This event, unique in Spain, will be held on 13th and 14th February 2013 in the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Fycma), with the support of developing organizations and central, regional and local administration.

The main objective of the forum is to claim the strategic position of Spanish innovation as well as its international convergence.

‘Transfiere’ is the Second European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, which will hold its new edition on 13th and 14th February in the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga (Fycma), and will have the support of all the agents of Spanish I+D+i. The developing organizations and central, regional and local administration have in common the aim of converting this forum into an event of reference for innovation in Spain.

Launching of the second edition

For this event, Transfiere 2013 is calling on both university and non university research groups to provide information on their latest fields of research. To boost its participation in the forum there will be the support of the Conference of Vice-chancellors of Spanish Universities (CRUE), which will summons the university research groups by means of the RedOTRI (Network of Offices of Transfer of Research Results); the Public Organizations of Research (OPIS): CSIC, INIA, IGME, IEO, CIEMAT, ISCIII and INTA, will act similarly with all their research groups; finally, Fedit, Technological Centres of Spain and the Network of Technological Areas of Andalusia, Reta, will summons the present groups of research in their associate centres. It should be pointed out that registration for these groups is free. The Spanish Office for Patents and Trademarks will also contribute to the coverage of the event.

On the other hand, small and medium sized companies, science parks and technological centres, CEEIs (European Centres of Companies and Innovation), associations and entities interested in contacting with other firms to achieve new business opportunities are also called on as representatives of the technological offer. Entities such as the National Association of Spanish CEEI (ANCES), and the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE), and the Spanish Coordinator of Business Industrial Estates (CEPE) comply with their role of attracting to the forum SMEs and companies of its economic scope, interested in providing information on their fields of scientific research.

Nevertheless,‘Transfiere’ should not be without the presence of large major companies and SMEs that have a real demand of technology. To convene this business sector, the organization of the forum has the collaboration of employers and collective enterprises such as AMETIC, ETICOM, Genoma España, Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía and Málaga Valley. It also has the important support of CDTI, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and Malaga City Council.

As an innovation, the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) will announce the new edition of the forum through the main employers in the sector who will be present in ‘Transfiere 2013’: Food and Agriculture; Energy; Environment; Health, Infrastructures and Transport; Telecommunication; Tourism; Industry, and Services and Financing, encouraging those that had less representation in the last edition and strengthening those who have a great potential for development, such as Health, Food and Agriculture and Tourism. This encouragement is completed with the collaboration of the Chambers of Commerce and Confederations of Employers.

Those who are interested in participating in Transfiere 2013 can register on the event’s website: For two days they will have the opportunity of participating in agreed appointments with a prior agenda, using an online tool. These appointments will materialize in B2B encounters between supply-demand and supply-supply on 13th and 14th February.

Innovations in Transfiere 2013

The main objective of the forum is based on reaffirming Spanish innovation and competitiveness, as well as putting national research on an international basis. For this reason there will be collaboration from countries that constitute COTEC Europe together with Spain – Portugal and Italy – as well as South American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia, from which there will be firms with a real demand for Spanish technology. The International Association of Science Parks (IASP) will likewise distribute information to the science and technology parks internationally.

Data regarding the first edition

In its first edition, this multi-sectorial forum brought together in just one area more than 209 leading companies in the sphere of I+D+i, 36 Spanish universities and 360 research groups, and at the same time more than 1,200 research workers, registered employers and professional people in the sector. Their interaction generated 2,500 arranged appointments in a period of 14 hours and provided real business opportunities between the participants – university and company.

‘Transfiere’ is a unique area that is held in Spain to promote transfer and cooperation between the scientific and business sectors.

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