Potential Cabin Time Questions


  1. How do you like camp so far?
  2. What are you looking forward to most this week?
  3. Why did you decide to come on this trip?
  4. What has been the most surprising thing that happened today?
  5. What did you think of the speaker’s talk tonight? Did any illustration hit home with you?
  6. What is your first impression of camp?
  7. What is one thing that you hope to do this week?
  8. What is one thing you are glad you left behind to be here?
  9. What do you want most out of life?
  10. Are you a chance taker, or do you play it safe?
  11. Tell us about a time you took a chance and did something risky.
  12. What are you looking forward to at camp?
  13. What is your favorite… desert, movie, music group, TV show, cereal?
  14. What is one place you would like to visit? What is your dream vacation?
  15. Who lives in your house? Describe your family.
  16. What do you and your friends like to do?
I. Person of Christ
  1. How does what you've heard tonight compare with what you've heard or thought about Jesus in the past?
  2. What do you think of when you think of Jesus Christ? (Any mental pictures?)
  3. What do your friends at home think about God?
  4. If Jesus walked in here tonight what would you like to ask Him?
  5. What would Christ have to do to convince you of who he is?
  6. How would most people at your school answer the question "who is this man?" How would you answer it?
  7. What do you think about the statement; "Jesus is God in the flesh?"
  8. Did you hear anything new or different about Christ tonight? How does this compare to what you’ve heard in the past
  9. What is your impression of Jesus Christ now? How would you describe him?
  10. Who do you think Jesus Christ is? Why?
  11. What is the relationship between Christ and God?
  12. What qualities do you see in Christ’s life that makes him unique?
  13. Do you think God is interested in you? Why or why not?
  14. How do you feel about what the speaker was saying about Jesus Christ?
  15. How do your friends at home view God?
  16. What qualities do you see in Christ that make him unique?
  17. What is your impression of Jesus Christ?
  18. If Jesus was not God, who was He?
  19. What would Christ have to do to convince you he was God?
  20. If you were God, how would you communicate with people on earth?
  21. What did you learn about Jesus today?
  22. What are you trusting to save your life?
  23. Who do you relate to most in the talk tonight? Why?
  24. Who do you depend on most right now for love and acceptance?
  25. Share a scar you have on your body. How did you get it?
  26. What does your family believe about Jesus? Do you agree or disagree?
  27. If you were to meet Jesus what would you ask him to do in your life?
  28. To think about or write down:
  29. What kind of person am I on the inside?
  30. What’s inside of me that I could never tell anyone because they wouldn’t accept or like or love me?

Matt. 8:26; John 1:14; John 6:18; John 14:6,7,8,9; Col. 1:15-20

II. Sin
  1. What one need of yours would you want Christ to take care of if He offered to do so?
  2. Is it right to say, "All people have sinned?"
  3. What is Sin? (What are sins?) What is the difference?
  4. If you were God, whom would you allow into heaven?
  5. What do you think about the statement that Jesus can relate to everything that you and I have experienced?
  6. How do you feel about what the speaker said tonight?
  7. Why can't we be good enough for God?
  8. Why would God give us rules that we cannot keep?
  9. If God loves us why can't he accept us as we are?
  10. What does God want from you?
  11. What is sin? Actions or attitude? What’s the difference?
  12. What evidence of sin do you see in the world, at school?
  13. How does sin affect our relationship with God?
  14. How good do you have to be to go to heaven?
  15. If you were God, who would you let into heaven?
  16. Is it right to say that all people have sinned?
  17. Do you feel any of the incompleteness that the speaker mentioned in the talk?
  18. What is sin?
  19. How good do you have to be to get into heaven?
  20. Why can’t we be good enough for God?
  21. What scars do you have on your soul?
  22. Why does our sin condition mean we have “no chance” with God?
  23. Did you hear anything tonight that was new for you?
  24. If you were God, and you put all this together, how would you feel about the way people live? What would you do?
  25. What’s one thing that you see people do to others that really makes you mad?
  26. How does sin affect the situation you said you were glad to leave behind when you came to camp?
  27. How did the speaker define sin? How is that different from what you have heard before?
  28. Why is sin a problem for us?
  29. What do you (use ‘your friends’ if they are not very open) rely on to make you feel good?
  30. If God loves us why can’t he accept us the way we are?
  31. To think about or write down:
  32. What is the center or most important thing in your life?
  33. Does it love you back? Will it last? How long?

