Assumption Convent Primary School

25 August 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians

It is indeed a very busy week at Assumption Convent Primary School. The school is a buzz of activity in preparation for the big Walk and inter house athletics meeting.

Thankfully the Catholic Schools’ Music Festivals have come and gone and we can look back at two very successful functions. Both our Senior Choir and Junior Revue group were marvelous and they made us very proud to be associated with Assumption.

Well done to our choir and revue members as well as their choir mistresses and choreographers, namelyMrs Swanepoel, assisted by Ms Du Preez and Mrs Du Bruyn for the Senior Choir and Ms Enos, assisted by Ms Coetzee for the Junior Revue group.

We are indeed very greatful to our Lord for blessing us in such a marvelous way!


Statements have been sent out. Please control these statements and let Mrs Todd know if there are any problems.

Please remember to settle this month’s school fees on or before 7 September. Parents who have fallen behind on payments are urged to bring these payments up to date in order to secure a place for their child at this school next year.

Thank you once again to all parents who diligently honour their financial commitment to the school. It is sincerely appreciated.


Preparations for this event are in full swing and everyone is very excited about it. As you know by now, this super-exciting event is due to take place next Saturday 3 September. The money has been coming in very nicely and we are currently standing at R85 000! We would like to thank each and every child, with their parents/guardians, who has so far made an effort to collect money on their donation forms

Currently Grade 3E is in the lead, neck and neck with Grade 3T in second place. Regrettably there are learners who have not yet made any effort to collect any money and we would like to urge them, as well as their parents, to please assist us in this project so that we can make a huge success of it. In the end, the benefits derived from this initiative will filter through to all learners in the school.

Remember that we would like each learner to collect R500 on their list. There is still one week to go, so let’s make a serious effort to collect this amount before 3 September! Bear in mind that this is our only fund-raising activity for the entire year.

Some learners, especially the younger ones, bring money to school without it having been recorded on the donation sheets. Please make sure that ALL money donated towards the Big Walk is recorded onto the donation sheet. All donation sheets MUST be handed in before 09:00 on the morning of 3 September. Please note that if a donation sheet is lost an amount of R500 will have to be charged.

Registration starts at 08:00 sharpon Saturday 3 September and the walk starts at exactly 09:00 until 11:00.

Parents and visitors who would like to take part in the walk are most welcome to do so. Registration will cost R50 per person. Students from Assumption Convent who have brought in at least R100 will be allowed to take part in the Big Walk for free, and those learners who have not brought in at least R100 WILL HAVE TO PAY THIS AMOUNT, (or pay in additional money to make up the amount of R100) on Saturday, should they wish to take part.

Various spot prizes will be awarded during the walk, to participants. Medals will then be awarded to winners in the various grades as well as to visitors. PLEASE REGISTER ON TIME so as to avoid delays.

The rest of the day will be spent on games for the whole family – and yes, also a chilli eating contest – as well as waterslides, jumping castles and a few other surprises...

Should we meet our target of R200 000 on 3 September, the whole school will be treated to a fun day of water games, slides and other fun activities, compliments of the school later in the year when it is nice and warm. It has to be mentioned again that only children who participated in this fund raising drive will have the privilege to enjoy free waterslides on this day.

Among all the positive things happening at school and the excitement in the air, it is very disappointing to say that our seniors (Grade 6 and 7) students are very reluctant to take part in this drive and some of them are flat out refusing to take part. It is particularly disappointing if one considers that these are our current and future leaders in the school who are supposed to set the example, and we are actually saddened by this negative attitude...

Moving on to the positive though - delicious giant Hamburgers and home-made Boerewors Rolls as well as cold drinks, sweets and chips, pop corn and candyfloss will be on sale throughout the day.

We will also be running a cake stand and tea garden and parents are requested to please donate cakes for this. Thank you very much to all those parents who have already pledged something for the tea garden. The response so far has been overwhelming!

Parents, please help us to make a huge success of this day by attending, buying our food etc, taking part in the Walk and also in helping your child to raise funds on his/her donation form. In the end, all our learners benefit from the money being raised and at the same time they also get something back in return. We can only make a success of this effort if we have the co-operation and support of our parents such as we have had countless times in the past!

We have had a query earlier this week from parents who wanted to know if it would be permissible if they have a small braai during or after the Big Walk. Unfortunately this cannot be permitted as we need a special permit due to the safety risk involved with so many people in close proximity to each other. The school will; however, be braaiingboerewors and hamburger patties during the function; so there will be enough delicious, freshly prepared food to buy on the day.


Tomorrow, we will have our annual Inter-house athletics meeting during school time. Although students do not need to bring their book cases to school on this day, it is still an official school day and ALL students should attend.

Students may dress in the colours of their teams, i.e. Rosaria (red), Assumpta (Green) and Garner (Yellow).

Good luck to our athletes and may the best team win!

TOP 10

Congratulations to the following top 10 academic students per grade for term 2:

Grade 4

1.Ohlotse Mthembu






7.Zinhle Dlamini

8.Tsebo Matebesi



Grade 5




4.Jaron Titus

5.Siphokazi Pete


7.Jordan Collett



10.Joy Mohoboko

Grade 6


2.Thierry Mosupye

3.Marie Mulumba








Grade 7



3.Naledi Malotle





8.Didintle Mogotsi


10.Khumo Modiselle


  • The days are getting warmer and learners who wish to wear summer uniform may do so. You will be notified when the wearing of summer uniform is compulsory.
  • The Tuck shop will be selling Wors Rolls tomorrow at R15 a piece.
  • In response to a question we’ve received regarding ordering of food for the Big Walk, please take note that unlike in the past, the Hamburgers AND the Boerewors Rolls will be prepared by the school and not the Tuck shop, and for that reason there is no need to place orders for the food.

Thank you for helping us make Assumption Convent a school to be proud of! Enjoy your weekend.

Kind regards

M. Enos (Principal)