Meeting of September 29, 2005Action Agenda, Item 2(g)Page 2-1


RATIONALE: Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5, Management of Domestic Incidents has directed that all Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, and local governments must work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity. To accomplish the above, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) developed and issued NIMS, as its national incident management tool, to provide a comprehensive and rational approach to incident management, applicable to all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines.

Additionally, the Federal government has determined that for state and local government entities to be eligible for FY 2006 grants and reimbursement of expenses incurred during a declared emergency or disaster, it is essential that the NIMS concept be adopted. It has been determined by the Federal government, under HSDP – 5, that universities, colleges, and school districts must meet the NIMS requirements, and become NIMS compliant by September 30, 2006. In order to become fully NIMS compliant, the College must incorporate NIMS into existing training programs, incorporate NIMS into the College’s emergency plan, train various level of College management on the NIMS concept, and adopt a statement of support (resolution) of the NIMS concept.

RECOMMENDATION:The College is authorized to adopt the National Incident Management System resolution. The College is further authorized to comply with the NIMS requirements.

AGENDA ITEM:Policy____Award of Bid____Budget Amendment____Purchase Order____


ACTION OF BOARD:Approved____Disapproved____Withdrawn____Accepted____



Secretary to the Board

Meeting of September 29, 2005Action Agenda, Item 2(g)Page 2-1



WHEREAS, Homeland Security Presidential Directive / HSPD-5, 28 Feb 2003established the National Incident Management System (NIMS); and

WHEREAS, the NIMS establishes a single, comprehensive approach to domesticincident management to ensure that all levels of government across the Nation have thecapability to work efficiently and effectively together using a national approach to domestic incident management; and

WHEREAS, the NIMS provides a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, andlocal governments to work together to prepare for and respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of the cause, size or complexity; and

WHEREAS, the NIMS provides for interoperability and compatibility among Federal,State and local capabilities and includes a core set of concepts, principles, terminology and technologies covering the incident command system, unified command, training, management of resources and reporting; and

WHEREAS, beginning October 1, 2004 all Federal departments and agencies shall makeadoption of the NIMS a requirement, to the extent provided by law, for providing Federalpreparedness assistance through grants, contracts or other activities to local governments;

NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Miami Dade College Board of Trustees hereby adopts the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as its system of preparing for and responding to disaster incidents.

ADOPTED this ____ day of July, 2005, by unanimous action of the Board.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have set out hands and caused the seal of the District Board of Trustees, Miami Dade College, Florida, to be affixed on this date.