Termination of Research Associates and Post Docs (01-03-2012)

Reason / Responsible Party / Written Communication / Verbal Communication / Notes /
Performance Issues / Dept / -Dept works with HR Consultant to follow University guidelines re: corrective action. If warranted, Dept sends request for termination to HR Consultant for review and approval through HR chain.
-Once termination is approved, HR Consultant emails Dept and Dean’s Office which term code to use and BA/DA sends Position Data/Appointment form to Dean’s Office. / -Once termination is approved, HR Consultant preps Dept re: termination talking points.
-PI and BA/DA communicate the decision to the Research Associate or Post Doc. / -At the beginning of the corrective action process, HR Consultant asks for copy of most recent appointment letter to determine the amount of time left on the appointment.
-HR Consultant checks on visa status.
Staff Reduction due to loss of funding (includes PI leaving; grant not renewed; funding issues) / Dept / -Dept submits business rationale, org chart, and copy of most recent Research Associate or Post Doc appointment letter to HR Consultant.
-HR Consultant submits paperwork through HR chain for review and approval.
-Once reduction is approved, HR Consultant sends “layoff” letter to Dept.
-Dept sends copy of “layoff” letter and Position Data/Appointment form to Dean’s Office. / -If there is an issue re: paying out accrued vacation because of grant stipulations, BA/DA should consult with OSR.
-Once staff reduction has been approved, HR Consultant answers any questions from the Dept.
- The PI, BA/DA, and HR Consultant (if available) should be present when PI meets with the Research Associate or Post Doc. / -Staff should not be appointed for time beyond available funds.
-Reappointments may be for less than one year where funding restrictions warrant it. Additional documentation may be requested.
-Research Associate or Post Doc is eligible for a Leave of Absence at Large.
-HR Consultant checks on visa status.
Appointment expired; not renewed / Dept / -PI signs appointment non-renewal letter and gives it to Research Associate or Post Doc.
-BA/DA sends Position Data/Appointment form using code TER EXP with copy of appointment non-renewal letter to Dean’s Office. / -PI tells Research Associate or Post Doc at least two weeks prior (3 weeks if employee has 5+ years of service) to end of appointment that it will not be renewed. Longer notice period is encouraged. / -BA/DA uses talking points developed by HR to ensure all issues have been addressed.
-Research Associate or Post Doc eligible for Leave of Absence at Large.
Resignation / Research Associate or Post Doc / -Dept sends Position Data/Appointment form with appropriate code along with copy of resignation letter/email to Dean’s Office.
-See link for appropriate codes:
http://www.northwestern.edu/hr/hris/adminfunctions/codes/actionsreasons.pdf / -Exit interview may be conducted in the Dept or by HR Consultant at Research Associate or Post Doc’s request. / -BA/DA uses termination checklist to ensure all items are accounted for.
Leave of Absence (Medical/Family Care) / Research Associate or Post Doc / -Research Associate or Post Doc submits medical documentation and Request for Leave form to HR Leave Coordinator (Jonathan Kemler for Chicago; Monica Fenton for Evanston).
-HR Leave Coordinator sends confirmation of leave letter to Research Associate or Post Doc and copies HR Consultant and PI, BA/DA and Dean’s Office. / -Research Associate or Post Doc informs PI of need for a Medical or Family Care Leave. Ideally Research Associate or Post Doc requests Medical or Family Care Leave 30 days in advance of the need. / - If the Research Associate or Post Doc needs a medical leave beyond the 12 weeks afforded by Family Medical Leave and has exhausted all sick accruals, and the Dept cannot hold the position then the leave is considered a Leave of Absence at Large and is granted in 3 month increments with a renewal option not to exceed one year.
Leave of Absence (Personal) / Research Associate or Post Doc / -Research Associate or Post Doc submits the Request for Leave form signed by the PI to the HR Leave Coordinator.
-HR Leave Coordinator sends confirmation of leave letter to Research Associate or Post Doc and copies HR Consultant and PI, BA/DA and Dean’s Office. / -Research Associate or Post Doc discusses Personal Leave request with PI and gets approval before submitting paperwork to HR Leave Coordinator. / - Department operations will dictate whether the position may be held and for how long according to HR Leave of Absence policy.