Hebrews 4:15; Mark 10:17-30; Romans 1:18,19; 3:10-12,23; 6:23; Isaiah 53:6;

59:1-2; I John 1

III. The Work of Christ-Cross
  1. Why did God allow a perfect, innocent man to endure such punishment and death?
  2. How could Christ's death on the Cross change your life?
  3. Why is it hard to believe that Christ loves us so much that He would die for us?
  4. Who would you die for? Who would die for you?
  5. What do you think about the statement: "Jesus died for you?"
  6. If Jesus died for me does this mean that I am automatically O.K. with God? Why or why not?
  7. What do I have to do to make this death count for me?
  8. What did you think about during your 15 minutes?
  9. How do you want to respond to Christ's dying for you?
  10. How did God take care of the sin problem?
  11. What did you do during your 20 minutes?
  12. Why did Jesus come to this earth?
  13. Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?
  14. What new thing did you discover about God? What does it mean to personally that Jesus dies on the cross?
  15. What did you learn about Jesus tonight?
  16. Why was it necessary for Christ to die?
  17. Is there anyone in your life that you would be willing to die for?
  18. Do you think Jesus was an unwilling victim of his execution or that he went willingly?
  19. What does the phrase, “He died in my place”, mean to you?
  20. Although Jesus died for everyone, his death does not automatically apply to each person. Why not?
  21. What do I have to do to take advantage of the results of Christ’s death?
  22. How do you think Christ’s death has dealt with the problem of sin?
  23. For this one it might help to have them restate the main points of the talk… i.e. What are some of the things you heard the speaker say tonight?
  24. What are some ways someone could respond to his love? What is your response?

I Peter 2:24; Romans 5:8

IV. Appropriation-Commitment
  1. What is your definition of a Christian?
  2. How can someone have a personal relationship with God?
  3. Can a person be sure they know Christ? How?
  4. What does the word believe mean to you? (Believing about vs. Believing in?)
  5. What would prevent you from becoming a Christian?
  6. In what way is becoming a Christian sort of like getting married?
  7. What do you think about the fact that Christ rose from the grave?
  8. Why is it so difficult for you/others to believe in Jesus?
  9. If I wanted to commit my life to Jesus Christ what would you tell me to do?
  10. What happens to me when I give my life to Jesus?
  11. How can Christ’s death change your life?
  12. What does God want most from you?
  13. What does it mean to have a relationship with Christ?
  14. What does it mean to make a commitment to Christ?
  15. What did you think about during your time of silence?
  16. What must we do to be rescued by Jesus?
  17. What are the consequences of refusing this opportunity?
  18. Why do some people refuse to be rescued?
  19. How does a person become a Christian?
  20. What would you say to God if you could say anything to him?
  21. What new thing did you discover about yourself today?
  22. What did you learn about Jesus Christ today?
  23. What would change if Jesus was the center of your life?
  24. If Christ is inviting you to “come home” to him, where are you in the process? Driving away from his house? Parked across the street, waiting and wondering, Ringing the doorbell? In the house raiding the refrigerator?
  25. If you were at the cross Jesus died, where would you see yourself in the picture: As a skeptical soldier, waiting to see Jesus prove himself? As a curious spectator, wondering, “who is this man?” As the angry thief, mad because God hasn’t made things different for you? Or as the believing thief who called on Christ to remember him?
  26. What will change when you get home?
  27. What is stopping you from turning around toward God?
  28. What are the costs and benefits in following Christ?
  29. Why is it so important that Christ raised from the dead?

John 1:12; 3:3, 16; Rom. 10:9-10; Matt. 11:28-30; I John 2:3-4

Wrap-up / Review

  1. What is one thing that you are most thankful for this week?
  2. Share what this week has meant to you?
  3. How would you define a Christian after this week? According to your definition, are you a Christian? If yes tell us when and how?
V. Personal Questions
  1. What is the thing you like the best about yourself?
  2. What would you like to see changed about yourself?
  3. What area of your life gives you the most problems?
  4. Are you satisfied with the way things are going for you at home, school, with friends, work?
  5. What one thing are you best at doing?
  6. What would you like to do if you had no limitations?