EPSY 6113. Fall, 2016, Wooten Hall 214 1
EPSY 6113: Application of Developmental Theories in Research
Department of Educational Psychology, University of North Texas
Fall 2016—Wooten Hall214, Thursday, 5:30-8:20pm
Instructor:Dr. Wendy MiddlemissOffice: Matthews Hall 304H
Phone:940 369 8870Office hours: Monday andTuesday,
e-mail:* 9:30am -10:30am;
*please use UNT Email addressMonday and Thursday.
4:00pm to 5pm.
Text:Bornstein, M, & Lamb, M.E. (2015). Developmental Science. An Advanced Textbook, 7th Ed.New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis.ISBN-13:978-1848726116 ISBN-10:1848726112
Catalogue description. DFST 6113. Application of Developmental Theories in Research. 3 hours. Scholarly application of theory to research regarding growth and change across the lifespan, including an ecological perspective. A review of socio-historical influences on theory development as well as practical issues associated with operationalization of theories and their use in professional and research settings. Addendum: We will address issues of applied research and transactional research, exploring issues associated with quality of research questions, methods, results, and conclusions.
Course Requirements
Learning is facilitated by associations—associationsare facilitated by reading, thinking, and doing
Topical Application: Applying Developmental Theory to a Chosen Topic
Pick a topic regarding development that is something you would like to explore…. Something that will probably be part of your research topic later on in your program. It can be broad—the role of play in learning; it can be specific—how do toddlers use play in social contexts. The only specific is that your topic needs to be one that you enjoy and that piques your interest.
Now with that…. Each week: You will be asked to apply the chapter information to that topic by (1) reading the chapter; (2) finding a research article that ties your topic to the information in the chapter; and (3) draw connections to the research article. When you do this assignment, address these points:
- Assumptions within the current theory or adding to the current theory regarding the theoretical framework.
- How the research reflects information from the chapter. Research questions as they reflect the theory.
- Operational Definitions and Limitation/Approach used by the researchers in addressing questions and other options regarding research structure
- Methods that may lead to different questions, hypothesis, presumptions, or outcomes.
- Consideration of the nature of the research question, methodology, or results from framework of theory
Think through the connections, the role of the theory, what might be next steps, etc. Then:
Type up your points in hard copy, using APA style, etc., and turn in on line at the TurnItIn link in the appropriate week folder;
25 points for each completed; 12 required = 300 total points available
Engaging your Colleagues:
One time during the semester you have the opportunity to discuss your topic and research article with the class. Remember, although the class will have heard you talking about your topic, for this assignment, you will need to summarize (1) your topic; (2) the theory you are applying in the research; (3) the research; (4) your topic. The class is then responsible for engaging in conversation with you about the research and your topic in a manner that helps each of us think more about the material.
40 points for presentation and leading group; 10 points for participation in discussions through the semester.
Final Project:
Assessment of an Applied Research.
Steps to Construction of Applied Research Project or Program Criteria
For this project, it is the time to use all that you have learned both in regard to the course information and to your topic at hand. This task will ask you to take that information to construct a program, intervention, prevention, educational, health messaging… some sort of use of the information in that topic The project should (1) be based on theory and current research; (2) should have a specific, developmentally related objective, (3) be developed well enough to present as a research proposal to a funding source. This will require that you clearly and scientifically identify the issue and what about the approach will address the concerns. You must use theory, the language of the theory and research, determine what you propose to change—and then, if it is to change, how you will measure it. Then, end by stating what will be the positive benefits of completion of this program.
Formal Presentation of project/program as a proposal: 50 points
Written Summary: 150points[50 points for use of theory;50 points for quality of information and assessment]
Class Date / Readings toPrepare for Class / Assignments Due Dates
1 / Chapter 1.
Concepts and Theories / Topical Application Discussion
Note: Friday last day to add/drop class
8 / Chapter 2.
Culture in Development / Topical Application 9/8
Due to Turnitin, 9/6, 11:58pm
15 / Chapter 3.
