Fall 2011

Biology 101L: Biology and Society Lab

Section 63198

Friday: 2:00-4:45, Imiloa 103

Tentative Schedule

Website: www.wcc.hawaii.edu/facstaff/miliefsky-m/

Month / Date / LAB /


Aug / 26 / 01 /

Introduction, Lab Safety, Metric Measurements

COMMENTS: This lab introduces you to the upcoming lab topics. We'll spend some time finding out about you and will provide essential orientation information including attendance, participation, assignment deadline and grading standards.

Sep / 2 / 02 /

Microscopy: Cell structure and function, osmosis

COMMENTS: Learn to use a microscope properly, study diffusion, study cells, make a cheek cell slide

Sep / 9 / 03 / Bird Lab: Making Bird Observations
COMMENTS: You are going to learn to identify all of the bird species commonly seen on WCC’s campus. As part of this exercise, you'll also learn how to take proper field notes. Part of the time will be spent outdoors looking at the birds to hone your identification skills. The assignment generally involves your making a set of observations on the birds.
Sep / 16 / 04 / Biodiversity
COMMENTS: In class, we'll work on how to properly evaluate biodiversity collections (like zoos, aquaria and botanical gardens). We'll take these skills outside for an exercise. You're homework assignment involves applyingthe criteria to one of Honolulu's biodiversity collections.
Sep / 23 / 05 / Biome Lab
COMMENTS: Learn about the different biomes of the world.
Sep / 30 / 06 /

Plant Lab/Geocaching Project

We will identify plants on campus, leaf shape, flower parts, and hunt for different types of fruit at the market.

Oct / 7 / 07 /

Plankton investigation

COMMENTS: A plankton tow will be brought in to lab to observe plankton under the dissecting scope and to identify marine organisms.

Oct / 14 / 08 / Classification & Marine invertebrates & Vertebrates
COMMENTS: Learn how to classify animals. Animal collection samples will be available for view.
Oct / 21 / 09 / Field Trip: Hydrologic cycle: Waihee Tunnel
COMMENTS: Time to go underground and learn where our drinking water comes from.
Oct / 28 / 10 / Food and Fisheries; Reef Check Intro
COMMENTS: Do you know what do other people eat? Are you missing out on something? We'll be looking at food and trying to place it in a larger context. We'll start with a contest and see if you can stump your Instructor by bringing some exotic fruit or vegetable.
Nov / 4 / 11 /

Fisheries Management Exercise

ncep.amnh.org/marine_simulation/; Reef Check Field
COMMENTS: Manage a local shoreline fisheries.
Nov / 11 / Veteran’s Day Holiday
Nov / 18 / 12 / Forensics
COMMENTS: Time for a "who done it"! How does your knowledge of biology help you solve crimes?
Nov / 25 / Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Dec / 2 / 13 / Epidemiology
COMMENTS: The process of population growth and the spread of expanding populations is an important phenomenon. We encounter it with the spread of disease. There are lots of other times when we run up against rapidly expanding populations.
·  Last day to drop with a “W” grade: Oct. 25