May 23, 2007

Information Packets Contained:

Contents of Packets

  • Agenda (Attachment 1)
  • Director’s Report (Attachment 2)
  • Board Meeting Minutes for February 27, 2014 & March 27, 2014 (Attachment 3)
  • Audit Report (Posted on Agency Website)
  • Summary Financial Statements (Attachment 4)
  • Schedule of Expenses Compared to Budget
  • Head Start/Early Head Start Annual Public Report (Attachment 5)
  • Hazard Mitigation Plan (Attachment 6)
  • Policy Council By-Laws (Attachment 7)
  • Policy Council Minutes: February 19, 2014 (Attachment 8)
  • HS/EHS Dashboard Reports (Attachment 9)
  • Program Dashboard Report (Attachment 10)
  • Agency Financial Report Summary for March 2014 (Attachment 11)
  • HS/EHS Federal Financial Report Summary with Reports (Attachment 12)
  • Store Charge Report (Attachment 13)
  • Attendance, Meal, Enrollment Report (Attachment 14)
  • CACFP Spreadsheet
  • Ongoing Goals Progress Report (Distribute at Meeting)
  • Strategic Plan Dashboard Report (Attachment 15)
  • Program Instructions and Informational Memorandums

IM-Federal Oversight of Five Year Head Start Grants (Attachment 16)


The April 16, 2014 meeting was called to order by Isaac Scottat 5:15p.m. A quorum was present;

Policy Council Members Present:Sarah Schelb, Wanetta Tipsword, Wendy Padavich, Amy Johnson, Lizbeth Rodriguez, Isaac Scott, and Brandi Troche

Staff: Becky White, Tricia Shannon, Dorothy Stawiarski, Beth Salyars, Roger Pavey, and Pat Pollitz-Hall

Board of Directors Members Present: Maribeth Bousman


Beth Salyars, Center Supervisor, demonstrated a Gold activity called Great Big Golf. She explained what to do and the objectives. She showed different ways to play and how it would teach children to count, follow directions, and demonstrate gross-motor skills.

AGENDA APPROVAL(Attachment 1) (Action Taken)

Policy Council members unanimously agreed to approve theApril 16, 2014Agenda.


Tricia reviewed the Head Start Director’s Report with attendees.

Dashboard Report

The Head Start Program was fully enrolled at 533 with the average daily attendance of 94%. Of the 533 enrolled, twenty-two (22) are children with disabilities (with IEPs). The Early Head Start Program was fully enrolled at 72 with the average daily attendance of 92%. Of the 72 enrolled, five (5) are children with disabilities (with IEPs). For the financial period ending March 31, 2014, our non-federal match is at 52%.

Program Information Updates:

  • We have received approval from the Office of Head Start for our in-kind waiver in the amount of $450,353.
  • Tricia updated members on the Sequestration Restoration/COLA request that is due to the Office of Head Start by April 25th. Due to last year’s sequestration, 20 Head Start and 8 Early Head Start slots were lost. Tricia reviewed the funding that will be restored, and requested permission to submit the supplemental application, and to submit a Non-Federal Share Waiver in the amount of $77,380 which corresponds to the supplemental amount. Members unanimously agreed to submit the FY2014 Sequestration Restoration/COLA grant totaling $309,520 and to also submit a Non-Federal Share Waiver in the amount of $77,380.
  • The Early Childhood Iowa Scott County Kids applications for Lincoln 2, Grace FD, and EHS have been submitted.
  • Tricia discussed the common reasons for re-competition selection and the triggers from 2013.
  • Members were updated on current staff vacancies.


  • Board Meeting Minutes (Attachment 3): Members reviewed the Board Meeting Minutes for February 27, 2014 & March 27, 2014. Maribeth Bousman, a Board member from Clinton County, introduced herself. She has served on the Board of Directors for three years and is excited to learn more about Head Start.
  • Audit Report (Posted on Agency Website):Roger Pavey, Executive Director, presented the audit report. He explained that an audit is a way of showing how healthy of an organization we are.
  1. Summary Financial Statements (Attachment 4): Roger explained that assets are what we own, liabilities are what we owe, and net assets are what is left over. He also pointed out that we have no loans.
  2. Schedule of Expenses Compared to Budget: Roger described the approved budget versus the actual expenses.
  3. Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs: This is the report card. Roger presented that there were no findings and we are in good condition.
  • Head Start/Early Head Start Annual Public Report (Attachment 5) (Action Taken):The Head Start Act requires us to prepare an Annual Report to the Public, containing several required pieces of information. This report is a good way to show the public the variety of comprehensive services we provide. Members unanimously agreed to approve the report and post it on our website.
  • Hazard Mitigation Plan (Attachment 6) (Action Taken): Tricia explained that we are required to have this plan for Health and Safety purposes, but we also need it for our Quality Rating System, which Tricia went into detail about. Maribeth asked if the monthly fire drills are critiqued internally. Tricia explained that it is internal, but the fire marshalls also come in. Members unanimously agreed to submit this to the QRS panel.
  • Policy Council By-Laws (Attachment 7):Members reviewed and agreed that no changes needed to be made.


  1. Policy Council Minutes for February 19, 2014 (Attachment 8) (Action Taken): The minutes were reviewed and discussed. Policy Council unanimously agreed to approve the Februarymeeting minutes as submitted.
  2. HS/EHSDashboard Reports (Attachment 9): Tricia explained crisis protocol and how it helps areas get out of the red. She also made members aware of the first page, which shows that our current average is above the national average.
  3. Program Dashboard Report (Attachment 10):This report shows how we are doing overall as an Agency.
  4. Agency Financial Report Summary for March 2014 (Attachment 11): Head Start is in the green.
  5. HS/EHS Federal Financial Report Summary with Reports (Attachment 12):Tricia was excited to announce that we are on target with spending and ahead with in-kind.
  6. Store Charge Report (Attachment 13):
  7. Attendance, Meal, Enrollment Report (Attachment 14):
  8. CACFP Spreadsheet: Tricia explained how the monthly enrollment percentage is flexible.
  9. Ongoing Goals Progress Report (Distributed at Meeting): This is the same report that was distributed at the February meeting. The Self-Assessment is completed, but the goals have not been charted yet. They will be sent in the next packet and discussed at the next meeting.
  10. Strategic Plan Dashboard Report (Attachment 15): This report shows our goals as an Agency.
  11. Program Instructions (PI) and Informational Memorandums (IM):
  12. IM-Federal Oversight of Five Year Head Start Grants (Attachment 16):Tricia explained what this involves. No questions were asked.


Isaac was excited to announce that over 50% of the parents picking up their children at Fairmount Pines have been fathers.

Roger was also excited to announce that we will be partnering with Davenport Parks and Recreation this summer to help low income families afford multi-week dance, sports, aquatics, and theatre classes. Amy asked if there would be classes available for children with disabilities, Roger assured her there would be.


The next meeting date is scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, 2014, with eat and greet at 5:00 p.m. and the meeting to follow at 5:15 p.m.

Future Meetings for 2014:

August 20

October 15


Meeting was adjourned at 6:20p.m.

Approved By: ______

Policy Council Secretary/Treasurer