Design, Measurement, Analysis / Topical Application 9/15
Due to Turnitin, 9/13, 11:58pm
22 / Chapter 4.
Developmental Neuroscience / Topical Application 9/22
Due to Turnitin, 9/20, 11:58pm
30 / Chapter 5.
Physical and Motor Development
Meena / Topical Application 9/29
Due to Turnitin, 9/27, 11:58pm
6 / Chapter 6.
Perceptual Development
Audra / Topical Application 10/6
Due to Turnitin, 10/4, 11:58pm
13 / Chapter 7.
Cognition, Intellectual Abilities
Mark / Topical Application 10/13
Due to Turnitin, 10/11, 11:58pm
20 / Chapter 10.
Parent-Child Relationships
Haemin / Topical Application 10/20
Due to Turnitin, 10/18, 11:58pm
27 / Chapter 9.
Temperament, Emotion…
Suzie / Topical Application 10/27
Due to Turnitin, 10/25, 11:58pm
3 / Chapter 8.
Language Development
Modesta / Topical Application 11/3
Due to Turnitin, 11/1, 11:58pm
10 / Chapter 11.
Peer Relationships in Childhood
Jessica / Topical Application 11/10
Due to Turnitin, 11/8, 11:58pm
17 / Chapter 12.
School/Community Influences
Shawn—Nov. 17 / Topical Application 11/17
Due to Turnitin, 11/15, 11:58pm
1 / Chapter 13.
Scholarship, Practice, Policy
Arielle—Nov. 17 / Topical Application 12/1
Due to Turnitin, 11/29, 11:58pm
8 / Presentation.
Final Summary / Paper and Presentation Materials
Due to Turnitin, 12/6, 11:58pm
December 15 / FINALS WEEK
Grading Scale: To earn a(n):
Arequires earning500 - 450
Brequires earning449 – 400
Crequires earning399 - 350
Drequires earning 349 - 300
F requires earning299
Important Dates:
9/13 Beginning this written consent of the instructor required to drop a course.
10/7Last day for student to receive automatic grade of W for nonattendance.
Last day to drop a course or withdraw from the semester with a grade of W for courses that the student is not passing. After this date, a grade of WF may be recorded.
10/8Instructors may drop students with a grade of WF for nonattendance.
11/7Last day to drop with W or WF. Last day to drop a course with instructor consent.
11/14Beginning this date, a student may request an Incomplete, with a grade of I.
11/23Last day to withdraw (drop all classes).Last day for an instructor to drop a student with a grade of WF for nonattendance.
SUCCEED AT UNT. The University of North Texas endeavors to offer you a high-quality education and to provide a supportive environment to help you learn and grown. And, as a faculty member, I am committed to helping you be successful as a student. Here’s how to succeed at UNT: Show up. Find Support. Get advised. Be prepared. Get involved. Stay focused. To learn more about campus resources and information on how you can achieve success, go to success.unt.edu/
PROFESSIONAL CONSIDERATION. College courses should be viewed as a preparation for your future career, therefore the expectation is that you will display such behavior in the classroom. You are not expected to agree with others, but you will need to respect their opinions during class discussions. In addition you are expected to come to class on time, turn your cell phones to silent and avoid side conversations during class time.
COURSE TECHNOLOGY POLICY. Refrain from using cell phones during class. Except for students who require audio recordings of course lectures due to documented learning differences, students are not permitted to audio record class without prior approval from the instructor. To maximize in-class learning, students are encouraged to use a pen/pencil and paper for note-taking. If you choose to use your laptop in class and are using it for non-course purposes that detract from the integrity of the learning environment (social media; watching movies, etc.), you will not be permitted to use your computer for the remainder of the semester. Staying focused will help you succeed!
