Rose Hill Middle School2017-18

PTSA Membership & Student Directory Form

Please Print Neatly – Only 1 form per household

Welcome to Rose Hill Middle School! We feel thatevery family is valuable

to the school community and contributes to helping our school programs thrive.

Please consider making a financial donation ordonate your time towards the success of these important programs. All donations and memberships can also be made online

Student Directory Information:
[If there is directory information you wouldnot like included, leave it blank.]

Parent/Guardian Name(s):______


Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Parent's Primary Email: ______

Parent’s Second Email: ______

RHMS Student’s Name:______Grade:______

RHMS Student’s Name:______Grade:______

All students will be listed in the directory unless you have completed a LWSD Privacy Information form.

Parents, Guardians and RHMS Staff Members are invited to support students & our school programs by joining our RHMS PTSA: $15 (single) or $30 (family) membership. As a benefit of Membership, you will receive the Student Directory.

I Want To Join!

$15.00 for Singlemembership: $ ______

$30.00 for Familymembership: $ ______


Our goal is 20K this year!

The suggested amount is $50.00/student, but any and all donations are welcome and put to good use! PTSA donations support: Grants for Teachers, Emergency Prep Supplies, Student Programs and CommunityEvents.

Tax Deductions: The RHMS PTSA is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax-deductible as provided by law. Some companies will match the cost of your membership.

Yes, I’m able to support our students and school with my“PASS THE HAT”donation of: $ ______

My employer, ______has a Matching Funds Program and will match my donation. I will submit this donation online with my employer.

TOTAL SUBMITTED (Check Payable to “RHMS PTSA”): $ ______

What the Rose Hill Middle School PTSA Provides You

Our role as a PTSA is to enhance and assist in the education of our students, build community among families, and support and strengthen the teachers and all programs offered at RHMS.

We appreciate that even teachers and staff join the PTSA!

The PTSA donates time and money to:

  • Reflections Arts Program – a local, district, state and national student art program
  • After-School Enrichment Classes offered – A School Play this year!
  • Education Enrichment in the form of “Mini Grants” available for teachers to improve their classrooms
  • Teacher Moral Boosters

The PTSA sponsorstheseCommunity Building programs:

  • Tuesday Principal Chats – Parents & guardians are invited on the first Tuesday of each month from 9:15-10am in the school library to ask questions and participate in discussionson current school topics with Ms. Bowser, our Principal
  • PTSA Meetings with special speakers in November, January, March, and June.Please come!
  • Back-to-School BBQ on Tuesday, Sept 26, 2017 from 5-7pm in the Commons
  • Pancake Breakfast with a fun pancake toss for the whole family on May 11th, 2018
  • Family Days at major sportingevents
  • Tech City Bowling event
  • Moving Up Reception for 8th grade students and their families onJune 18th, , 2018

The PTSA provides services through financial or hands-on support:

  • Emergency Preparedness supplies are procured, organized and maintained to care for all RHMS staff and students in case of an emergency
  • Scholarship assistance for students to participate in activities, field trips, and to cover lab/class fees
  • Volunteer support for hearing/vision screening, school photo days, netbook distribution and collection, and parking lot safety
  • Staff appreciation breakfasts and events quarterly and the first week in May
  • Chaperones for ASB dances and movie nights

Check out our website ( for all the ways to supportand engage in the RHMS community and to sign up to volunteer.

Thanks for helping promote Royal Pride!