and further improve efficiency and transparency.In accordance with the “merge mostly, streamline mostly, operate in different classifications" principle, the planning permission, afforestationpermission, road excavation permission, road-take-over opinions and other aspects shall be processedparallelly and operatedsynchronously.The examination and approval materials shall be streamlined, the processes of various departments shall be optimized, and quick channels for water supply and drainage accessshall be established. The handling time of each process shall be greatly reduced, and the time limit shall be defined and made public.

(II) Improve the mechanism, and further improve the level of management and service.The responsibility unit of each process shall be clearly defined.For qualified external works, the approval procedures must be processed on time. As the main body of user access project, water supply enterprises shall provide one-stop service for users, and conduct related procedures throughout the whole process to minimize the burden of users and construction project owners.

(III) Make efforts in reform and innovation, and further improve users’ satisfaction and sense of fulfillment.Relevant examination and approval departments and water supply and drainage departments shall get involved in advance, provide services actively, and disclose work flow and service specifications to facilitate users.Establish transparent and efficient work mechanism by means of information and credit management so as to provide support for optimized examination and approval service and supervision during and after the event.

V. Tap Water Access Work Flow

(I) Application for tap water access and reply to tap water access scheme

1.Accept solely application for tap water access

After receiving an application for tap water access, the tap water supply enterprise shall complete acceptance within 1 working day. Realize “one-stop window service, acceptance with presentation of only one certificate”and render “Internet Plus” online examination and approval and appointment on-site services to guarantee that the user “need go to the tap water supply enterprise one time at most”.Interconnect with “Shanghai Municipal Construction Projects Joint-Approval Sharing Platform” (hereinafter referred to as “Joint-Approval Platform”) to streamline examination and approval materials. (Responsible organization: water supply enterprises, duration: 1working day)

2.Reply to tap water access scheme

With respect to the user access without external works, the relevant water supply enterprise will, within 2 working days after accepting the application, investigate the tap water access project on site, design the tap water access scheme, prepare the budget and submit the contract text. (Responsible organization: water supply enterprises; duration: 2 working days)

With respect to the user access with external works, the relevant water supply enterprise will, within 4 working days after accepting the application, investigate the tap water access project on site, design the tap water access scheme, prepare the budget and submit the contract text. The water supply enterprises are encouraged to practice “customer service post responsibility system”, realizing whole-process internal coordination of meter installation and water access, and conducting related procedures of parallel examination and approval on behalf of several departments. (Responsible organization: water supply enterprises; duration: 4 working days)

(II) Administrative examination and approval

If the user access involves external works and road excavation is required, planning permission, road excavation permission and road-take-over permission must be obtained (if afforestation is involved, afforestation permission must also be obtained); if the user access involves external works but no road excavation is required, only road-take-over permission must be obtained.

  1. Accept application for construction

The water supply enterprises shall apply to various departments uniformly to conduct examination and approval procedures, and provide consultation services to the users initiatively. After receiving an application for gap water access, the relevant water supply enterprise shall deliver application materials to the planning, land & resources department, the transportation department, the road administration department, the afforestation department, the public security department and other relevant departments (if any), which shall conduct examination and approval procedures simultaneously and gradually realize whole-process examination and approval on Joint-Approval Platform so as to handle application materials for external works efficiently. (Responsible organizations: Shanghai MunicipalHousing and Urban-Rural Development Management Committee,Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, Shanghai Water Authority, Shanghai Administration of Planning, Land & Resources, Shanghai Administration of Afforestation and City Appearance, Shanghai Municipal Traffic Police Corps, Shanghai Road Administration Bureau)

  1. Grant planning permission

After receiving application materials, the planning, land & resources department shall, together with relevant competent departments, make coordination with roadside facilities and interested parties and issue planning permission within 5 working days. (Responsible organization: Shanghai Administration of Planning, Land & Resources; duration: 5 working days)

  1. Examine and approve road excavation plan

Timely arrange and adjust road excavation plan concerningtap water access. The road administration department shall, within 5 working days after receiving application materials, grant road excavation number to guarantee that the road could be excavated within 10 working days.(Responsible organizations: Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, Shanghai Road Administration Bureau; duration: 5 working days)

  1. Grant afforestation permission

The afforestation department shall, within 8 working days after receiving application materials, grant an administrative license for using green space temporarily. The mode of “move first, and then pay” is adopted for afforestation movement. The maintenance organization makes an inventory of nursery-grown plant and prepares budget, or the afforestation department issues a payment notice. The maintenance organization moves afforestation first, and the construction project owner makes payment with 5 working days (making payment is no longer the precondition of approval). The afforestation department shall be responsible for supervision and coordination.(Responsible organization: Shanghai Administration of Afforestation and City Appearance; duration: 8 working days)