RESPECT FOR OTHERS IN CLASS. The University of North Texas values diversity and individuality as part of advancing ideals of human worth, dignity and academic excellence. Diverse viewpoints enrich open discussion, foster the examination of values and exposure of biases, help educate people in rational conflict resolution, responsive leadership and prepare us for the complexities of a pluralistic society. As such, the University of North Texas is committed to maintaining an open, welcoming atmosphere that attracts qualified students, staff, and faculty from all groups to support their success. It is expected that students listen to and respect each other’s insights during class. During class sessions, students may be asked to work in pairs or small groups. It is expected that students will work in a collegial manner. Any problems or difficulties should be brought to the course instructor for resolution.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a "0" for that particular assignment or exam. Additionally, the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students, who may impose further penalty. According to the UNT catalog, the term "cheating" includes, but is not limited to: a. use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; b. dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; c. the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a faculty or staff member of the university; d. dual submission of a paper or project, or resubmission of a paper or project to a different class without express permission from the instructor(s); or e. any other act designed to give a student an unfair advantage. The term "plagiarism" includes, but is not limited to: a. the knowing or negligent use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; and b. the knowing or negligent unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
ACCEPTABLE STUDENT BEHAVIOR. Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The university's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including university and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. The Code of Student Conduct can be found at deanofstudents.unt.edu/conduct
ACCESS TO INFORMATION – EAGLE CONNECT. Your access point for business and academic services at UNT occurs at my.unt.edu. All official communication from the university will be delivered to your Eagle Connect account. For more information, please visit the website that explains Eagle Connect and how to forward your email: eagleconnect.unt.edu/
EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION & PROCEDURES. UNT uses a system called Eagle Alert to quickly notify you with critical information in the event of an emergency (i.e., severe weather, campus closing, and health and public safety emergencies like chemical spills, fires, or violence). The system sends voice messages (and text messages upon permission) to the phones of all active faculty staff, and students. Please make certain to update your phone numbers at my.unt.edu. Some helpful emergency preparedness actions include: 1) know the evacuation routes and severe weather shelter areas in the buildings where your classes are held, 2) determine how you will contact family and friends if phones are temporarily unavailable, and 3) identify where you will go if you need to evacuate the Denton area suddenly. In the event of a university closure, please refer to Blackboard for contingency plans for covering course materials.
RETENTION OF STUDENT RECORDS. Student records pertaining to this course are maintained in a secure location by the instructor of record. All records such as exams, answer sheets (with keys), and written papers submitted during the duration of the course are kept for at least one calendar year after course completion. Course work completed via the Blackboard online system, including grading information and comments, is also stored in a safe electronic environment for one year. You have a right to view your individual record; however, information about your records will not be divulged to other individuals without the proper written consent. You are encouraged to review the Public Information Policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws and the university’s policy in accordance with those mandates at the following link: essc.unt.edu/registrar/ferpa.html
STUDENT EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTION [SPOT]. Student feedback is important and an essential part of participation in this course. The student evaluation of instruction is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available at the end of the semester to provide you with an opportunity to evaluate how this course is taught.
DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION.The University of North Texas (UNT) is on record as committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodations" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of disability. If you are a student with a disability, your responsibility primarily rests with informing me of your need for accommodation by providing me with your letter from the UNT Office of Disability Accommodation.The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.
OBSERVATION OF RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS. If you plan to observe a religious holy day that coincides with a class day, please notify your instructor as soon as possible.
ASSIGNING OF AN INCOMPLETE.The grading system for the University of North Texas indicates a grade of “I” is a nonpunitive grade given only during the last quarter of the semester and only if the student is currently passing the class and has a justifiable reason why assignments cannot be completed on time. In addition, the student must arrange with the instructor to finish the course at a later date. Students requesting an “I” are required to sign a “Contract to Remove Incomplete” which states the specific assignments and their due dates required to remove the “I.” Only those students who experience some unforeseen major life crisis (e.g., emergency surgery, death in the family, newly diagnosed life-threatening illness) will be considered to have a justifiable reason that merits an “I.” Students who experience “normal” life events (e.g., time crunches due to other courses, employment, etc.) should go to the Registrar to drop the course as soon as it becomes evident assignments will not be completed by their due date. It is the student’s responsibility to drop from the course if it becomes necessary.