Forms of Government Web Quest

Introduction There has been a series of wars around the United States. 5 new districts have been created. People in the former United States are at risk of compete destruction.

You have been chosen by your district leaders to try and develop a government that will allow your district to prosper and prevent attacks from Canada or other form districts
Which form of government would create a place where your community would want to live? What is it like to be a citizen under that form of government?

The Task You and your team are now part of a very important mission! You will decide on the type of government that suits your community best. Each team member will investigate a different form of government: democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, and communism.
Your jobs are to discover the pros and cons of each form of government. You will gather important and detailed information to share with your team.
After coming to a consensus, you and your team will write a plan stating why you chose that form of government and why you did not choose the other three.

The ProcessStep 1:
First you'll be assigned to a group of 4 students.
Step 2:
Within your group, you will be assigned one form of government to study individually.
a. Dictatorship – 1st member
b. Monarchy - 2nd member
c. Communism –3rd member
d. Democracy –4th member
Step 3:
You will now use the links provided to gain more information about your form of government. Use this time wisely as this may be your only opportunity to do this research. For help with new words, use the dictionary.
Dictatorship Article
Adolf Hitler
Fidel Castro
British Royal Family
Danish Royal Family
PBS Kids
United States State Dept.
History of Communism
Mao Zedong

Step 4:
To record your research, use the T Chart to list pros and cons of your form of government. Save the T Chart. You will need at least 3 pros and 3 cons. This chart will be shared with your team.
Step 5:
At your team meeting you will share your research. While other members share their research, you are responsible for recording 3 facts you learned about other forms of government. Use the Chart for recording your facts. T-Charts must be turned in for a grade
Step 6:
Based on the information you have gathered, you and your team will create a plan to explain to your community what form of government system will work the best show the community. Your team will submit the plan to me. You will need to provide support to why you choice the system you did. 1 Sentence is not enough support for the government system you picked or for the reasons you did not pick to other system. Remember the survival of your community depends on a government supported by the people.

1-2 / Developing
3-4 / Accomplished
5-6 / Exemplary
Written Pan / Your argument is not based on factual information.
It was not convincing to the audience because no examples were given. / Your argument is based on little factual information.
It was not convincing enough because there were few examples given . / Your argument is valid and somewhat convincing.
You gave some specific examples in your PowerPoint. / Your argument is valid and very convincing.
You gave many specific examples in your PowerPoint.
T Chart
Students will research their form of government and record four pros and cons. / Your T Chart is not based on factual information.
It contains only one pro and/or one con. / Your T Chart is based on little factual information.
It contains only two pros and/or two cons. / Your T Chart contains factual information.
It contains only three pros and/or three cons. / Your T Chart contains factual information.
It contains four or more pros and cons.
How well did you work with others. / You did not cooperate with others. You did not contribute information. / You cooperated and contributed only a little bit. / You
cooperated well with others but did not contribute a lot. / You worked extremely well with others and contributed a lot of information.