  1. Issueroad-take-over opinions

The traffic police department shall, within 5 working days after receiving application materials, complete preliminary examination, on-site investigation and confirmation of traffic plan, and within another 5 working days, issue road-take-over opinions.(Responsible organization: Shanghai Municipal Traffic Police Corps; duration: 10 working days)

  1. Grant road excavation permission

The road administration department shall, within 5 working days after receiving application materials, complete preparatory work.The road administration department shall organize theconstruction project owner and the road maintenance organization to carry out on-site investigation, and issue a notice for paying pavement repair expenses. Theconstruction project owner shall make payment within 5 working days(making payment is no longer the precondition of approval). After receiving road excavation number and planning permission, the road administration department shall, together with the traffic police department, grant road excavation permission within 5 working days. (Responsible organizations: Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission,Shanghai Municipal Traffic Police Corps, Shanghai Road Administration Bureau; duration: 10 working days)

Where road-related construction involves traffic security, or pressure pipeline of water, gas or otherwise, according to relevant provisions, safety assessment must be conducted whenever necessary.

(III) Construction of pipeline and access to tap water

With respect to the user access without external works, the water supply enterprise shall install water meter and realize access to tap water within 2 working days. (Responsible organization: water supply enterprises; duration: 2 working days)

With respect to the user access with external works,the water supply enterprise shall complete external works, install water meter and realize access to tap water within 5 working days after obtaining road-take-over permission, road excavation permission, etc.The water supply enterprise shall define time nodes and persons in charge, reduce the time limit for procurement of goods and engineering services, lift the standardization level of materials and typical design, and unify technical standards and design standards so that materials could be interchangeable. Popularize new technology such as operation without cutting off the water supply, improve the flexibility of tap water access plans, and give priority to timely, barrier-free tap water access. (Responsible organization: water supply enterprises; duration: 5 working days)

VI. Drainage Access Work Flow

While conducting the procedures concerning design scheme and construction license, the users may, through “Joint-Approval Platform”, consultthe water affairs department about drainage scheme. The water affairs department shall also, through interconnection with “Joint-Approval Platform”, understand information about the users and initially provide consultation services to the users. Where there is external drainage pipeline access works, during project construction, the users may simultaneously apply for administrative licenses of planning, road excavation,road-take-over,afforestation, etc. The relevant departments shall conduct parallel examination and approval with reference to the provisions governing external works involved in tap water access.

After completing external drainage pipeline access works, the users shall apply for drainage access, which is divided into the following two circumstances:

(I) The users which do not belong to specific industries apply for drainage access

The water affairs departments at various districts shall provide the pipeline access services to the users on the same day. (Responsible organization: the water affairs departments at various districts; duration: 1 working day)

(II) The users which belong to specific industries apply for drainage access

The users apply to the competent drainage department fordrainage license. The competent drainage department shall complete the procedures of examination and approval within 10 working days, during which the water affairs departmentshall provide the pipeline access services to the users.(Responsible organization: the water affairs department; duration: 10 working days)

VII. Safeguard Measures

(I) Strengthening the leadership of the government. The Municipal Construction Commission and Shanghai Water Authorityshall work together with the Municipal Traffic Commission, the Municipal Planning and Land Resources Bureau, the Municipal Greening Bureau, the Municipal Traffic Police Corps, the Municipal Road Bureau, the water supply enterprises and other departments and units to establish regular notification, regular work meetings, assessment and supervision mechanisms, and coordinate and promote all the work.

(II) Improving the relevant supporting policies.After optimization and adjustment of administrative examination and approval procedures and work process, the relevant units shall, in accordance with the general requirements and time arrangement of these Opinions, timely formulate corresponding policies and documents, further clarify the management process limits of time, pre conditions for approval, update the corresponding guidelines, and prepare the model text of notification-commitment.

Thegovernment departments of outskirts are encouraged to further optimize administrative license concerning pipeline and road excavation and further shorten the time limit for processing water supply and drainage access.

(III) Strengthening the credit measures.Shift from emphasis on the pre-approval to emphasis onsupervision during and after the event, promote the establishment of industrial credit system coveringusers, water supply enterprises,and design, construction, supervision, examination and approval entities. Any behaviors of breaking commitments or practicing fraud will be recorded in credit archives and incorporated into the municipal public credit platform. Through inter-departmental joint disciplinary punishment, the cost of the offenders' violation and dishonesty will be lifted.

VIII. Date of Implementation

These Measures shall be put into trial use as of April 20, 2018 and is valid until April 19, 2020.

Appendices: 1. Tap Water Access FlowChart

2. Drainage Access Flow Chart


Appendix 1

Tap Water Access Work Flow

Remarks: 1.This flow chart is applicable to tap water access with external works and requiring road excavation. The access period is 20 working days.

2.With respect to the user access without external works, only application for tap water access, reply to tap water access scheme, construction of pipeline and access to tap water are involved. The access period is 5 working days.

Appendix 2

Drainage Access Flow Chart